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    Mostyn6 got a reaction from Pearl Ram in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    I just thought I'd have a look on Eurosport and had no signal, plenty of faffing around for a couple of minutes, ended up having to swap the two screw in cables over. Got it in Standard Def, but bizarrely the HD wouldn't work.
  2. Like
    Mostyn6 got a reaction from DavesaRam in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    people who drive those german cars with the logo made of interlinked circles.
  3. Like
    Mostyn6 got a reaction from Animal is a Ram in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    the state of the Gents in various busy places, such as pubs, clubs and football stadia.
    What is it about busy toilets that means people cannot piss properly, cannot flush a chain, and cannot avoid vandalising them?
    I think you've got to be some sort of backwards person if you think making the state of toilets worse that they already are is somewhat acceptable. I prefer to leave the toilets as nice as possible, cos that's how I like them to be when I need to use them.
    Oh, and Audi owners.
  4. Like
    Mostyn6 got a reaction from Tony Le Mesmer in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    the state of the Gents in various busy places, such as pubs, clubs and football stadia.
    What is it about busy toilets that means people cannot piss properly, cannot flush a chain, and cannot avoid vandalising them?
    I think you've got to be some sort of backwards person if you think making the state of toilets worse that they already are is somewhat acceptable. I prefer to leave the toilets as nice as possible, cos that's how I like them to be when I need to use them.
    Oh, and Audi owners.
  5. Like
    Mostyn6 got a reaction from WhiteHorseRam in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    the state of the Gents in various busy places, such as pubs, clubs and football stadia.
    What is it about busy toilets that means people cannot piss properly, cannot flush a chain, and cannot avoid vandalising them?
    I think you've got to be some sort of backwards person if you think making the state of toilets worse that they already are is somewhat acceptable. I prefer to leave the toilets as nice as possible, cos that's how I like them to be when I need to use them.
    Oh, and Audi owners.
  6. Like
    Mostyn6 got a reaction from Angry Ram in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    the state of the Gents in various busy places, such as pubs, clubs and football stadia.
    What is it about busy toilets that means people cannot piss properly, cannot flush a chain, and cannot avoid vandalising them?
    I think you've got to be some sort of backwards person if you think making the state of toilets worse that they already are is somewhat acceptable. I prefer to leave the toilets as nice as possible, cos that's how I like them to be when I need to use them.
    Oh, and Audi owners.
  7. Like
    Mostyn6 got a reaction from Highgate in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    the state of the Gents in various busy places, such as pubs, clubs and football stadia.
    What is it about busy toilets that means people cannot piss properly, cannot flush a chain, and cannot avoid vandalising them?
    I think you've got to be some sort of backwards person if you think making the state of toilets worse that they already are is somewhat acceptable. I prefer to leave the toilets as nice as possible, cos that's how I like them to be when I need to use them.
    Oh, and Audi owners.
  8. Like
    Mostyn6 got a reaction from Steve How Hard? in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    the state of the Gents in various busy places, such as pubs, clubs and football stadia.
    What is it about busy toilets that means people cannot piss properly, cannot flush a chain, and cannot avoid vandalising them?
    I think you've got to be some sort of backwards person if you think making the state of toilets worse that they already are is somewhat acceptable. I prefer to leave the toilets as nice as possible, cos that's how I like them to be when I need to use them.
    Oh, and Audi owners.
  9. Like
    Mostyn6 reacted to Wolfie in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    I now avoid doing DIY stuff except for painting & decorating if I can help it.....
    A few months ago, I spent a whole morning battling with an electric socket I was trying to replace - due to it being cracked. After going to B&Q to buy a new socket and then going back to exchange it after I found out that the existing double socket had a single back box, I worked out that there were too many wires in the wall and the power had been extended into the next room via this socket and a spur. Mrs Wolfie had to take the little one out, as I was "swearing too much" and I eventually admitted defeat and called a local electrician we'd used once before. He came an hour or so later and had it sorted within 20 minutes.
    Until that point I hadn't even asked him how much it would cost and when he'd finished and told me it would be £20, I just stood there and looked at him. He eventually asked me if I was OK and I said I was just trying to work out why I had spent a quarter of my weekend....which should be quality family time...getting increasingly stressed, elevating my blood pressure to unprecendent levels (even for me), not to mention alienating my wife and daughter - in an effort to save twenty quid.
  10. Like
    Mostyn6 reacted to Wolfie in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    DIY generally.
    We had a new living room carpet fitted last week, with a deeper pile than the previous one. It took me all of Sunday morning to take a door off, go to Homebase to buy a plane, plane a bit off the bottom and fit it back on again. I've now realised I didn't take enough off and need to do it again.
    I hate DIY.
  11. Like
    Mostyn6 got a reaction from Animal is a Ram in Tattoo   
    Boy on a hill, flying a kite?
  12. Like
    Mostyn6 reacted to BondJovi in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    I only had one block of hour weekly sessions for 12 weeks. I was offered another block if I felt I needed it but everything fell into place. There are times I think it may be useful to deeper explore my mind but it isn't essential to me. Just being able to talk was a revelation for me, that feeling of saying exactly how you felt and thought without the worry of what the other person would think of you.
    I was initially refused the service as my issues weren't deemed serious enough. But I can easily see had I not got a job, got the girl, I would have been back for more sessions. As we become more open and less caught up in this men don't have worries and weaknesses society, the need for mental health services will continue to grow. I certainly think you should be guaranteed two blocks of sessions as long as you commit to wanting the support.
    Downside of all this is that my story writing has dried up!
  13. Like
    Mostyn6 reacted to dcfcfan1 in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    At least you have a girlfriend, your the same age as me and Ive never had a bloody date!
    Seriously though, I cant relate at all, but as a trainee pharmacist I see a lot of people with issues of that sort. It is better for you to hit the nail early on, start talking (dont listen to your ego), and get it of your chest. Dont sit and wait and lie to yourself, saying "oh its only temporary , it isnt a big issue, I need to man up ect ect".
    Well done.
    A persons ego can hold you back from being honest to yourself and seeking help at times
    I would say though I would not start Anti depressants soon or whatever medication the doctors want to give you. I think talking, being pro-active, finding activities which gives your life meaning and something to LOOK FORWARD TO (Biggest KILLER OF FEELING LOW) is key. I as a future pharmacist (only my opinion) think depression is being tackled wrongly and incorectly by our health care proffesionals- too much drugs and too little talking.
    Best of luck mate
  14. Like
    Mostyn6 reacted to Stive Pesley in Tattoo   
  15. Like
    Mostyn6 got a reaction from Bilbo in Tattoo   
    get Adam Johnson's autograph tattooed on ya. (google it)
  16. Like
    Mostyn6 got a reaction from Tony Le Mesmer in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    a man of your calibre won't be unemployed for long me owd mucka.
  17. Like
    Mostyn6 got a reaction from WhiteHorseRam in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    a man of your calibre won't be unemployed for long me owd mucka.
  18. Like
    Mostyn6 reacted to BondJovi in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    I always believe to compare your problems to others does you a disservice straight off. Each person has their own coping levels, their own fragility and their method of getting by. What seems trivial to one can mean the world to another. Respect always to the feelings you have but know how to handle them.
    I think this thread is a blessing. It is honest and supportive and a friendly ear from people who won't judge. I guess I am currently an example of someone who reluctantly got help but is now realising his dreams, a happiness that 4 years back seemed impossible to even contemplate. Sometimes I stop and think how the hell did I get here and when I do, I thank every soul that ever gave me the time to hear my problems. Now I have a fecking wedding to plan!
  19. Like
    Mostyn6 reacted to HuddersRam in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    I've been through no end of forums dedicated to mental health and the likes but nothing comes close to this, it really sets this forum apart from any other I know. So therefore, having read everyone else's stories over the last few months and after finally acknowledging I have an issue, I will now pour everything out.
    I've known for years that something has been wrong with me, but the last few days have just certified it. I'm 22, recently graduated and have now moved back home as I have a graduate job close to my family home. The issue with this is I'm not exactly mad about the job, the people are not the most welcoming and all of my previous school friends and the likes now live away. I go to work and I go home, that is as exciting as it gets. 
    Last year saw a range of little blips come up which I didn't think affected me too much, with my uncle's dementia and constant hospital stays probably the most notable. What's really done it for me though is the relationship with my girlfriend, who is still at university. I've been with her for three years and it's been great (she's even seen Derby play twice the lucky thing) but a mixture of the distance and the loneliness has changed things to the point where she's told me that she's not sure if we're still working like we did. I've found myself becoming needy, completely ignoring the fact that she's got her own life with new friends and a part-time job. We planned to build a life together after uni and I'm hoping that can still be done because even though we're only young, it's been an incredible time that I don't think needs to be given up. I'm trying to tell myself that it's the fact we've gone from living together to living 80 miles apart, with only a few months until we can go back to how we were. Unfortunately, my head doesn't really want to listen to what I say for too long. 
    I don't know if depression or anxiety or just general loneliness is my problem, but I do know that I'm not meant to be feeling like this, especially at such a young age. I've got a doctors appointment booked for next week which I'm strangely looking forward to, purely to try and change things around. I know in comparison to others my problems might be nothing and I apologise if I seem dramatic or anything but it just seems after months and months of trying to contain everything, it's all just come to a head now. I've been able to speak to my parents and girlfriend over the last few days which has at least helped. This has been a very soppy post and as such I apologise to anyone who has managed to read it all the way through! 
  20. Like
    Mostyn6 reacted to Rambo11 in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Hopefully I'm not too much of a burden to the people following this thread, but as a fairly regular reader, barely ever poster I thought I would finally contribute
    Coming out of 2016, I can safely say it was the worst year of my life so far. Yes, time is arbitary, and the 365 days of 2017 aren't guaranteed to be any better, but it does provide a spell of time to quantify my feelings. 
    I've suffered family loss, the break up of a relationship with the person I loved more than anyone else, the months of getting over her only for her to get in touch and subsequently mess me around whilst seeing someone else that she's now in a relationship with. 
    All of this combined with being stuck in a job I hate and am probably overqualified for lead me to the pint of self destruct. 
    During all this time I had to persuade myself (and take the advice of the people that care about me) to go to the doctors and speak to someone, and admit that the depressive feelings I had had been there for 6/7 years. What I thought was just part of my personality, who I was, was actually an underlying issue that needed addressing for years. 
    The prescribed medication seemed to help me quite a lot. Whether that was purely a placebo effect or not is anyone's guess, but I wholeheartedly advise anyone feeling low to find someone to console in.
    I guess, other than being able to get some stuff off my chest, that is the overriding point of this post. Don't ever allow yourself to feel like you're alone. There are so many resources available to help you and so many people that will understand
  21. Like
    Mostyn6 got a reaction from kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    I've never understood irrational fear as such, that's not to trivialise it.
    IN the working environment though, it may be an advantage if you can harness that prospect of failure into a list of things to avoid. 
    I've seen obvious mistakes missed and cost millions. Your 'flaw' might be a natural gift.
  22. Like
    Mostyn6 reacted to Gypsy Ram in Picture where you, and your knee are now.   
    Merry Christmas everyone. I'm some where snowy.

  23. Like
    Mostyn6 reacted to bigbadbob in Picture where you, and your knee are now.   
    Loving the " emergency chairs"
  24. Like
    Mostyn6 got a reaction from rynny in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    probably mentioned this before, but if not...
    roundabout tossers!
    Not many things annoy me more than having to completely stop at a roundabout cos a car is coming across the front of me, only for the driver to exit where I am entering! 
    Use your indicators you selfish clueless ****!
  25. Like
    Mostyn6 reacted to Bridgford Ram in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Why has she only been home a dozen times?
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