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Posts posted by Ilkestonian

  1. I think I'm a positive person generally but I fear the worse for our club from what I've read in the last few days and I'm more worried now than I was when we almost went bust in the 80's as I always felt that a deal for our survival would be done back then but sadly I don't have that feeling now as it seems unlikely to me that Middlesborough and Wycombe will drop their claims and I don't think player sales will bring in the amount necessary to see us to the end of the season and I doubt that anyone would lend us the money to see us to the end of the season either, knowing they might lose it all if we go under and as nobody seems willing to buy us with the two claims outstanding and the EFL's refusal to change their position regarding those claims, then I sadly think that we are witnessing the final days of the Derby County we all know and love - hopefully I'll be proved wrong though. ?

  2. 25 minutes ago, roboto said:

    Any news on his injury? Seemed to be a painful one and is typically unlucky that it was his last contribution before he was due to be substituted anyway.

    I've read that it was cramp but it looked worse than that to me - fingers crossed I'm wrong though. 

  3. 2 hours ago, nickj said:

    Hi , i would be interested in 3 of them - the pride park one, the rams fan and access all areas - how much did you want for them ?


    Sorry Nickj, being as there'd been little response I took them to a charity shop about a week ago - it was The British Heart Foundation in Ilkeston if you wanted to give them a ring to see if they still have any of them. 

  4. 6 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

    If you've got the book "Derby County the complete record", surely you don't need the rest? 

    Maybe but I liked to support Breedon Books as I had a mate that worked there and they printed your name in the back of the book if you pre-ordered it and I liked that idea back in the day. 

  5. 2 minutes ago, loweman2 said:

    Looks like you are missing the best one ! Or have you decided to keep that one ? ?

    No these are all of them though I gave some others to a friend a few years ago so maybe it was one of them - which one are you thinking of? 

  6. I was wondering if anyone would be interested in buying my collection of Derby County books as shown in the photo? I'm moving house and massively downsizing so won't have anywhere for them other than a box in the loft ☹️ 

    Thanks in advance to anyone that makes an offer and I'll contact the highest bidder when I'm back from a few days away (assuming someone makes a bid of course) 

    If no-one bids then they'll go to a charity shop unless anyone can suggest something better. 

    Cheers everyone. 


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