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Bob The Badger

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  1. Haha
    Bob The Badger reacted to Mick Brolly in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Maybe we could all stand outside at 8 o'clock on a Thursday evening and give a round of applause for our brave footballers (or moo if you live in Belper)
  2. Clap
    Bob The Badger got a reaction from FlyBritishMidland in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    I can just imagine all the doctors and nurses saying, 'well I signed up for this job knowing I 'd need a flu jab and hep B and tetanus and MMR, but I never knew they'd add another one. I want my Uni money back I'm not having that!' 
    I wonder if anybody ever decides to be a doctor and nurse, but then thinks they'd better check what vaccines they'll need first and then changes their mind.
  3. Haha
  4. Like
    Bob The Badger got a reaction from Miggins in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Tetanus jab wears off after (I think) about 5 years.
    Shingles loses its effectiveness after about 10 years.
    The flu jab only lasts a year.
    They're not selling bus passes here, vaccines wear off, they're just trying to figure out the speed and how often is necessary to revaccinate. 
    And I'm far from an expert too (which is why I listen to experts).
    But as I posted in here a few days ago, in my wife's department (colorectal oncology) they started giving a 2nd booster (4th jab) to the most vulnerable patients a few weeks ago because there is evidence that it continues to boost immunity incrementally. 

    That each jab isn't to replace the previous one, it's to build upon it.
    Ask @Archied I'm sure he'll tell you that when you're building a wall, placing one brick on top of another doesn't necessarily means the first brick failed. 
  5. Haha
    Bob The Badger got a reaction from Eddie in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
  6. Haha
    Bob The Badger got a reaction from Stive Pesley in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    I can just imagine all the doctors and nurses saying, 'well I signed up for this job knowing I 'd need a flu jab and hep B and tetanus and MMR, but I never knew they'd add another one. I want my Uni money back I'm not having that!' 
    I wonder if anybody ever decides to be a doctor and nurse, but then thinks they'd better check what vaccines they'll need first and then changes their mind.
  7. Like
    Bob The Badger got a reaction from therealhantsram in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Tetanus jab wears off after (I think) about 5 years.
    Shingles loses its effectiveness after about 10 years.
    The flu jab only lasts a year.
    They're not selling bus passes here, vaccines wear off, they're just trying to figure out the speed and how often is necessary to revaccinate. 
    And I'm far from an expert too (which is why I listen to experts).
    But as I posted in here a few days ago, in my wife's department (colorectal oncology) they started giving a 2nd booster (4th jab) to the most vulnerable patients a few weeks ago because there is evidence that it continues to boost immunity incrementally. 

    That each jab isn't to replace the previous one, it's to build upon it.
    Ask @Archied I'm sure he'll tell you that when you're building a wall, placing one brick on top of another doesn't necessarily means the first brick failed. 
  8. Haha
    Bob The Badger got a reaction from i-Ram in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
  9. Like
    Bob The Badger got a reaction from Miggins in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Sadly, the best alternative has been and gone to a large extent with people, worldwide, not just here, refusing to get vaccinated or wear masks.
    Now, according to experts the alternative/advice, is to continue to wear a mask, continue to social distance, get vaccinated if you haven't etc.
    I'm not calling for a lockdown, nor am I saying we shouldn't have a lockdown.
    I'm just saying we should listen to the scientists and people on the cutting edge who know what the duck is really happening.

    I do think medical staff need to shut up whining and get vaccinated though. Although I suspect from anecdotal evidence that of those 60k who are supposedly refusing (just quoting another poster) I doubt many are doctors or nurses.

    You can barely move on Tik Tok and Twitter for medical professionals saying get vaccinated or trying to explain how bad it is yet I haven't seen anybody remotely credible saying the opposite. 
  10. Clap
    Bob The Badger got a reaction from Miggins in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    I was just listening to a lady on Adrian Chiles phone in on 5live who has given birth to twins. She has covid and having to isolate from her husband and one baby who is underweight and still in hospital.
    She said the maternity ward would normally have 35 staff on and 11 were off with Covid and it was utterly overwhelmed.
    People taking digs at the vaccine and mask wearing will stop the instant a loved one either dies or gets seriously ill because because the hospital treatment they desperately needed was delayed, or simply didn't happen through a sheer lack of staff.
    The idea of just letting it rip as was suggested on here a couple of days ago to much applause is ridiculous and so ill-informed as to be almost comical.
    If you do that you will see more and more medical staff get sick and it will domino out of control. It won't be omicron killing people (I think it's fairly clear that is much less virulent than Delta) but a lack of care for people with other medical conditions.
    The conversation that the NHS should be able to handle a 5% increase is worth having (Tory austerity measures and Brexit anybody can and should be discussed), but no health service could manage a 5% increase that AND staff dropping like flies at the same time.
    The powers that be know what could happen which is why you have left and right wing governments acting in much the same way the world over. I despise Johnson with a passion, but I doubt there's anything he wants to do less than impose more control in the same way as Sturgeon didn't want to, but did anyway.
    People who think this is about Governments wanting more control need to step away from their tin hats and go and read from all sources rather than relentlessly posting tweets from one guy on Twitter and unreliable sources whilst moaning about the BBC being unbiased.
    And on that point, I've been listening carefully this week.
    Every frickin debate is balanced. EVERY one. that I have listened to.

    YES, you can tell what some people think. Nicky Campbell is clearly in favour of vaccines and mask wearing as is the Tony Livesey and Adrian Chiles, but that\'s not the point. They all give air time to all views and don't force the conversation. To deny that like the idiot who wrote that spurious  and (amazingly) anonymous Spectator article is to be either in utter denial, or simply working to an agenda.
  11. Like
    Bob The Badger got a reaction from ariotofmyown in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    I can just imagine all the doctors and nurses saying, 'well I signed up for this job knowing I 'd need a flu jab and hep B and tetanus and MMR, but I never knew they'd add another one. I want my Uni money back I'm not having that!' 
    I wonder if anybody ever decides to be a doctor and nurse, but then thinks they'd better check what vaccines they'll need first and then changes their mind.
  12. Like
    Bob The Badger got a reaction from angieram in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Sadly, the best alternative has been and gone to a large extent with people, worldwide, not just here, refusing to get vaccinated or wear masks.
    Now, according to experts the alternative/advice, is to continue to wear a mask, continue to social distance, get vaccinated if you haven't etc.
    I'm not calling for a lockdown, nor am I saying we shouldn't have a lockdown.
    I'm just saying we should listen to the scientists and people on the cutting edge who know what the duck is really happening.

    I do think medical staff need to shut up whining and get vaccinated though. Although I suspect from anecdotal evidence that of those 60k who are supposedly refusing (just quoting another poster) I doubt many are doctors or nurses.

    You can barely move on Tik Tok and Twitter for medical professionals saying get vaccinated or trying to explain how bad it is yet I haven't seen anybody remotely credible saying the opposite. 
  13. Sad
    Bob The Badger reacted to sawley_ram in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    My two pence on the whole pandemic has been (for the past year now) that our reaction to Covid is worse than Covid itself.
    I lost two relatives prematurely to cancer last year because their cancer treatment was stopped for too long. They were 58 and 73, both mothers. We don't know the true number of people 'killed by Covid' because the metric is so vague, and we'll certainly never even have a guess at how many died from missed treatments and operations. Deaths are certainly above average, but that's because it's new. The flu kills tens of thousands and sadly the suffering is much the same. My 95-year-old Grandmother had Covid last year and survived it with no symptoms, passing away earlier this year due to frailty of old age. She was a very sociable woman but the last year of her life was spent distanced from family, even after a year of living with and learning from this seasonal virus. I will never forget being crouched down by her death bed, wearing gloves, a mask, an apron and having to have the door wide open and her asking why it had to be like this. The loneliness and distress from not seeing her own family is what killed her. 
    As it happens today is my first day post-isolation, as I caught Covid at a works' Christmas party a few weeks ago. My symptoms were very mild but because I was positive, I had to become economically inactive for 10 days and stay at home, as did most of the team. As a result of this we now have a backlog of around 1000 patients whose tissue samples are awaiting analysis -- some of those eventual diagnoses will determine cancer and these will be late diagnoses. My fiancee is a District Nurse and although she had no symptoms, she too had to stay at home and an already stretched NHS Trust suffered even more.
    There's no denying the virus is real, just like other seasonal viruses, but we will never, ever, ever defeat it because it will continue to mutate, just like all the other seasonal viruses! We cannot continue to endure a never-ending cycle of shutting down and restarting sections of society. 
  14. Like
    Bob The Badger got a reaction from Wolfie in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    I can just imagine all the doctors and nurses saying, 'well I signed up for this job knowing I 'd need a flu jab and hep B and tetanus and MMR, but I never knew they'd add another one. I want my Uni money back I'm not having that!' 
    I wonder if anybody ever decides to be a doctor and nurse, but then thinks they'd better check what vaccines they'll need first and then changes their mind.
  15. Haha
  16. Clap
    Bob The Badger got a reaction from RoyMac5 in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    I can just imagine all the doctors and nurses saying, 'well I signed up for this job knowing I 'd need a flu jab and hep B and tetanus and MMR, but I never knew they'd add another one. I want my Uni money back I'm not having that!' 
    I wonder if anybody ever decides to be a doctor and nurse, but then thinks they'd better check what vaccines they'll need first and then changes their mind.
  17. Like
    Bob The Badger got a reaction from GboroRam in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Sadly, the best alternative has been and gone to a large extent with people, worldwide, not just here, refusing to get vaccinated or wear masks.
    Now, according to experts the alternative/advice, is to continue to wear a mask, continue to social distance, get vaccinated if you haven't etc.
    I'm not calling for a lockdown, nor am I saying we shouldn't have a lockdown.
    I'm just saying we should listen to the scientists and people on the cutting edge who know what the duck is really happening.

    I do think medical staff need to shut up whining and get vaccinated though. Although I suspect from anecdotal evidence that of those 60k who are supposedly refusing (just quoting another poster) I doubt many are doctors or nurses.

    You can barely move on Tik Tok and Twitter for medical professionals saying get vaccinated or trying to explain how bad it is yet I haven't seen anybody remotely credible saying the opposite. 
  18. Haha
  19. Clap
    Bob The Badger reacted to Eddie in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    I should imagine that there will be vaccines under development that 'target' mutations as opposed to just the original.
    Like each year, the 'flu vaccine is slightly different to previous ones.
  20. Like
    Bob The Badger got a reaction from Wolfie in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    I'm not going to say I disagree with the Government having made decisions, but t his is an instance where the public could bail out the people they elected to power by not refusing to wear a mask or get vaccinated.
    Nobody has been fired yet, and as I have said ion here many times, health workers already have to have certain jabs. My wife who is a Doctor of Nursing , had to have 5 as terms of her employment. Why is that any different?
    I'd like to ask ANYBODY who thinks they shouldn't have to get vaccinated, does that mean you're ok with scrapping all mandatory vaccinations for health care workers?

  21. Clap
    Bob The Badger got a reaction from angieram in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    I was just listening to a lady on Adrian Chiles phone in on 5live who has given birth to twins. She has covid and having to isolate from her husband and one baby who is underweight and still in hospital.
    She said the maternity ward would normally have 35 staff on and 11 were off with Covid and it was utterly overwhelmed.
    People taking digs at the vaccine and mask wearing will stop the instant a loved one either dies or gets seriously ill because because the hospital treatment they desperately needed was delayed, or simply didn't happen through a sheer lack of staff.
    The idea of just letting it rip as was suggested on here a couple of days ago to much applause is ridiculous and so ill-informed as to be almost comical.
    If you do that you will see more and more medical staff get sick and it will domino out of control. It won't be omicron killing people (I think it's fairly clear that is much less virulent than Delta) but a lack of care for people with other medical conditions.
    The conversation that the NHS should be able to handle a 5% increase is worth having (Tory austerity measures and Brexit anybody can and should be discussed), but no health service could manage a 5% increase that AND staff dropping like flies at the same time.
    The powers that be know what could happen which is why you have left and right wing governments acting in much the same way the world over. I despise Johnson with a passion, but I doubt there's anything he wants to do less than impose more control in the same way as Sturgeon didn't want to, but did anyway.
    People who think this is about Governments wanting more control need to step away from their tin hats and go and read from all sources rather than relentlessly posting tweets from one guy on Twitter and unreliable sources whilst moaning about the BBC being unbiased.
    And on that point, I've been listening carefully this week.
    Every frickin debate is balanced. EVERY one. that I have listened to.

    YES, you can tell what some people think. Nicky Campbell is clearly in favour of vaccines and mask wearing as is the Tony Livesey and Adrian Chiles, but that\'s not the point. They all give air time to all views and don't force the conversation. To deny that like the idiot who wrote that spurious  and (amazingly) anonymous Spectator article is to be either in utter denial, or simply working to an agenda.
  22. Clap
    Bob The Badger got a reaction from RoyMac5 in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    I was just listening to a lady on Adrian Chiles phone in on 5live who has given birth to twins. She has covid and having to isolate from her husband and one baby who is underweight and still in hospital.
    She said the maternity ward would normally have 35 staff on and 11 were off with Covid and it was utterly overwhelmed.
    People taking digs at the vaccine and mask wearing will stop the instant a loved one either dies or gets seriously ill because because the hospital treatment they desperately needed was delayed, or simply didn't happen through a sheer lack of staff.
    The idea of just letting it rip as was suggested on here a couple of days ago to much applause is ridiculous and so ill-informed as to be almost comical.
    If you do that you will see more and more medical staff get sick and it will domino out of control. It won't be omicron killing people (I think it's fairly clear that is much less virulent than Delta) but a lack of care for people with other medical conditions.
    The conversation that the NHS should be able to handle a 5% increase is worth having (Tory austerity measures and Brexit anybody can and should be discussed), but no health service could manage a 5% increase that AND staff dropping like flies at the same time.
    The powers that be know what could happen which is why you have left and right wing governments acting in much the same way the world over. I despise Johnson with a passion, but I doubt there's anything he wants to do less than impose more control in the same way as Sturgeon didn't want to, but did anyway.
    People who think this is about Governments wanting more control need to step away from their tin hats and go and read from all sources rather than relentlessly posting tweets from one guy on Twitter and unreliable sources whilst moaning about the BBC being unbiased.
    And on that point, I've been listening carefully this week.
    Every frickin debate is balanced. EVERY one. that I have listened to.

    YES, you can tell what some people think. Nicky Campbell is clearly in favour of vaccines and mask wearing as is the Tony Livesey and Adrian Chiles, but that\'s not the point. They all give air time to all views and don't force the conversation. To deny that like the idiot who wrote that spurious  and (amazingly) anonymous Spectator article is to be either in utter denial, or simply working to an agenda.
  23. Clap
    Bob The Badger got a reaction from WharfedaleRam in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    I was just listening to a lady on Adrian Chiles phone in on 5live who has given birth to twins. She has covid and having to isolate from her husband and one baby who is underweight and still in hospital.
    She said the maternity ward would normally have 35 staff on and 11 were off with Covid and it was utterly overwhelmed.
    People taking digs at the vaccine and mask wearing will stop the instant a loved one either dies or gets seriously ill because because the hospital treatment they desperately needed was delayed, or simply didn't happen through a sheer lack of staff.
    The idea of just letting it rip as was suggested on here a couple of days ago to much applause is ridiculous and so ill-informed as to be almost comical.
    If you do that you will see more and more medical staff get sick and it will domino out of control. It won't be omicron killing people (I think it's fairly clear that is much less virulent than Delta) but a lack of care for people with other medical conditions.
    The conversation that the NHS should be able to handle a 5% increase is worth having (Tory austerity measures and Brexit anybody can and should be discussed), but no health service could manage a 5% increase that AND staff dropping like flies at the same time.
    The powers that be know what could happen which is why you have left and right wing governments acting in much the same way the world over. I despise Johnson with a passion, but I doubt there's anything he wants to do less than impose more control in the same way as Sturgeon didn't want to, but did anyway.
    People who think this is about Governments wanting more control need to step away from their tin hats and go and read from all sources rather than relentlessly posting tweets from one guy on Twitter and unreliable sources whilst moaning about the BBC being unbiased.
    And on that point, I've been listening carefully this week.
    Every frickin debate is balanced. EVERY one. that I have listened to.

    YES, you can tell what some people think. Nicky Campbell is clearly in favour of vaccines and mask wearing as is the Tony Livesey and Adrian Chiles, but that\'s not the point. They all give air time to all views and don't force the conversation. To deny that like the idiot who wrote that spurious  and (amazingly) anonymous Spectator article is to be either in utter denial, or simply working to an agenda.
  24. Clap
    Bob The Badger got a reaction from cstand in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    I was just listening to a lady on Adrian Chiles phone in on 5live who has given birth to twins. She has covid and having to isolate from her husband and one baby who is underweight and still in hospital.
    She said the maternity ward would normally have 35 staff on and 11 were off with Covid and it was utterly overwhelmed.
    People taking digs at the vaccine and mask wearing will stop the instant a loved one either dies or gets seriously ill because because the hospital treatment they desperately needed was delayed, or simply didn't happen through a sheer lack of staff.
    The idea of just letting it rip as was suggested on here a couple of days ago to much applause is ridiculous and so ill-informed as to be almost comical.
    If you do that you will see more and more medical staff get sick and it will domino out of control. It won't be omicron killing people (I think it's fairly clear that is much less virulent than Delta) but a lack of care for people with other medical conditions.
    The conversation that the NHS should be able to handle a 5% increase is worth having (Tory austerity measures and Brexit anybody can and should be discussed), but no health service could manage a 5% increase that AND staff dropping like flies at the same time.
    The powers that be know what could happen which is why you have left and right wing governments acting in much the same way the world over. I despise Johnson with a passion, but I doubt there's anything he wants to do less than impose more control in the same way as Sturgeon didn't want to, but did anyway.
    People who think this is about Governments wanting more control need to step away from their tin hats and go and read from all sources rather than relentlessly posting tweets from one guy on Twitter and unreliable sources whilst moaning about the BBC being unbiased.
    And on that point, I've been listening carefully this week.
    Every frickin debate is balanced. EVERY one. that I have listened to.

    YES, you can tell what some people think. Nicky Campbell is clearly in favour of vaccines and mask wearing as is the Tony Livesey and Adrian Chiles, but that\'s not the point. They all give air time to all views and don't force the conversation. To deny that like the idiot who wrote that spurious  and (amazingly) anonymous Spectator article is to be either in utter denial, or simply working to an agenda.
  25. Clap
    Bob The Badger got a reaction from therealhantsram in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    I was just listening to a lady on Adrian Chiles phone in on 5live who has given birth to twins. She has covid and having to isolate from her husband and one baby who is underweight and still in hospital.
    She said the maternity ward would normally have 35 staff on and 11 were off with Covid and it was utterly overwhelmed.
    People taking digs at the vaccine and mask wearing will stop the instant a loved one either dies or gets seriously ill because because the hospital treatment they desperately needed was delayed, or simply didn't happen through a sheer lack of staff.
    The idea of just letting it rip as was suggested on here a couple of days ago to much applause is ridiculous and so ill-informed as to be almost comical.
    If you do that you will see more and more medical staff get sick and it will domino out of control. It won't be omicron killing people (I think it's fairly clear that is much less virulent than Delta) but a lack of care for people with other medical conditions.
    The conversation that the NHS should be able to handle a 5% increase is worth having (Tory austerity measures and Brexit anybody can and should be discussed), but no health service could manage a 5% increase that AND staff dropping like flies at the same time.
    The powers that be know what could happen which is why you have left and right wing governments acting in much the same way the world over. I despise Johnson with a passion, but I doubt there's anything he wants to do less than impose more control in the same way as Sturgeon didn't want to, but did anyway.
    People who think this is about Governments wanting more control need to step away from their tin hats and go and read from all sources rather than relentlessly posting tweets from one guy on Twitter and unreliable sources whilst moaning about the BBC being unbiased.
    And on that point, I've been listening carefully this week.
    Every frickin debate is balanced. EVERY one. that I have listened to.

    YES, you can tell what some people think. Nicky Campbell is clearly in favour of vaccines and mask wearing as is the Tony Livesey and Adrian Chiles, but that\'s not the point. They all give air time to all views and don't force the conversation. To deny that like the idiot who wrote that spurious  and (amazingly) anonymous Spectator article is to be either in utter denial, or simply working to an agenda.
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