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Posts posted by Ram1988

  1. 11 minutes ago, jono said:

    Thanks Mucker. I am not on Twitter so from the link it will only let you read so much before it fills your screen with “log in to read more” the STFC response seems to come straight after the knob’s comment. … Anyway apologies if due to all concerned .. except aforementioned knob. 

    It seems from some posts here that we have a presence in the home end. Just behave please. It’s a game, wait till we win it, get home, and then Shout your mouth off (with apologies to B Cloughie esq ) 


  2. 16 minutes ago, Boycie said:

    It’ll be Derby University. I’ve said it prior, they’ll step in.

    Would they have the money to do so? if so I would 100% get behind this. Or Toyota if they wanted to.

  3. 8 hours ago, Big Trav said:

    Don’t expect anything this week. Told nothing is directly in the pipeline as of this morning. Told LR is waiting for some ‘exciting’ players and working out who’s available and who isn’t. Told it’s also fully going to be loan deals from now unless something similar to collins comes up. Players like Oko-Flex who are on the peripheries of first team squads are the players we want. 

    Any sign of a right back?

  4. I don't think we need a massive overly bloated sqaud with many more additions. I'd much rather a smaller squad which is more tightly knit. 

    On new additions a new right back is a must and maybe another attacking option would be nice. If something happens to Wildsmith we may need another GK, but after that I feel we are sorted.

  5. 1 hour ago, Ambitious said:

    On Todd Kane, it’s no surprise that Coventry don’t want him. 

    I’m no fan of Cyrus Christie, but all things considered then he’s probably the most sensible option available unless we can do something in the loan market.

    No one really stands out, Norton-Cuffy is a good prospect but probably has Championship interest. Not sure if there’s an experienced player available for loan. Ramsey who has just joined Liverpool from Aberdeen too.. again, not sure what they have planned for him but probably not League One football. 

    Tough position to recruit for, especially with our restrictions, so we will need to be creative. 


    Deffinalty. We are desperate for a right back to free up Knight to play further up. 

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