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Posts posted by Ram1988

  1. 1 hour ago, Carl Sagan said:

    You'd be playing Forsyth out of position as a centre half, Dobbin out of position as a LWB and Sibley out of position as the second striker!

    The point of Fozzy at LWB is we can be more defensive on one side allowing NML to be more attacking on the other.

    I could get behind this, but I thought we looked better on Tuesday when we went to a 4231 again.

  2. On 09/10/2022 at 18:43, Heisenberg said:

    They are incredibly slow to retrieve the ball we’re in a losing position and it’s quickly needed. 

    Was quite noticeable yesterday.

    Especially when Rammie had to end up kicking it back to their goalkeeper with it rolling all but 1 yard!

    We could really do with 13/14 year olds who are able to read the tempo of the game instead of small children.

    Rammies efforts were pathetic when we was chasing the game...

  3. 16 minutes ago, uttoxram75 said:

    Ive had time to calm down and tried to look at some of the refs decisions with a bit less passion. When you're at the match watching it live you can get caught up in the theatre of it all and allow your love of your club get in the way of seeing it from a fair perspective.

    Having watched as many highlights and clips as I could find, I must admit that the cheating barsteward was worse than I thought.


    Robbery it was !!


  4. 12 minutes ago, Ghost of Clough said:

    In back 4 - Knight, Oduroh or Chester

    In a back 5 - Knight, Oduroh, Mendez-Laing or Barkhuizen 

    My money is on Mendez-Laing.

    It will be interesting to see how we set out that is for sure. Right back is deffinalty the area which concerns me.

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