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  1. Clap
    Miggins got a reaction from David Graham Brown in What’s the vibe   
    It was ever and thus! ?
  2. Clap
    Miggins got a reaction from David Graham Brown in What’s the vibe   
    Realistically I feel the same and I suspect 99% of fans do as well. But a lot can happen in the next 8 months so let's hope for a successful EFL outcome and takeover and a season where we at least manage to stay up. My hopes are not high but I'll continue to whistle in the dark at least up until the end of September!
  3. Haha
    Miggins got a reaction from jimtastic56 in What’s the vibe   
    Not a happy, optimistic bunny, I take it? ?
  4. Clap
    Miggins got a reaction from jimtastic56 in What’s the vibe   
    Mel has been wanting to sell for the club for the last 2 years Right now there are more than 2 buyers with good credentials at the table. Mel said he had been looking forward to the meeting and for some reason hasn't been able to put his side of the story but has had to endure the abuse. He said it was a relief to be able share with the people present. He asked everyone to get behind the club as protests etc at this time might be off putting for potential buyers if they saw the fans turn against the owner. NDA was one of the first questions but by the end of the meeting Jim understood the reasons for it.  Wayne was not discussed as the manager was not within the remit of the meeting. Hope this helps. Jim talked for about 10 minutes and gave a very thoughtful view of what had been said which I know @David will do later.
  5. COYR
    Miggins got a reaction from jimtastic56 in What’s the vibe   
    Realistically I feel the same and I suspect 99% of fans do as well. But a lot can happen in the next 8 months so let's hope for a successful EFL outcome and takeover and a season where we at least manage to stay up. My hopes are not high but I'll continue to whistle in the dark at least up until the end of September!
  6. Cheers
    Miggins got a reaction from jimtastic56 in What’s the vibe   
    I feel as though I have a better understanding of the situation but I feel sad. Hearing Jim Wheeler speaking this morning  on Radio Derby brought home the 'human' side of the problem and I felt sorry for Mel, Wayne and the players. 
  7. Cheers
    Miggins reacted to RadioactiveWaste in What’s the vibe   
    My hope is something like a spirit of definance takes route and against all odds we start making a real fist of it. I think that'd help a lot, especially after the end of last season where everything was pulling us down like quicksand.
    Still, it's played on grass not internet forums, and, I'm quite often wrong about football.
  8. Like
    Miggins got a reaction from 48 hours in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Absolutely understand all the posts on this thread and sympathize with you all. My sister has an adopted son who is now 31. As well as issues with being adopted he also has all sorts of problems connected with his cerebral palsy and not all problems are physical. He has especially low self esteem. He is only about 5'2 and now weighs about 13 stone. He is pretty much immobile won't go out of the house. He has a job but works from home and never goes out and meets anyone. He won't use a wheelchair. I know that all he desperately wants is to be normal and to have a wife and children, which I guess he knows he is unlikely to ever have. He went to university but had to come home after a year because of mental health problems and serious self harming. He is an alcoholic and has been diagnosed as having borderline personality disorder. I think that sometimes cerebral palsy affects mental as well as physical disability. You just don't know which part of the brain has been affected. My sister is on anti depressants to take the edge off her anxiety. For a while we were trying to find answers to help him, but eventually you have to confront the fact that there are no answers and you are faced with a damage limitation situation and you have to find a way of dealing with the situation calmly and pragmatically so it doesn't impact your own mental health.
    I appreciate all the brave folk who have posted on this thread. We are not alone. ?
  9. Clap
    Miggins got a reaction from archram in What’s the vibe   
    Realistically I feel the same and I suspect 99% of fans do as well. But a lot can happen in the next 8 months so let's hope for a successful EFL outcome and takeover and a season where we at least manage to stay up. My hopes are not high but I'll continue to whistle in the dark at least up until the end of September!
  10. COYR
    Miggins reacted to jono in What’s the vibe   
    In the pre season I saw enough to give me hope. I am worried about the lack of cover and scoring options but I am looking forward to Saturday far more than I looked forward to a game when we were lost in the Pearson system. Things can only get better as long as we avoid a points deduction 
  11. Clap
    Miggins reacted to Sheff Ram in What’s the vibe   
    Possibly the most unreal feeling to the start of a new season ever. Usually, for me, it's blind (and unrealistic) optimism.  This year I don't know what to think. We've been written off by the bookies, been the subject of a feeding frenzy in the press, most of which contain no new news or anything we didn't already know.
    For me it's the start of possibly one of the most critical and interesting seasons I've faced as a supporter of out beloved club. I go into this season thinking if we manage to stay up that will be a colossal achievement.
    I'm trying to be positive. We have some good players. If we can make a decent-ish start, do add to the squad and get the best out of it, I'm optimistic we can survive. 
    What is for certain, this will only be helped if we support the club we love and stick together as a fan base and don't descend into infighting amongst ourselves.
    And tap into the bunker mentality and prove all the naysayers wrong.
  12. Like
    Miggins reacted to RadioactiveWaste in What’s the vibe   
    Everything I heard so far from last night doesn't make me think it's going to be fine.
  13. Haha
    Miggins got a reaction from RadioactiveWaste in What’s the vibe   
    Not a happy, optimistic bunny, I take it? ?
  14. Clap
    Miggins got a reaction from Ellafella in What’s the vibe   
    Mel has been wanting to sell for the club for the last 2 years Right now there are more than 2 buyers with good credentials at the table. Mel said he had been looking forward to the meeting and for some reason hasn't been able to put his side of the story but has had to endure the abuse. He said it was a relief to be able share with the people present. He asked everyone to get behind the club as protests etc at this time might be off putting for potential buyers if they saw the fans turn against the owner. NDA was one of the first questions but by the end of the meeting Jim understood the reasons for it.  Wayne was not discussed as the manager was not within the remit of the meeting. Hope this helps. Jim talked for about 10 minutes and gave a very thoughtful view of what had been said which I know @David will do later.
  15. Like
    Miggins got a reaction from ariotofmyown in What’s the vibe   
    Mel has been wanting to sell for the club for the last 2 years Right now there are more than 2 buyers with good credentials at the table. Mel said he had been looking forward to the meeting and for some reason hasn't been able to put his side of the story but has had to endure the abuse. He said it was a relief to be able share with the people present. He asked everyone to get behind the club as protests etc at this time might be off putting for potential buyers if they saw the fans turn against the owner. NDA was one of the first questions but by the end of the meeting Jim understood the reasons for it.  Wayne was not discussed as the manager was not within the remit of the meeting. Hope this helps. Jim talked for about 10 minutes and gave a very thoughtful view of what had been said which I know @David will do later.
  16. Like
    Miggins got a reaction from Ellafella in What’s the vibe   
    I feel as though I have a better understanding of the situation but I feel sad. Hearing Jim Wheeler speaking this morning  on Radio Derby brought home the 'human' side of the problem and I felt sorry for Mel, Wayne and the players. 
  17. Clap
    Miggins reacted to Sparkle in What’s the vibe   
    I will support the team regardless of anything 
    the club situation will sort itself out but we have no control over that and can’t speed it up 
    the youngsters will need some serious support this season and hopefully we can actually bring in Davies and Jagelka to help with that whilst Forsyth and Shinnie have some serious grand parenting to do on the pitch. 
  18. Like
    Miggins reacted to Ellafella in What’s the vibe   
    Are you referring to the aftermath of the Meeting with MM?
    If so, I’d say all optimism has drained and realism has replaced it.
    I don’t believe there’s any good news.
    We need to get behind the players and WR because they’re going to need our support more than ever. 
  19. Like
    Miggins reacted to Day in Supporters Charter Meeting Questions   
    Quick update: I have just left the meeting which is still ongoing otherwise I would miss the last train.
    A decision was made not to release minutes for this meeting in the end, but I am free to get a write up out to you all as soon as I can. 
    I do not have a laptop with me and would prefer to wait until tomorrow once I’m home and can go through all the notes.
    I will aim to have it ready to post on the forum tomorrow.
    Please do not bombard me with questions across the forum by mentioning me, PM, DM or text if you have my number.
    I don’t want to be putting bits and pieces out there all over the place.
  20. Sad
    Miggins reacted to Archied in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Does he have any drug issues? This is another very misunderstood area where people are self medicating which then worsens the problem for them but they are easily passed off as scuzzers not worthy of help,
    long story short , my brother suffered for years , was on methadone , we helped as much as we could but he would go off grid for long periods we would contact police to go round and check ,, after Christmas we chased the police again to check , turns out he had died 1 and a half years ago , they never contacted us or family , buried him in a paupers grave ,,, 
    disgusting from police Scotland , tried official complaints route , waste of time , managed to get a piece in the papers in Scotland to show the way drugs issues are being handled in Scotland 
  21. Like
    Miggins got a reaction from LeedsCityRam in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Absolutely understand all the posts on this thread and sympathize with you all. My sister has an adopted son who is now 31. As well as issues with being adopted he also has all sorts of problems connected with his cerebral palsy and not all problems are physical. He has especially low self esteem. He is only about 5'2 and now weighs about 13 stone. He is pretty much immobile won't go out of the house. He has a job but works from home and never goes out and meets anyone. He won't use a wheelchair. I know that all he desperately wants is to be normal and to have a wife and children, which I guess he knows he is unlikely to ever have. He went to university but had to come home after a year because of mental health problems and serious self harming. He is an alcoholic and has been diagnosed as having borderline personality disorder. I think that sometimes cerebral palsy affects mental as well as physical disability. You just don't know which part of the brain has been affected. My sister is on anti depressants to take the edge off her anxiety. For a while we were trying to find answers to help him, but eventually you have to confront the fact that there are no answers and you are faced with a damage limitation situation and you have to find a way of dealing with the situation calmly and pragmatically so it doesn't impact your own mental health.
    I appreciate all the brave folk who have posted on this thread. We are not alone. ?
  22. Like
    Miggins got a reaction from DarkFruitsRam7 in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Absolutely understand all the posts on this thread and sympathize with you all. My sister has an adopted son who is now 31. As well as issues with being adopted he also has all sorts of problems connected with his cerebral palsy and not all problems are physical. He has especially low self esteem. He is only about 5'2 and now weighs about 13 stone. He is pretty much immobile won't go out of the house. He has a job but works from home and never goes out and meets anyone. He won't use a wheelchair. I know that all he desperately wants is to be normal and to have a wife and children, which I guess he knows he is unlikely to ever have. He went to university but had to come home after a year because of mental health problems and serious self harming. He is an alcoholic and has been diagnosed as having borderline personality disorder. I think that sometimes cerebral palsy affects mental as well as physical disability. You just don't know which part of the brain has been affected. My sister is on anti depressants to take the edge off her anxiety. For a while we were trying to find answers to help him, but eventually you have to confront the fact that there are no answers and you are faced with a damage limitation situation and you have to find a way of dealing with the situation calmly and pragmatically so it doesn't impact your own mental health.
    I appreciate all the brave folk who have posted on this thread. We are not alone. ?
  23. Clap
    Miggins reacted to Sparkle in v Huddersfield (H) Match Thread   
    The attendance will look unusual (very low)  to most supporters but we have to recognise that it’s a different world we are now living in 
    lots of people will just not want to mix in large crowds for a good while especially this season
    lots of people will have been on reduced wages or indeed have lost their jobs in the last 16 months 
    lots of people will have found something else to do on a Saturday after not going for the last 16 months 
    lots of people will be on holiday somewhere as it’s early August 
    far too many could be considered happy clappers and since covid what we have seen it is not happy 
    we are down to the bare bones on team selection opportunities 
  24. Like
    Miggins reacted to SSD in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Becoming the mental health support POC for my team at work has really helped me understand how people outside of my social circles are coping at the moment. Coming from the corporate world, the vast major of people have been very comfortable working from home. The general consensus was they were more motivated and their work rate had increased, sickness leave had dropped significantly over the last 18 months. Overall they felt better about their work life. 
    Of course, senior director level people in many large businesses still want people to pollute the roads and drive into work every day. I've asked a number of times now to people higher up than me on the ladder, please give me a list of reasons why you feel it is an importance to bring staff back into the office when everything we need to carry out the job is online. The main message I've received is to do with "team building." In reality, they don't want their precious office space being wasted. 
    Having listened to interviews, the pro back to the office crew tend to be the senior level people in business. I think they fail to realise many people aren't motivated by screwing people over to make their way to the top. Many people out there have no ambition to keep gaining promotions and are not motivated by money. They would rather have a happier work life and get paid every month to enjoy time with family and friends. I feel many up the chain are still completely oblivious with the wellbeing of staff. They need to make flexible work environment a choice. 
    The major downside I see with working from home is many big businesses have already looked at recruitment from outside the UK for virtual location roles. You guessed, because they're cheaper. I don't think we should be fooled by the big corporations letting people have the freedom to work from wherever they like. They will try and lower overheads even more. I think a few people in my workplace have clocked onto how we seemed to be having more support from outside the UK, before we've even returned back to work.
    I do believe we should go back into a office space again but not full time. Purely to build social skills again and gain confidence in speaking to new people. This pandemic has demonstrated that the old corporate way of working is outdated and only benefits the senior level people who want to sit around a table and have endless meetings. If a company has good investment in its IT software, you can work from wherever. I just hope they don't take these jobs out of country and outsource them global purely to save a few quid.
  25. Like
    Miggins reacted to Norman in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    It's absolute ********. 
    I have left the job I love because I couldn't handle the mental illness epidemic behind closed doors. 
    I'm not saying this will happen @Davidbut, it sounds to me like you know pretty much where this could lead. Prison.
    Like so many others. Even then they can refuse the meds. It is left to untrained officers (in mental health) to try and deal with someone who is dangerous and violent. And cannot be reasoned with. 
    I've been punched in the face by a murderer who was in the midst of a pshycotic episode.. He fixated on me. This was after 2 hours of me sat watching him behind perspex tearing stitches out of his neck wounds. 4 weeks later, he is moved to the unit I worked on. No care by anyone for my safety. They thought it was funny. I'm a big lad, and he wasn't, that's why it was funny apparently. Not going to stop me being stabbed though is it? 
    Such a sad state of affairs. But what can you do when so many people suffering severe mental illness end up in a world where the public do not see them or have to deal with them. And it really isn't the best place for them. At all. 
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