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Posts posted by Ram1988

  1. 15 minutes ago, atherstoneram said:

    There would be no settling the bill with them later,it would be straightaway,if we couldn't pay then they would file for liquidation.

    The problem is do we have any faith in their ability or conduct? something needs to change


  2. 9 minutes ago, Rev said:


    Even if we could find another court appointed Administrator, we'd still need to settle Quantumas bill so far, and then find the money to pay whoever stepped into their shoes, while starting the entire process again.


    The problem is the longer they are in place the more their bill will continue to raise and the chance of liquidation will increase. I'd rather get them out and settle a bill with them later.

  3. 13 minutes ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

    pulling out at christmas, using social media to tear the arse of anyone he chose afterwards, pulling out of Preston, out on the piss the night before his meeting over the stadium.  That showed me plenty from the get go and during.  The handling of this has been criminal for weeks

    He is nothing more than a tyre kicker, had us all on for months with no intention of going through with the deal.

  4. 29 minutes ago, Boycie said:

    I can’t see anything other than ask the blummin MP’s and councillors to put pressure on Q.  
    Trouble is though, every meeting they agree to is allegedly adding to Q’s bill. 

    Ridiculous isn't. We need to put pressure on removing quantmel and bringing in some administrators who knlw what they are doing.

  5. 13 minutes ago, Boycie said:

    Tensions and feelings are running high at the moment, but I agree they really do have a lot of questions to answer.

    What can we do as fans to get answers and demand conversations take place?

    March? take over twitter ? we need to do something co-ordinated as a fan base.

  6. 1 hour ago, Shaftesbury st said:

    I think a march is pointless now the season is over, Quantuma aren’t even in the city and never have been.


    What I think is a good move is to dirty their company name, get it trending because their future business depends on getting this through too, they fail and who’s going to touch them again?? 


    So any tech nerds out there get it trending 




  7. 11 minutes ago, IslandExile said:

    Everyone keeps quoting Ashley's £28 million.

    BUT it was reported that Ashley wants the stadium as part of the deal. So what is left of that 28 million will not cover the required percentage to the creditors - hence the Administrator's stance - and will, furthermore, result in the 15 points deduction.

    (I do not know if that reported figure or Ashley's demands are true or not. I am just basing it on what I have read on here and elsewhere.)

    I can't see how 28 million works if it involves Pride Park. Surley it needs be more like 40 if he wants PP included? Unless MM does him a cut price deal.

  8. 10 minutes ago, Millenniumram said:

    So Quantuma finally speak. Only 4 days late. Good to see they’re talking to other parties now, we’ve given Kirchner long enough.

    What happens when he doesn’t make the 5pm deadline though? (And he definitely won’t). Don’t like this whole “satisfactory evidence” thing. The administrators seem as easily duped as Mel, we don’t want Kirchner pulling the wool over their eyes again tomorrow with more false promises. I’ve just lost all faith in this process to be honest. It’s an utter shambles, has been from start to finish. Incompetence all round, I have no trust that Quantuma will ever see this club out of admin.

    If Steve Morgan is interested, I’d be straight on the phone to him. Proven funds, and less of a bamford than Ashley. Might be able to do a reasonable deal with him that will satisfy all parties.

    I hope that Steve will offer a package which avoid a minus 15. If he does we have shake his hand and get the deal done ASAP


  9. 9 minutes ago, DCFC1976 said:

    I’m struggling to be positive about a potential Ashley takeover. With his wealth he could have bought us in December prior to selling all our better players and we could possibly have added to the squad to give us a better chance of staying up?! I know he buys failing businesses for the lowest price but surely the outlay (even in December) would have been minimal if we then got promoted to the Premier League and what the value of the club would have been then?

    Well said. I don't think MA cares about us as a club at all, just wants to buy a team at a knock down price to have a stadium named sports direct arena

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