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Marriot Ram99

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Posts posted by Marriot Ram99

  1. I agree with Bris tbh Derby arent that a big a club maybe for the Championship but not in general. We were probably seen as quite abig club around the late 90s early 2000s when we more recently had some top flight success. But a long time has passed since we were in the top flight and we stunk it out last time so people associate us with that.

    Only over 40s see us a big club most younger fans see us as a club to take the piss out of or just know us because of Rooney,Lampard or admin. Hopefully we can restore abit of pride and establish ourselves again if Brighton can achieve as much as they have then there is always a hope but it requires some luck and things be very well run.

  2. 7 minutes ago, alram said:

     i think we really overrated the team we have. if you made a best XI on paper of the whole euros how many england players would get into it? 


    i would argue maybe foden, walker and kane. but even kane is debatable with the likes of mbappe & dont rule ronaldo out pulling something out the bag for portugal.


    we have loads of attacking midfielders and not much else

    Bellingham would get into any team, Rice is probably top 5 in the world for a holding midfielder.  So we have Walker, Foden, Bellingham and Kane thats 4 top  world class players in one team, not bad.  Palmer, Saka, Rice , Stones and Trent are also top notch players.

    Then lots of good impact players like Gordon and Watkins. We have a very good squad but yes overated by some as we are certainly not clear favourites if you add in Terry,Cole and Rio we would probably piss it but we dont have them.

  3. 1 minute ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

    Indeed, they finished third in the table and played some good football along the way, it was no fluke. 
    Maybe the occasion has got to them today, one game too far type thing, as well as credit to Oxford for their performance and game management. 

    They have been on a downward trend the last 5 weeks or so tbh, thats why we finished 5 points ahead and didnt have to pip them by GD or a point or 2 at one point we would have needed more like 94 points for 2nd.

  4. Somehow I dont think we will have enough to sign the likes of Haji Wright and Keife Moore haha the types of players who turn you into play off contenders so we will be looking for 1-2mill gambles from lower or foriegn leagues maybe the Eridevise or Scandanavia as it has been mentioned in DET that Warne has been scouting there or free agents and Prem loans. Not really a fan of Prem Loans though as we wont have the pull power to get the best ones over other teams in this league and it would be more for depth.

    The key signings will be a marquee striker and a creative mid would like a better left back than what we currently have if we want to play 4atb ,Adams and a good left footed winger with some creativity.

  5. First time posting since around October,have been following everything on here though even when I was in Vietnam working and waking up to the mid week game scores and highlights in the morning .

    I think I would be happy with top half and would set a points target of getting above 60 points that will mean we comfortably stay up and then challenge to go up the following season with good recruitment. Just staying up is abit negative imo we have a good defence and some players who will improve and I expect the recruitement to be quite good just have that feeling that alot of champ quality players will come in. Wouldnt be happy with 20th say and getting battered at home quite regularly, struggling for goals and lacking any quality going forward. We need to do abit more than survive imo for a decent season.

    A very good season would be high 60s or low 70s for points and to be in and around top 6 wont do an Ipswichof course  but with some quality attackers and a new midfield including Adams we could be closer to the Top 6 than bottom 3 around 10th.

    Definitely dont want to see us lining up with Collins or Washington upfront 1sf game of the season, Collins will be a decent sub option but we will need someone with either more mobility or better touch and basics like Martin in the past.

  6. That's so awful to hear, especially when he has not been on lately.  I remember seeing his account when I read the first forum when I was only 8 years old first supporting Derby and was always a well known and well liked member. Didn't really know him in person but always seemed very positive and well spoken of.

  7. 2 hours ago, LeedsCityRam said:

    Must confess I did enjoy watching that. Clearly the opposition were very limited but that's not Derby's fault.

    What struck me tonight was how comfortable we looked with the ball - pop passes, plenty of movement & patience when in possession. That mentality gave us control of the game very quickly & thereafter they couldn't stop us slicing through them. We have the players to play this way regularly & I want us to have the same principles away from PP with oppo midfielders closing down quicker than Northampton's did tonight - not the hot potato rubbish we've seen in recent weeks.

    Shout out to Conor Washington who I thought was very good with his movement, touch & work rate - great finish too. A deserved MOM for Max Bird though who looked like a mini Frank Lampard that first half in particular. Two immaculate finishes & maybe the start of a breakout season for him in terms of goalscoring.

    Pleased also for Dajaune Brown getting his first minutes of first team action & hopefully his debut sees him kick on to be a regular first team squad member.


    Regarding playing away from home, the players s*** themselves at small grounds on the ball I think. Granted only been to Shrewsbury but on poor pitches at a low level kind of atmosphere and ground I think we go into hit it long mode.

  8. 4 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

    Things aren't going well at the moment.

    I think his cv would suggest he's not as s*** at his job as you think though. 

    How do you think you're doing as a supporter of this football club?

    I want what's best for this club so by not backing Warne I think I am doing rather well to be honest...

    Not backing the manager doesn't make you a bad fan, you can hate the manager and love the club.

  9. 5 hours ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

    I appreciate you clarifying your stance on it, I was just asking the original poster to do the same. 
    My own view is that Clowes is far from being a “bad owner” at this point, and I don’t get why people are “disappointed” in him, as though he’s a naughty child. He’s the owner of the football club, who has invested millions into the club and the local community, without him there potentially wouldn’t be a club. The growing “hate” for Warne by SOME fans, as I’ve yet to see a quantitative study proving its most Derby fans as you and others keep stating, might be warranted but this season isn’t beyond saving and if Clowes has chosen to back his man there’s a couple of options available to fans. One is to accept it and make your choice as to whether you want to carry on following/supporting the club in spite of Warne’s presence. Another is to spend your time doing something else for the moment until such inevitable point as Warne moves on either through his choice or the owners. Another is to become more active in protesting Warne’s management, I’ve yet to see any marches against Warne or mass protests at the grounds by this “most” fans, or banners in the stands demanding “Warne out” or that we “play the McClaren way or else”. 

    Clowes tenure as owner should not and, for me, will not be defined by one managerial appointment good or bad. It’s about how he acts as overall custodian for the football club and for now he’s getting most of the other stuff more right than wrong, with time and opportunity to correct what’s happening on the pitch provided I remember my patience. 

    So hypothetically if we kept Warne for his full contract and we were midtable with awful football and all the best players going and fans booing and getting very angry do you think that would be acceptable from Clowes?

    Don't think it will happen but it comes a point where he looks in the wrong to not sack him, I wouldn't have appointed him but would have sacked him at the end of last season if not about a month ago. But we are getting into the territory where he will be very lucky to have a job if things don't improve.  Warne could not do any worse imo and I strongly believe that. No manager could have us bottom half, the players organising themselves would play better than under Warne I think and I mean that. I've seen us play s*** for all 6 games I have see this season, we are embarrassingly bad its criminal how bad he has manged us. Caveman football without results.

  10. 5 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

    Please dont try and speak on behalf of the fans.

    I'm sure there are many, like me, who do give more than 2 f**** about things other than just what happens on the pitch because we realise without David Clowes we would have no pitch to give 2 f**** about.

    As for hating the manager, grow up.

    I don't hate him but think he is s*** at his job. Having to rely on someone s*** at their job is always going to make you harbour resentment and get frustrated. 

  11. 5 hours ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

    So, just to clarify, the man who saved this 139 year institution at the heart of a city and surrounding areas from extinction with his money, re-hired colleagues who’s livelihoods had been taken away, worked to rebuild the reputation of the club off the pitch by doing things like donating “sponsorship” to a national charity, is looking to run the club as sustainably as possible to secure its long term future, invested in the upkeep of the stadium after years of neglect (after buying that back too), worked collaboratively with the EFL to rebuild relationships long soured, continued to invest in the academy, realigned the football side to include the women’s team, and probably a few more things I can’t recall that others might ….has failed to match your personal opinion and expectations that Warne isn’t the right man for us right now and therefore should be sacked, so you’re disappointed in him? 

    What matters is on the pitch for fans most couldn't give 2 f**** about the rest if we are abysmal on the pitch on a Saturday and have a manager that most are growing to hate quite frankly. I am not saying that Clowes is a bad owner but he will be soon be viewed as one irregardless of any community work if things continue how they are on the pitch and he takes too long to act and keeps faith in Warne.

  12. On 20/10/2023 at 13:35, jono said:

    Well, I am a Warne in man. Not because he’s a genius, not because I like 3 at the back and flogging aging wide players to play the full length of the pitch. Not because sometimes he seems inflexible.

    I am Warne in because we have all been too impatient in recent times. Because he talks as straight as he is able to, without betraying confidences that he has to keep. That despite some bumps, he has engendered a team sprit. He wants to win, never knowingly plays for a draw, likes using width of the pitch. Has probably done as well as anyone attainable for us could have done. The injuries we have had have been very unlucky. …. And biggest of all he deserves a chance over the length of his contract without constantly having to look over his shoulder in case he’s going to get tripped by his own fans.
    Question him ? Yes. Put him on the spot Yes ! Undermine him in the considered way that some seem to revel in no.

    The football is ok with some ups and downs. Still lots to do, isn’t perfect but I am fed up with manager merry go round. Unless we look threatened by relegation he gets my full support at least to the end of the season and maybe beyond. 

    Do you still support him until the end of the season? Midtable and horrible football  doesn't reach the minimum standards for us.

  13. 4 hours ago, Topram said:

    Clowse won’t sack Warne for 2 reasons, 

    1 Big big cost to sack him and his team 

    2. This was his big first call and letting LR go to replace him with PW looks a disastrous decision and he as a businessman will be to proud to sack him.

    A stupid business man if he is ruled by pride ,you dig your own hole if you don't  know when to accept you made the wrong call. He keeps Warne longer and he will be getting abuse from some sections as well . Not saying that's right just how it is.

  14. 1 minute ago, Jimbo Ram said:

    I would have given Liam more time. At least I could see a plan and what we were trying to do. I am clueless as to what Warne is doing or what his plan is. These are his players. He took over when we were 7th and now we are 10th. Not great.

    Rosenior didn't even got a fully fut Mcgoldrick,  without him under Warne we would have been about equal to Fleetwood Town points wise.

  15. 4 minutes ago, Jram said:

    I assume you knew from day one, did you?

    Not from day 1 but was sceptical from the start , thought things were looking good before we got battered by Barnsley in February, but since the start of this season about 3 or 4 games in its been obvious he has made us a s**** team.Blackpool in the cup was enough for me then we won a few jammy games but we have been going this way all season.

  16. 7 hours ago, Srg said:

    We just don't agree then. You can point to goals to games ratios all you want, one backed up by penalties and another by a hat trick in one half, but none of that changes the fact that the way we play is completely hamstrung by the attributes, or lack thereof, of those strikers. The midfield hasn't been great, but when midfielders get the ball, look up, and the only option is to go wide or recycle backwards because we have a statue up front it gets very very easy to defend against. Our strikers scare no team in this league, there's no threat in behind, there's no threat from distance, none of them can beat a man and they'd all struggle in a foot race against anyone.

    I get what you mean ,Collins and Waghorn don't have pace and can't beat players. Washington does have enough pace to get in behind though as shown against Shrewsbury,  don't think he has been given a fair shot yet.

  17. 1 hour ago, Srg said:

    Don't particularly need them to be 20 goal plus, just a striker with those attributes would improve the entire team. For all we know, that guy is Dajaune Brown but Warne continues to completely ignore him despite the tragic options in the first team. At the very worst, he's no better than what we have. But at least we'd know.

    Our options aren't tragic, I think Washington is quite good for this level as a link up player Waghorn is decent as well not great but decent. Collins is very frustrating but has a decent goals to games ratio this season and is atleast slightly above average for this poor league. Maybe once John Jules gets fit in a few weeks he Maybe good as well. It's a good enough strike force for promotion even though we lack a main man like Charles or JCH I think the midfield play and some poor defending has been our main weakness, the midfield have been poor both offensively and defensively in a lot of games even though playing the right way they are good enough individuals.

  18. Just woke up and seen we won 2-0 and Washington scored really happy with that.  Thought on Saturday Washington looked really sharp and like a proper striker making runs in behind aggressively and looking strong and hungry .

    Was Washington good or was it just cameo role where he tapped one in? Good to see NML score too.

    Edit- Just seen the goals was a great direct goal from Washington think he could prove to be a decent signing until recently everyone thought he wasn't worth bringing in. Saturday was the first time I thought he was good.

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