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  1. Clap
    Bubbles reacted to Chester40 in Watchable telly   
    There is some repetition of ideas but a lot more variety than you give it credit for, but not quite sure what you expect from a series entitled Black Mirror?
    If you haven't watched the 10 series or so of Walking Dead then let me warn you that every episode is basically about escaping from Zombies.
    Dr Who has a Doctor travelling through space every cuffing episode and... get this Lost...? they are lost on a desert Island in every one of its 100+ episodes.....
  2. Like
    Bubbles reacted to May Contain Nuts in Watchable telly   
    Black Mirror is the perfect show for people who think they're more clever and interesting than they actually are. I like Charlie Brooker a lot for his comedy and  social commentary but when it comes to creating something more substantive he's found lacking in variety.
    There are 22 episodes, maybe 6 of them are excellent, 4 very good, 6 'sort of OK' and the other 6 piss poor, overlong, unimaginative, boring and stretched out 25 minutes longer than any of their basic, repetetive thematic ideas ever warranted.
    I mean... yeah we get it, in the future everything is recorded/accessible/watched via an implant. You've based more than half of your episodes on this idea, it's boring now.
    The bandersnatch episode was ruined by poo casting of unbelievable characters played by unsympathetic actors who didn't suit the characters.
    Inside No.9 lost its way a couple of years ago but I've enjoyed nearly all of the episodes in the past 2 seasons despite a serious lull before that.
  3. Clap
    Bubbles reacted to Chester40 in Watchable telly   
    I can forgive the cider drinking as youthful ignorance.. But you need to have a serious look at yourself! 
    Think the first couple of episodes and the last series were weaker, but many of the episodes in between were really amazing. Inside no 9 is interesting and quirky but not on the same planet for me. 
  4. Haha
    Bubbles got a reaction from Chester40 in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    *Loses 6-0*
    Tough result to take! Felt we deserved better than that. Fans were immense as always. We go again!
  5. Like
    Bubbles got a reaction from Alph in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Love you all.
  6. Like
    Bubbles reacted to Alph in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    It's too much though innit? 
    It's cool I guess having this projection of who we want to be and how we want people to see us. That's how we can become better and more successful. 
    Everything is on the tip of our fingers. We are just geared to getting it now. 
    Everything is there to make you the person you want to be. And in front of your eyes are projections of perfect Dave and his perfect life. You can literally have everything you want. And to prove it we'll take a little walk across social media at things like facebook where everyone else has achieved becoming a super awesome person, driving a super awesome car, going on super awesome holidays with super awesome friends having super awesome times. How much of it is real and how much is people presenting the projection of the person they want to become.
    I might be in danger of rambling on now. 
    But everything seems designed to inspire you to become a 6ft 4 entrepreneur with a chiselled jawline driving a flash car living in an American Dream home with lots of friends having a good time. 
    This is why ads are laser targeted to our phones. You even think of having a bicep and there's a gym being built on your street that can make you look like Anthony Joshua tomorrow. 
    No wonder people feel poo about themselves. 
    Nobody becomes the person they want to be. I don't believe it. You achieve one part of your projected self and then your projected self gets better. His house gets bigger. Whatever. 
    I think we touched on it in a thread about football fans being angry. It's just people expect instant now. And a lot of people are frustrated and boiling over. Somehow the way we work is that every is fed the fake ******** that they are important and they matter. 
    I think to be happy you have to find comfort in being you. You that has a bit of poo going on. 
    Work towards that projection. So @SaintRam, if you want to get through your poo then start with the most easily achievable thing. Do it. Do it properly. Don't try and go to the gym 25 hours a day and do your bathroom when you get home while building a life size Rolls Royce from matchsticks. 
    Be happy being a nobody that's working through their poo. You will never achieve that projected you. It's a ******** story sold to you like a gambling advert that tells you every day you will win £1m. It's an advert influenced facebook account belonging to BullshitRam. 
    All you really need is to dig out yourself a piece of happiness. Work towards the projection. Bit by bit. And you can have a house to be proud of. You can have a hobby. You can go to the gym. You can enjoy all that. But the goalposts will always move. 
    So just try to enjoy what you have and take steady steps towards what you want.
    I apologise if this made no sense. But I like this thread because it's the ******** in people's heads spat out onto a piece of paper. This is the ******** that I think has helped me. So maybe it can help someone else.
  7. Like
    Bubbles reacted to Alph in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Can only really echo mostyn mate as your experience I can't relate to.
    But as I said before, I see depression as a virus/disease. It attacks you. It isolates you and then gets to work. It slips constant advice into rational thoughts. It's a hidden assassin. If it can overload your thoughts and keep your mind racing all the time then it's easier to slip it's dark thoughts in. 
    I would just say you have to break everything down. One issue at a time. One thought at a time. Don't look at a million different outcomes and a response to each one. Don't try and plan and counter plan. 
    Just tackle the nearest pain in the arse and do it as logically as possible. Present it to yourself as simple as possible. 
    Some problems you can't deal with now and some you can. Work through them but pick one out that can be solved and get it done.
    poo, it might be that the kitchen needs painting. So forget all the other poo and do that one. An easy one. But it just lets that little bit of stress out. You might have been losing 10-0 but now it's 9-1. It might seem pathetic compared to that huge bill you need to pay or whatever. But that isn't a problem you can solve today. So you will just have to survive that one and keep chucking it out your mind. Thinking about it won't solve it. But it will burden you and allow depression to slide in. 
    It's really easy to get overwhelmed by life and it's really difficult emptying your mind to focus on the nearest issue. 
    But it's an easier battle than fighting multiple opponents and worrying about the punches that all of them might or might not throw. 
    The reality is grim enough, brother. duck facing fantasy. 
    You just gotta get that score down. Small victories will do that. 
    Obviously some obstacles will be very difficult to get over. Might take years. So make sure that the mind that has to deal with them hasn't got a load of shitty little problems prodding and poking at it. Get them dealt with. 
    No rush though man. Each victory will give you a boost. It pushes poo mental health towards the exit. No matter how small the push or how far the exit, it doesn't matter. Depression works in the shadows to get you down and it can take ages to even realise you're under attack! You ain't smashing it in one afternoon. It can be a long hard war but broken down into a series of battles? You can win. But fight on your own terms. 
    Good luck man.
  8. Like
    Bubbles got a reaction from ariotofmyown in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Since end of July my life has been an absolute poo show.
    Since the start of August I’ve lost my Nan & my Great Auntie and recently my great grandma has been diagnosed with terminal cancer.
    Over the past month I’ve lost all motivation with life in general, ate too much, put on a stone and a half in 10 weeks, lost all effort to go to the gym.
    Genuinely struggling but determined to improve, after a stressful day at work tomorrow i’m going to try and step foot in the gym once again?
    Sorry for the ramble, just needed to get this off my chest and hopefully can use this to push on.
  9. Cheers
    Bubbles reacted to DarkFruitsRam7 in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Sorry to hear that mate. Smash it in the gym tomorrow though. Small steps.
  10. Sad
    Bubbles got a reaction from Andicis in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Since end of July my life has been an absolute poo show.
    Since the start of August I’ve lost my Nan & my Great Auntie and recently my great grandma has been diagnosed with terminal cancer.
    Over the past month I’ve lost all motivation with life in general, ate too much, put on a stone and a half in 10 weeks, lost all effort to go to the gym.
    Genuinely struggling but determined to improve, after a stressful day at work tomorrow i’m going to try and step foot in the gym once again?
    Sorry for the ramble, just needed to get this off my chest and hopefully can use this to push on.
  11. Sad
    Bubbles got a reaction from DarkFruitsRam7 in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Since end of July my life has been an absolute poo show.
    Since the start of August I’ve lost my Nan & my Great Auntie and recently my great grandma has been diagnosed with terminal cancer.
    Over the past month I’ve lost all motivation with life in general, ate too much, put on a stone and a half in 10 weeks, lost all effort to go to the gym.
    Genuinely struggling but determined to improve, after a stressful day at work tomorrow i’m going to try and step foot in the gym once again?
    Sorry for the ramble, just needed to get this off my chest and hopefully can use this to push on.
  12. Like
    Bubbles reacted to Alph in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    People fall out of love, parents fall out with their sons and daughters and siblings can end up enemies.
    But it seems no matter what you say or do to a dog it forgives you and you're it's whole world. 
    Losing a dog is heartbreaking. There's many many people I'd miss less than mine. 
    Sorry about your dog @Ramslad1992. 
    Mine went blind over one weekend and then when she went to the vets they said she was so ill that trying to fix her would be cruel and expensive. Although I'd have paid it. But they said she isn't coping well with being blind because her senses should be guiding her around the house and she just lay in her corner. No food or drink unless brought to her. Had to drag her out to the toilet and she was 50+Kg. 
    Slept on her bed with her the night before they put her down. My missus still cries about her now and this was also 4 years ago
    But that dog was there for our first house, first baby, first argument... everything. She got off before this ride stopped!! Cried like a baby in the vets.
    We bought another Bullmastiff soon after and I think I was a bit of an arse to him. He was supposed to replace my old one but he was nothing like her. She was timid and cuddly and he was playful and always on the move. 
    Now he's my best friend. I don't tell him that though. I tell him he's fat and useless. But he's alright for a dog. 
    And I reckon if my 5 year old cried from a mile away he'd hear it. He loves her and she only ever criticises his personal hygiene.
  13. Haha
    Bubbles got a reaction from DarkFruitsRam7 in Watchable telly   
    Excuse me???
  14. Haha
    Bubbles reacted to Srg in Pets   
    Can't believe how small the woman is.
  15. Haha
    Bubbles reacted to Coneheadjohn in Pets   
    This is the tiny one now.

  16. Like
    Bubbles reacted to rynny in Pets   
    Newest member of the Rynny household 

  17. Cheers
    Bubbles got a reaction from Angry Ram in What are you eating tonight   
    Hi mate, I'm on a low carb diet so might be able to help you a little.
    Zucchini Noodles are a good choice of low carb food, quite nice too!
    Can make wraps but use a lettuce leaf instead of an actual wrap.
    Butternut squash is awesome, can have it with various different meals.
    Have steak, chicken or whatever, but instead of your potatoes have Broccoli
    my favorite meal right now is Steak, Broccoli and carrots, just them 3, no chips, potatoes or anything. 
    Can even have eggs with everything ?
    With regards to snacks, have a look at Grenade's Carb Killa bars, they're awesome, low carb, low sugar, and fill you for a little while.
    I've not touched potatoes in a week, nor pasta!
    Its difficult at first as potatoes, pasta etc is very common within meals!
    But with the correct willpower and the correct meal plan etc, you will be fine ?
    All the best with it, mate!

  18. Like
    Bubbles got a reaction from i-Ram in What are you eating tonight   
    Hi mate, I'm on a low carb diet so might be able to help you a little.
    Zucchini Noodles are a good choice of low carb food, quite nice too!
    Can make wraps but use a lettuce leaf instead of an actual wrap.
    Butternut squash is awesome, can have it with various different meals.
    Have steak, chicken or whatever, but instead of your potatoes have Broccoli
    my favorite meal right now is Steak, Broccoli and carrots, just them 3, no chips, potatoes or anything. 
    Can even have eggs with everything ?
    With regards to snacks, have a look at Grenade's Carb Killa bars, they're awesome, low carb, low sugar, and fill you for a little while.
    I've not touched potatoes in a week, nor pasta!
    Its difficult at first as potatoes, pasta etc is very common within meals!
    But with the correct willpower and the correct meal plan etc, you will be fine ?
    All the best with it, mate!

  19. Haha
    Bubbles reacted to GboroRam in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Could have sworn you would have done something like this, but a Rooney one:

  20. Like
    Bubbles reacted to Day in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Sticking this in here. Not posting my backstory again. 
    4 months ago it was a challenge to drag me off the sofa to go to the corner shop.
    Yesterday I got back from what was a 7hr road trip back from Edinburgh with my now fiancé and today just completed a 7hr tattoo session.
    Blows my mind just thinking where I was and where I am.
    The sleeve has real meaning throughout, and with 3hrs left to complete the cloud fillers I’m feeling a tad emotional shall we say thinking how far I’ve come. 
    Some pics are on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter (day82_) of it wrapped for those that I bore on there, will post the finished sleeve on the 28th.....day before this forums birthday, forum which has been a huge part of my life/recovery thanks to you horrible lot.
    For anyone that’s struggling, don’t be afraid to talk, and don’t be afraid to see the doctor. For years I was too proud, too stubborn, too scared to see the doctor, I had visions of medication zombiefying me, told the doc my fears and the only way I can explain it is....I’m now me, the real me.
    It’s ok to not be ok, but don’t settle for not being ok and drowning in male pride, life’s too short to scramble your way through it. My PM’s are always open. 
  21. Haha
    Bubbles reacted to Bwash_Ram in New joke thread (trigger alert, may offend if you want it to)   
    This year my new years resolution is to stop using spray can deodorants.
    Roll-On 2020
  22. Like
    Bubbles reacted to Alph in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    It's a great thread. 
    The problem with talking to friends and family is illustrated by this thread.
    There isn't one person who knows all the coping mechanisms. 
    Trying to say how you feel is much harder than writing it down. 
    When people spill it out in this thread it resonates with some folks but not others. But seeing someone spill their thoughts and seeing others pick up the pieces is quite a special thing. It's a beautiful thread. An utterly fecking miserable and heartbreaking kind of beauty. 
    I'd like to think there's enough people knocking around here to help those that need an team talk.
  23. Angry
    Bubbles reacted to rynny in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Think they were trying to do you a favour. 
  24. Haha
    Bubbles reacted to RoyMac5 in Best book about dcfc   
    Never gets old does it! 
  25. Like
    Bubbles reacted to Mucker1884 in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Hey all,
    Thank you all for the kind words, and the caring "reactions".
    Without wishing to single anyone out,... I'm not doing too bad, I guess.
    Been a busy week of course, hence my lack of activity and acknowledgement on here, and it's fair to say the emotional roller coaster has been running at full capacity, but hey, I'm slowly coming to turns with this emotional stuff these past 4 or 5 years, and may even start to get used to these "crappy Christmases" after the past half dozen years or so!  I hasten to say, there were literally decades of continuously happy ones before that, so I'm fully aware of my blessings, and never lose count of them!
    (Weak) apologies for blurting out my feelings to you all last week, but after what we went through 3+ years ago, with my aforementioned granddaughter, I'm fully aware of how selfishly soothing the internet can be... in the right company.! (Lucky for you lot I didn't know you then... I nearly broke the internet!)
    For those doubters amongst you, I can assure you it really is "good to talk" in certain situations... and even better when those thoughtful and generous responses come rolling back at yer, so if I have one request, it is that none of you go bottling things up out there.  We may all be strangers on here, but we're all mates too, right!  There is an obvious bond, when all said and done!
    Without wishing to bore you, after a couple of days of "taking charge", I'm slowly, but confidently, now passing control to my nephew... sis's only child... who I have to say, is now showing clear signs of maturity and reliability beyond my expectations, if I'm honest.  We're there for him, of course, and we're all chipping in with both the practicalities and the emotionalities (I made that up... obvs!) but he is coping handsomely, as we all are.
    There is a Post Mortem involved, and due to the time of year, things are gonna drag out a little, well into the New Year, which ain't ideal of course.  But it is what it is, I guess!
    I'm hopeful I'll find time to catch up... and hopefully contribute... to the footy side of these forums (Which let's face it, is the main reason we're all here), but just in case I don't may I just wish you all a Merry Xmas, and a healthy and happy New Year.  Treasure those families of yours, and find time to raise a glass to the memories of all those that we have all lost over the years.
    DCFC...  No bottling.
    dcfcfans... No bottling it up!
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