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Posts posted by Ram1988

  1. 5 hours ago, MauritianMonsta said:

    Agreed - especially in Warne's preffered 3-5-2 - he could flourish at CAM - sounds like Warne wants some more wing backs and number 10's

    I presume he wants us to play more of a 343 if he wants two number 10's or maybe be 3412? As a 352 doesn't really utilise number 10s

  2. 31 minutes ago, B4ev6is said:

    Wrong side of 30 but I would have him back too.


    30 minutes ago, deanoakaram4life said:

    I don’t think a strikforce of May (29) and Winnal (32) is what I’d consider a threat


    28 minutes ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

    Always injured, so I'd be surprised if he was the player we had on loan.  The loan was cut due to injury.  Pay as your included in the squad maybe.   

    He wouldn't be signed as our number one centre forward but as a hard working squad option who wouldn't demand to play every game. Maybe sentiment is kicking in as I was a big fan of his when he was on loan with us.

  3. 3 hours ago, jimtastic56 said:

    I am getting worried. He did not look impressed at the” lap of appreciation “with his family when 80% of fans could not be bothered to stay behind . He has been in talks with Warne for weeks. We need 80 odd goals next season for automatic and a lot of our players can’t hit a barn door.

    I am getting a little concerned too. He has no agent so if he was happy with the deal on offer wouldn't he of signed by now? I think he may well be wanting to go to Notts County as his boyhood club. 

  4. 1 minute ago, jimtastic56 said:

    Seems like most of us agree. But are we building a team round Collins or McGoldrick , 2 very different players . The sooner McGoldrick signs , the better . Warne has been after him to sign for a few weeks now.

    I agree, we need to get him signed up ASAP. Signing another centre forward may help this if playing too many games/cup games rumour is true. If not we will need another CF either way.

    Players I'd mention are resigning Roberts, Regan Poole, Sunny Bradley and Ben Osborne. 


  5. 32 minutes ago, jimtastic56 said:

    Just listening to Eric on Radio Derby . He thinks we need around 7/8 players. That is a massive re-build. I do agree with him in saying - we need players that want to play in the position they are selected for and are experienced in that position. The biggest worry is the age old one . Where are the goals coming from ?

    I think 7 or 8 sounds about right. Our squad was a bit thin last season and we have already released Davies, Stearman and Chester. While Dobbin, Roberts, White, McGee and Springetts loans have all finished. So that's already 8.

    A couple of CBs, a couple of wing backs, a ball winning CM and CF being key. Then another couple of squad players.

  6. 1 hour ago, B4ev6is said:

    Were would everyone like to go for pre season this season.

    Me personal I would not mind going to lower leagues games that not been to before.

    Such as heanor town as my old college was right next to it.

    Or would not mind belber town as not been there yet.

    But were else would you guys like to go.

    Hopefully we can face some teams in the football league at least. Not sure how much we could find out about our players and systems against Heanor or Belper. I have no idea what league Heanor are even in.

    Notts County, Sheffield Utd, Coventry City would all be good shouts for me.

  7. 13 hours ago, Dean (hick) Saunders said:

    Doesn’t Billy Sharp hate Derby fans?

    (Too old anyway if we keep didzy… the sort of player too that when pace drops off will be not much use for the Warne Ball style)

    I thought the same, but Paul Warne appears to fan of his from the comments he's made about him in the past. Plus when if he scores goals for Derby anything which has been said in the past will be forgotten.

  8. 6 hours ago, simmoram1995 said:

    Rumours I’ve heard 

    CB - Robertson joining on a free 

    CB - Flint like the original poster has already signed 

    DF/ MF - Hamer from burton 

    CM - Wing has met Warne 

    rumoured to be after Saki from Crystal Palace on loan 

    RW Ogbene from Rotherham for a small fee 

    LW / FW Warne has gone to scout Rodrigues and Langstaff today + winger a chesterfield 

    CF - Warne has held talks with Billy Sharp ( according to Ben Osborn ) 


    I can't see Billy Sharp wanting to join Derby. Although McGoldrick could be a big pull for him.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

    He mentioned it in the interview the club put out today, said he’d shown one around that day (tues/Weds as it was the same day they agree Fozzy’s extension) and had another coming in on Friday with more likely over the coming weeks. It came across as not that they were guaranteed to sign, more that Warne is on the charm offensive. I took him to mean whoever the players are, they’re interested to a point and Warne is showing them the facilities and what his plans are for the team next season in order to convince them to join. 

    I think it's positive that he's using his people skills and man management to show players what we have here and what they could have being part of this club. I have no idea who they could be though.

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