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Posts posted by Ram1988

  1. 7 minutes ago, DCFC1388 said:

    I would go with Morrison & Baldock in the first 4. As long as we have 2 cbs in for the 1st game with backup in Fozzy thats ok, but we need a backup for CKR too.

    I think Allsop will be in when a GK goes so make no difference to numbers, Mengi probably 1 of the 10 too

    I agree. Which two cente backs would you go for though? 

  2. 5 hours ago, Rammy03 said:

    I said this all through last season. Doesn't matter what manager we have, they're set up to fail. We can't keep blaming managers. It's the man at the top who put us in this mess and nothing will change until he is out of this club.

    I totally agree. At the moment who ever is the manager is set up to fail under these circumstances. I mean how can any manager be competitive without a senior centre back?

  3. 47 minutes ago, DCFC1388 said:

    ? to be honest I knew exactly what you meant by it, a back up CF is more important than a back up winger which I agree with

    I agree with this as well, we do need some coverage up top. I was only throwing Aluko's name in out the mix of the current trailists I feel he is versatile than Baldock (as I thought he had played as a CF occasionally in the past as well as out wide).

    Let's see if we get linked to any other fowards.


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