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  1. COYR
    Miggins reacted to B4ev6is in Sheff Utd vs Derby County Matchday Thread (league cup)   
    Come on lads keep trying keep fighting till the end.
  2. Like
    Miggins reacted to DerbyRam! in Sheff Utd vs Derby County Matchday Thread (league cup)   
    Derby fans singing their hearts out. Even more so after that goal. Only now do we hear anything from the home fans...
  3. Haha
  4. Like
    Miggins reacted to Van der MoodHoover in Sheff Utd vs Derby County Matchday Thread (league cup)   
    Win or lose from here, I'm quite content with the team and performance this evening. 
    Think back to the progress made since the youngsters got pushed around 3-0 by forest.... 
    Good effort all round ?
  5. Like
    Miggins reacted to Scrumpyram in Sheff Utd vs Derby County Matchday Thread (league cup)   
    So chuffed for him. Get in Louie
  6. Clap
    Miggins reacted to jono in Sheff Utd vs Derby County Matchday Thread (league cup)   
    No, it means embargo not lifted tonight … Stay calm, what will be will be. 50 minutes and 11 men wearing Rams shirts kick off .. that’s what it boils down to. The rest is politics. Focus lads, focus .. Game on. 
    yeah I know .. serious fatalistic head on tonight?
  7. Like
    Miggins reacted to Carl Sagan in The Humber Bridge Appreciation Thread (and other bridges)   
    Love bridges, often for the perfection of their mathematical curves, but I'm lucky to live next to Tower Bridge which is one of the architectural wonders of the world. When I heard it was broken the other day I popped out and snapped a selfie from the middle of the road...
    It's the second time the bridge has stuck recently, and this one took a long time to fix. I fear there's going to have to be a major refurb sometime soon. 

  8. Like
    Miggins got a reaction from LeedsCityRam in Missing Supporters   
    I was shopping in Belper last week and my ears pricked up at a conversation between two elderly gents in the aisle at the supermarket. They were lamenting the fact that getting tickets (or season tickets?) was beyond them at present because they couldn't print their tickets. One said that he thought he might have to cancel his direct debit.  A club that is in such dire financial straits should surely be encouraging as many supporters into the ground and removing obstacles. The confusion over season tickets and a closed ticket office just before the start of the season is financial madness or am I missing a huge point somewhere? Surely the income generated by opening up the ticket office and telephone outweighs the cost of staffing it? I really feel for those of our older fans who can't access the system.
  9. Clap
    Miggins got a reaction from RoyMac5 in Missing Supporters   
    I'm glad to get back to normality  but I will still do everything I can do to protect my 90 year old mum who I care for and my father-in-law who had a second operation in April for lung cancer. I am enjoying freedom with lots of walks and picnics but because of the above scenario I am hesitant to mingle in crowds, even if outdoors.
  10. Haha
    Miggins reacted to maxjam in Is it ok to wee in the sea?   
    I guess it depends as to whether you're in the sea or aiming from the balcony of your hotel into the sea.
  11. Haha
    Miggins reacted to Bigfella in Embargo.   
  12. Clap
    Miggins reacted to LeedsCityRam in Embargo.   
    See your point but any appeal then delays the takeover. Completing that will be the priority for Mel & that won't be possible whilst the scale of potential points deductions are unknown & the club can't sign players freely.
    Given how long its dragged on & the indirect punishment we've already suffered, 3 points seems a price we could stomach to exit this twilight zone.  
  13. Like
    Miggins reacted to Bianoic in Missing Supporters   
    Totally fair enough and good for you, sticking to your principles . 

    It will be so great to welcome you back to PP . When the time is right and you are ready 
    Thats what that pre match video about the passing of the 103 year old rams fan is all about 
    It was really beautifull to see the reaction of the crowd to that. watched the away fans. Every one of them was clapping - well done to them. Up The Boro. On this occasion only …
  14. Clap
    Miggins got a reaction from Bianoic in Missing Supporters   
    I'm glad to get back to normality  but I will still do everything I can do to protect my 90 year old mum who I care for and my father-in-law who had a second operation in April for lung cancer. I am enjoying freedom with lots of walks and picnics but because of the above scenario I am hesitant to mingle in crowds, even if outdoors.
  15. Like
    Miggins got a reaction from jono in Missing Supporters   
    I'm glad to get back to normality  but I will still do everything I can do to protect my 90 year old mum who I care for and my father-in-law who had a second operation in April for lung cancer. I am enjoying freedom with lots of walks and picnics but because of the above scenario I am hesitant to mingle in crowds, even if outdoors.
  16. Haha
    Miggins got a reaction from Tyler Durden in Missing Supporters   
    Having watched the dramatic and OTT performances by some  Middlesborough players on Saturday and their diva-ish behaviour, you might well have thought you were at Covent Garden or even a pantomime. The dirty bar stewards! ?
  17. Like
    Miggins reacted to Rev in Missing Supporters   
    No, it was the Marriage of Figaro, I think.
    Although your post reminds me of the Saturday night I came out of a West End theatre, having watched something less highbrow, to be met with a motorcycle gang akin to the Hell's Angels. 
    Leather and tashes everywhere. I said to the missus let's get a move on, it's obviously going to kick off around here.
    She gave me an exasperated look, as women often do to their partners, slipped her hand in mine and guided me safely past G.A.Y.
  18. Haha
    Miggins reacted to Rev in Missing Supporters   
    A hearty chorus of "You're not singing anymore" results in a lifetime ban from the Royal Opera House.
    How was I to know it was the end of the act?
  19. Haha
    Miggins got a reaction from Bianoic in Missing Supporters   
    You selfish creature! Only ever thinking about your own needs! ?
  20. Clap
    Miggins got a reaction from Bianoic in Missing Supporters   
    There is a huge shortage, @Ellafella, you are right. But a ticket office at the beginning of the season is vital! It's like a theatre putting on a play with no one to man the phones or the ticket office! Derby might be beginning to sort out the ticket situation now but they've had loads of time to put things into place. I was made redundant in July of last year because of the pandemic. How about we go down and offer our services if they are short staffed? ?
  21. Clap
    Miggins got a reaction from Ellafella in Missing Supporters   
    There is a huge shortage, @Ellafella, you are right. But a ticket office at the beginning of the season is vital! It's like a theatre putting on a play with no one to man the phones or the ticket office! Derby might be beginning to sort out the ticket situation now but they've had loads of time to put things into place. I was made redundant in July of last year because of the pandemic. How about we go down and offer our services if they are short staffed? ?
  22. Like
    Miggins reacted to Ram-Alf in Missing Supporters   
    There's been a compliment of staff there for a while, My Brother who passed away never took up the offer of a refund or Rams TV free untill the end of the 2019-20 season, We cleared his flat out and we found a letter from DCFC stating he had not taken up the cash refund offer, He was given more time...pretty sure it was until end of Feb 2021, He passed in mid April this year, So he never bothered.
    My Daughter asked if she could write a letter to DCFC and see if she could get the refund, She sent his death certificate and letter by email, A reply was sent within a week asking for a little time as they were very short staffed, A cheque followed mid July for the full amount.
    Well done DCFC...an Animal charity were £89 better off.
  23. Clap
    Miggins reacted to jono in Missing Supporters   
    A fair few aren’t in their old seats quiet in my neck of the woods … It will change. 
    I reckon we have the holiday dip, plus the nervous for health reasons, plus the worriers over laying out money when we are seemingly in difficulty financially. Then we have those who are just out of the habit, the annual “shall / I shan’t I renew” Then those, like me who didn’t realise how easy it was to claim your old seat back .. so The 16/18 K I can easily see getting to low 20’s as the weeks pass. If we get some results we will be at low/mid 20’s pretty soon. After that it’s the 5k who come when times are good and the footy is sexy .. ‘‘twas always thus” I think. Just a slow start considering what has happened to the world in the last 18 months. Hey and consider that there is a 18 months worth of children who haven’t been “baptised” by mums, dads granddads and grannies 
    All will be well and with the south stand on their game it can only get better. 
  24. Haha
    Miggins reacted to Tombo in Missing Supporters   
    I can easily get down to go for a slash in the middle of the half, not have to squeeze past people on the row, and only miss about a minute or so of play, quite good really.
  25. Like
    Miggins got a reaction from Bob Mash in Missing Supporters   
    I was shopping in Belper last week and my ears pricked up at a conversation between two elderly gents in the aisle at the supermarket. They were lamenting the fact that getting tickets (or season tickets?) was beyond them at present because they couldn't print their tickets. One said that he thought he might have to cancel his direct debit.  A club that is in such dire financial straits should surely be encouraging as many supporters into the ground and removing obstacles. The confusion over season tickets and a closed ticket office just before the start of the season is financial madness or am I missing a huge point somewhere? Surely the income generated by opening up the ticket office and telephone outweighs the cost of staffing it? I really feel for those of our older fans who can't access the system.
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