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  1. Sad
    Bubbles reacted to Mucker1884 in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    So, yer mam dies in her early 40's, when you are 16.  2 years later, yer dad dies, still in his 40's, albeit 49.  This leaves you, as an 18 year old only boy, 3 elder sisters (21, 24 & 27), and the baby of the bunch, little sis who is still only 9 at this stage.
    I guess what happens next is you start to wonder... will I manage to live a bit longer than my parents?... who will be the first sibling to cop it... and when!
    Those thoughts have never left me.  4 of us have since lived longer than our parents, thankfully.  Baby sis has now lived longer than mum, and is closing in on the age dad was, so all good there, I guess.
    I have to admit, on the day I equalled Dad's age, I was a little bit emotional, if truth be told.  Relief?  Guilt?  No idea, but it was a weird feeling!
    But the one thing I have literally been dreading since being left an "orphan"... over 39 years ago now... is the first of us siblings going. 
    ...It happened last night! 

    The sister up from me (so the third eldest) lasted until she was 60.... and two months.  I guess we shouldn't moan, given the family history, but I can't describe the gut-wrenching feeling, now the first one of us has gone!  This is the day I have been dreading for over 39 bloody years!
    Depressed?  No.  Not in the true sense.
    Anxious?  You bet!
    Stress?  Not yet, but I'm sure that will come, as we try and help our 24 year old nephew (Sis's only child) through the next few days, weeks, and maybe even years.  Lot's to do.  Lot's to sort out.  Him and us.  There's no-one else to do it!
    The first of my siblings gone... out of the blue... no warning!  Suddenly, I no longer feel immortal!
    Eldest sis (67 next month) is feeling guilty, not being the first to go!
    Baby sis is distraught, and now has to face her first close-relative mourning since becoming a 9 year old orphan!
    Being old fashioned, I feel the need to take the lead.  To be practical.  The only boy, and all that!  Time to become a man!  Time to take charge, I guess, and stay strong for my remaining 3 sisters, and my nephew... but I can't help but feel vulnerable this morning, if truth be told.
    Thankfully, I have the strongest, most wonderful wife tight by my side, so all is not lost!
    I'm sure I'm not the first to lose a sibling, of course, but right now, feeling the way I do, a feeling I've never experienced before, is daunting to say the least.
    It feels different to losing a parent.  It feels different to losing a granddaughter at 1 hour old.  Maybe not worse.  Maybe not easier.  But closer, I guess.  More frightening.  Too close for comfort!
    Not looking for sympathy.  Just an ear.  Just a shoulder to lean on.  I may be back, I may not.  Having not been through this particular emotion, I really don't know what happens next!
    Yes... yesterday's game really was poo, wasn't it!
  2. Haha
    Bubbles reacted to mozza in New joke thread (trigger alert, may offend if you want it to)   
    I was asked if Derby will fare better in the new year, i haven't got 2020 vision.
  3. Haha
    Bubbles reacted to Wolfie in New joke thread (trigger alert, may offend if you want it to)   
    A warning to all, be careful about drink driving as we are getting close to Christmas. Quite rightly Police are out checking on people. ?‍♂️ 
    Last night I went out for a few drinks. Cocktails then wine. (Not a good idea)
    However, knowing I was over the limit, I took the bus back home. 
    We passed a police checkpoint and I could see they were pulling over drivers giving them breath tests. They waved the bus past.
    I arrived home safely and without incident, which was a surprise as I've never driven a bus before and I’m not even sure where I got it from.
    ? ? ? ?
  4. Haha
  5. Cheers
    Bubbles reacted to ThePrisoner in Litter around derby/derbyshire + Utch's "Sofa watch"   
    Is that a new cider?
  6. Haha
    Bubbles reacted to Stive Pesley in Random stuff that cheers me up thread   
    This is great. 
    Apparently loads of bots scour Twitter for people saying "I'd love that on a t-shirt" and then spam them with print on demand offers for the t-shirt
    Which is all well and good until people start to think up ways to out-do the bots
  7. Clap
    Bubbles reacted to DarkFruitsRam7 in Rate the last film you saw partie deux   
    Die Hard. First time watching it, and I was thoroughly entertained. Definitely a Christmas movie.
    Alberto Bueno/10.
  8. Angry
    Bubbles reacted to Mostyn6 in Rate the last film you saw partie deux   
    nearly started a new thread, such is my outrage
    They're "rebooting" Home Alone!
  9. Clap
    Bubbles reacted to Wolfie in Forum Issues   
    The Jim Smith Room.
    Applause for whoever came up with that

    That is all.
  10. Haha
    Bubbles reacted to Angry Ram in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    So what, she might have not wanted to come in yet.. Stalling for time.
  11. Like
    Bubbles reacted to Mucker1884 in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Agreed... and whilst we're on the driving theme, the folk who seem to think it is ok to cut across lanes on a roundabout, effectively driving in a straight line to save them having to turn their wheel... and in the process wiping out the poor sod to their right...
    I'd say they were equally Bamfordious!  
  12. Haha
    Bubbles reacted to Pearl Ram in New joke thread (trigger alert, may offend if you want it to)   
    Looks like a penis colada to me. 
  13. Like
    Bubbles got a reaction from Alph in Boxing Thread   
    Forgot about this thread. Good morning.
    Safe to say that fight wasn't as thrilling as the previous, however credit to AJ for playing smart.
    I reckon he'll beat Usyk, then go up against the winner of Fury v Wilder ( so Fury, obviously...) and then I think Fury will take his titles.
  14. Haha
    Bubbles reacted to Comrade 86 in Boxing Thread   
    Bums? I'd pay a pound to see you call them that to their faces mate! 
  15. Like
    Bubbles reacted to Andicis in Boxing Thread   
    He might, but it's not fair to call the rest bums. The heavy weight division is looking the most competitive it has for some time. 
  16. Like
    Bubbles reacted to dcfcfan1 in Boxing Thread   
    Fury will beat all these bums tbh
  17. Like
    Bubbles got a reaction from King Kevin in What Are You Listening To?   
  18. Haha
    Bubbles got a reaction from Angry Ram in What Are You Listening To?   
    heard this in Pryzm once, best to say everyone was skanking about.
  19. Like
    Bubbles reacted to DarkFruitsRam7 in Boxing Thread   
    This weekend is going to be great. Watching Die Hard with a few drinks and a few uni mates on Friday, going to Blackburn away and watching the fight in a student bar on Saturday, and going to my Law Society Christmas Ball on Sunday. Can’t wait.
  20. Clap
    Bubbles reacted to DarkFruitsRam7 in Boxing Thread   
    That was the first fight I ever watched. Brilliant introduction to boxing.
  21. Like
    Bubbles reacted to Alph in Boxing Thread   
    ? I bet he's probably alright away from boxing. Just a complete tool when it comes to the sport. 
    I really hope come March we have 2 British World Champions. 
    So excited for Saturday. Massive fight for Povetkin v Hunter and AJ v Ruiz is off the scale. 
    I pray AJ just to jab, jab, jab and jab. Especially when stepping to Ruiz's left. 
    Watching the first fight and the left hook/uppercut is on all day long. Every Ruiz jab, if AJ can step back and to his own left, then there's a left hook/uppercut on. 
    Rob McCracken was telling AJ to double jab right hand but the right hand makes AJ lean over and Ruiz is quick. 
    He's got to be defensive surely. He has to be patient with his right hand. That caused him all his trouble. 
    Ruiz really is just a bad style for Joshua. 
    Wilder fights off a defensive style anyway so he'd walk Ruiz onto something. Tyson can fight in both stances so would just be a nightmare for Ruiz. 
  22. Like
    Bubbles got a reaction from DarkFruitsRam7 in What Are You Listening To?   
  23. Haha
    Bubbles reacted to TimRam in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Merry Crimbo guys hope the happy holidays are great over Xmas.
  24. Haha
    Bubbles reacted to DarkFruitsRam7 in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    People who cheat at pub quizzes are the lowest of the low. Utter Bamfords.
  25. Haha
    Bubbles reacted to BaaLocks in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Vote Labour, they're promising free garages for everyone
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