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Posts posted by Ram1988

  1. 39 minutes ago, Kokosnuss said:

    Are you using Knight as the RWB in that Formation? Can Roberts (not really an overlapping LB) or Forsyth (getting on a bit) be relied on to perform at LWB? Doe we waste Barkhuizen there?

    Who would we play in that position in a 352? Knight is the best we have but far from ideal. This is presuming he plays the same way he goes with Rotherham.

  2. 3 hours ago, Ghost of Clough said:

    Wilks would make sense. Did very well for Hull in L1 but struggle for form in the Championship last season. Another who can play across the front three positions, mostly RW. Competition for NML, leaving Barkhuizen and Dobbin to battle it out on the left. Left footed too, so offers something different to our other wide players.

    Harrison is a RB, so we probably don't think Oduroh is ready yet.

    A right back surely is a must? allow Knight to play further up the field.

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