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  1. Clap
    Ramifications reacted to angieram in The Administration Thread   
    This will really help the team! ?Whilst there is any chance we can retain our championship place our priority on matchdays should be supporting the staff and players.
    Keep your protests away from the football. 
  2. Clap
    Ramifications got a reaction from Derby4Me in The Administration Thread   
    Why is Mr Pearce still at the club? 
  3. Clap
    Ramifications got a reaction from EtoileSportiveDeDerby in The Administration Thread   
    Why is Mr Pearce still at the club? 
  4. Clap
    Ramifications reacted to Yani P in The Administration Thread   
    It's been clear for a very long time these potential new owners (if they indeed exist) have zero interest or passion for Derby County football club..they are out to get a sale through for a bare minimum price.
    It appears they do not care one jot whether all of our playing assets walk away for nothing, nor if we end up on -15 next season.
    Doesn't fill me with any enthusiasm that they will be decent guardians of our club.
    Mel Morris has everything to answer for. He has gone down in our history as the worst owner we have ever had by a country mile. An absolute odious human being at every level, enjoy your hundreds of millions you are a disgrace.
  5. Like
    Ramifications reacted to Caerphilly Ram in The Administration Thread   
    Or the end of the end? Seems the beginning of the end may have been a few years ago with the arrival of a certain Candy Crushing Millionaire, we just didn’t know it until it was too late ? 
  6. Like
    Ramifications reacted to MackworthRamIsGod in The Administration Thread   
    But your source said everything would be OK, I got p!ssed off the back of your update, I thought everything was gonna be OK ?
  7. Like
    Ramifications reacted to kevinhectoring in Rams v Coventry Matchday Thread   
    One option assuming we continue to play out from the back is to play him at centre back. He’s our best footballer, can deal with a press and will make fewer mistakes than others. And it makes sense if he’s struggling with fitness -  he’ll need to put fewer miles on the clock than in midfield. 
  8. Clap
    Ramifications reacted to HuddersRam in Groundwork   
    Morning squad. I've been radio silence on here the last few months for two reasons:
    I can't add anything on the situation between just sorrow I've been working on something new For those who don't know and for those who don't care (understandable, no complaints from me) I produced a book called Pride in 2020, which went into the last 20 or so years of the club. That was nice, but the issue is that for those 20 years we were pretty awful. So I wanted to work on something new and a bit more feel good. And so...
    I'm really, really pleased to say that my next book will go live in Autumn of this year and it's titled: Groundwork: The Inside Story Behind Jim Smith's Derby County. 
    Just like Pride, it's told from the behind the scenes perspective of those incredible few years and includes insight from around 60 former players, coaches and staff members at the club. From Igor, Eranio and Sturridge, through to Steve's McClaren and Round, it delves into what made that time so special. But more than this it focuses on the work of Jim as a manager and crucially, as a man. I've spoken with the creators of Prozone, the first sports psychologist in British football, the first fitness coach in the game, to evaluate how pivotal Derby (yes, Derby) were in the evolution of football in this country. And there is also a section remembering Jim himself, including thoughts from his family, as well as close friends like Harry Redknapp and Howard Wilkinson. There's even a Graham Richards cameo or two. 
    I know there's a lot of continuing nightmares around us at the minute, but hopefully this brings a bit of joy and memories of what this club can be. ?

  9. Like
    Ramifications reacted to B4ev6is in Last night   
    I dont like when people are shouting or people being nasty or mean if me or anyone else.
    I look after disabled guest as I know how they feel some come for first time I try make them feel at ease.
  10. Clap
    Ramifications reacted to Wignall12 in The Administration Thread   
    Dont you dare Diss that nostalgic sentiment , we were there and buddy well enjoyed it , not our fault you were born too late!!
  11. Clap
    Ramifications reacted to S8TY in The Administration Thread   
    Been following this club up and down the country for 45 years but if it becomes a new club new beginning down the pyramid ….I’m out ! 
    we will lose fans and before anyone accuses me of not being a proper fan here are my reasons 
    the actual core of the club would be ripped out it will only be Derby County in name …it won’t feel the same for me and I won’t go to any games I just don’t think I can summon up the enthusiasm after the last two years and can only apologise
    i wont be alone and that’s why I think we have to survive to be taken over but I fear the worst 
    saying let’s start again a Phoenix club led by fans from scratch etc etc all sounds well and good but it will be heart breaking to see this once great club in such a position it really is soul destroying seeing us in such a mess ….thanks Morris I wish you’d never set foot in PP ??
  12. Clap
    Ramifications reacted to Ram a lamb a ding dong in The Administration Thread   
    Let's be fair, there was tremendous momentum and then when the Boro claim was dealt with we all felt that it was the beginning of the end.
    We are now countless weeks down the line and the incompetent Q are still no nearer the end point. Fans have simply had enough and there is zero enthusiasm, simply a resignation to the liklihood that the club will cease to exist very soon.
    Personally I'm at the point now where I simply don't care anymore and want rid of this whole shambles and start again.
    Everyone has had chance to sort this mess out and they have all failed miserably. Bigger issues going on in the world so this has very much taken a back seat. Everyday I've been hopeful that today may be the day but alas not.
    How we have ended up at this mess is down to one man and the demise lies at his door. I don't know the reasons why the sale hasnt happened but it is clear that everyone isn't doing their upmost to close the deal. 
    The potential buyers should not be seen as the bad guys. Something is only worth what folk are willing to pay. If they offer low you have to compromise.
    So very very sad but we have to draw a line and move on. It will take 20 years to get back but we need to start now...
  13. Like
    Ramifications reacted to Chopper in Do the prospective new owners want us to go down?   
    I thought the same about wanting us down, but I'm even more nervous about intent. I don't know why but why let millions of pounds worth of players leave for nothing in the summer in order to save a few quid on a L1 purchase? Ebosele, Buchanan, Lawrence must surely make up the shortfall for relegation, if sold whilst under contract. Something doesn't sit right, but yeah I get the feeling that League 1, -15, and a blank slate in regards to playing and managerial team is a possible aim. 
    The depressing thing is, if it ends in pheonix in L2 (even cheaper option, so dont discount it) then those us who transfer to this new club: We've won no titles, Stimac, MacFarland, Stamps, Pereplotkins,  Bloomer, none of these played for us. The new owners would buy the ground as selling that white elephant for the owner, would be prudent at that point, but: There is a statue of two people outside the football ground who have absolutely nothing to do with us, just two randoms, might as well be Burt and Ernie. Gordon Guthrie stand? Nothing to do with this club, and why that old clock in the west stand salvaged from a club that existed back in olden times? 
    If the League choose to let us pheonix in the next available space created from a liquidated club (not including the defunct DCFC) then it may even be Conf North with Alfreton.
    I'm sorry to be so negative, and this is 24 hours after the match!
    The only crumb of consolation is it would be the most F@rest thing ever, for their fans in 2050, to be chanting about a club that hasn't existed in nearly 30 years.
  14. Clap
    Ramifications reacted to Dimmu in Nathan Byrne   
    IMO close to be the Player of the Season, which, for me, he was already last season.
  15. Like
    Ramifications reacted to Archied in Last night   
    There really are axxholes around,, it’s no fault of yours ,if you were a big nasty bugger it’s odds on he wouldn’t have said a word but who wants to be a nasty bugger ,don’t give him another thought and just carry on being who you are??‍♂️
  16. Like
    Ramifications reacted to IslandExile in Last night   
    The problem is all his B4, not yours. He is the uneducated fool.
    I have two kids with autism and learning difficulties, so I know what you have to go through.
  17. Clap
    Ramifications reacted to Mick Brolly in The Administration Thread   
    Cheer up we'll be ok

  18. Clap
    Ramifications reacted to CBRammette in The Administration Thread   
    Whilst I fully understand that this is a complicated business negotiation that cant be done like buying a pack of crisps, whoever buys the club needs fans as a revenue stream whatever division we are in. CK seemed to get this. The decline in spirit from all connected to the club is noticeable. We need a lift. A PB announcement and big "I am here to save the club" type statement is sorely needed right now. 
  19. Clap
    Ramifications reacted to Brammie Steve in Do the prospective new owners want us to go down?   
    I've seen DCFC win 2 League Championships.
    Reach European Semis by thrashing Benfica.
    Win Texaco and Watney Cups.
    Wait until us old uns have died off before killing our history stone dead...
  20. Like
    Ramifications got a reaction from Crewton in Nathan Byrne   
    He got an assist as well. 
  21. Like
    Ramifications reacted to Dimmu in Blackburn Away Match Thread   
    IMO a big part of the problem is playing him on the left, he looks far from comfortable over there. Also,when carrying the ball he only uses his right foot, so the ball is closer to a defender and therefore, way easier to defend. Obviously, not being comfortable in his position has a negative effect on confidence as well.
    We need on-form Festy so, so badly.
  22. Like
    Ramifications reacted to Jourdan in Blackburn Away Match Thread   
    If you still believed after Millwall at home, why give up now?
    Yes, we have ground to make up and yes, time is running out. It’s a big ask, absolutely, especially with Barnsley finding form and Reading building our hopes up only to sneak a surprise result every now and again.
    But with eight games to go and 24 points up for grabs, anything and everything is still possible.
    What it all boils down to now is Rooney, Rosenior and these players deciding how they want to be remembered.
    It’s a time for heroes to be made.
  23. Like
    Ramifications reacted to Caerphilly Ram in Blackburn Away Match Thread   
    Well said. We won the first half, shame we didn’t build on the lead, then unfortunately Mowbray recognised how they could get back into it, made the changes, got them pressing and using their physical edge which resulted in them winning the second half and the match ? Sadly their experience and squad depth was too much for us tonight. It’s looking increasingly improbable that we’ll stay up but it is still possible so I’ll keep the faith a little while longer ? 
  24. Like
    Ramifications got a reaction from GB SPORTS in The Administration Thread   
    I don't want us to be liquidated and start as a phoenix. We won't be an 1884 club then or founder members of the football league in 1888.
    Tonight's game against Blackburn Rovers. Both founder members of the football league. All that history. There at the beginning. At the very start. 
    We owe it to all those fans who are no longer with us, who supported the club over the years. 
  25. Clap
    Ramifications got a reaction from Patrick Rams in The Administration Thread   
    I don't want us to be liquidated and start as a phoenix. We won't be an 1884 club then or founder members of the football league in 1888.
    Tonight's game against Blackburn Rovers. Both founder members of the football league. All that history. There at the beginning. At the very start. 
    We owe it to all those fans who are no longer with us, who supported the club over the years. 
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