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Posts posted by Ram1988

  1. 1 hour ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

    Replied to a Derby fan 2 days ago saying we were still interested after earlier denying Barry’s claim we’ve bid £500k. 
    So in summary, their local journo says we were interested and still are, but we haven’t bid £500k….could be the figure he’s disputing rather than an actual bid as other posters have speculated 

    Hopefully as I feel May would be a solid addition to our foward line.

  2. 1 hour ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

    I’m hoping in the time since Warne’s interview was recorded further conversations have been had and negotiations concluded meaning it’ll be a couple more in this week. I like the idea that the bulk of the squad will be together as early as possible in preseason to give them the best chance to gel as a unit. No idea who though. 

    I also think we’ll see Bielik’s move away confirmed early in the week.


    I agee. It would be good if we could get the majority of our business done before pre season. If we can get a centre forward in then at least the core of our sqaud will be starting to come together.

  3. 17 hours ago, dingleram said:

    I've watched him a few times at Donny and he might well fit into a Warne system, loads of energy, doesn't stop running and could play off a target man (if we sign one), he did really well with John Marquis. Also, his Mrs is from near Donny so might want to move back up there - it's a nice area contrary to popular belief! And it's not a bad run down to Derby from there, I've got a feeling Warne will make this happen

    I hope so. I think he is a Paul Warne type of player just a question of how how much they want for him?

  4. 4 hours ago, jimbobram said:

    I think dobbin will be so much better this season. He’s got that natural ability to glide past players. I think after a month or 2 of reflecting on his finishing, working on it in pre season, he will be a real player in league 1 this year 

    I agree, getting Dobbin back would be massive.

  5. 1 hour ago, Smyth_18 said:

    Realistically it seems we now have a squad of about 16. Which means we will still need around 7 signings.

    I have discounted Knight as he is likely leaving. Thompson and Oduroh likely to be out on loan.

    We seem to fit a 3-4-3 Formation as it stands;

    Wildsmith (Vickers)

    Forsyth (Rooney)

    Bird (Smith)

    Barkhuizen (Sibley)


    Loach not in the matchday squad.


    Most signings will likely be squad players. The big positions for me for nailed on starters would likely be a couple of strikers/ attacking players now.






    My starting 11 would be the same (presuming Knight is off). If he stays then obviously he comes into the team.

  6. I think we have to be realistic on the amount of players we will be bringing in. I do feel we need another 6 or 7 though.

    A couple of centre backs and couple of forwards being priority. I also feel if we are playing wing backs we also need at least another versatile wing back at least.

    Ideally three more centre backs, a couple more wing backs, a centre midfielder with a physical presence and a couple of forwards.

  7. 8 hours ago, Millenniumram said:

    Get in! Now this is the statement of intent I’ve been waiting for! Season tickets renewals will be through the roof at this news.

    In all seriousness, this is good news. It’s difficult to find a goalkeeper happy to be third choice, but Loach seems a top pro and a great character to have around the club. I’m sure he’s great around the younger goalkeepers coming through too.

    Well said. He sounds like a great professional to have around the club and always speaks well. It will be also important for squad cohesiont to have good characters to stay at the club in a summer when there will be many new additions.

  8. 2 hours ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

    I wonder if the plan is to use NML as more of an out and out striker this year, he’s got pace, a physical presence, can finish. Still offers the flexibility then if Warne changes the shape to shift him back out wide or as a 10 behind a central striker as he finished the season, rwb if desperate. He was one of our better performers at times last season so hope Warne can find a way to keep him in the side and firing.

    I agree with this. He can play as a centre forward in a 352 or for me me he is best as an inside forward in a 343. I am sure Paul Warne will utilise both formation at times.

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