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  1. Like
    ariotofmyown reacted to Comrade 86 in Vs Watford (A) Match Thread   
    Coked up, half pished t**** mainly, who think they're hilarious when in fact, they're just cringeworthy. I was sat with Watford supporting pals who were classy enough not to bring it up, but I could tell they weren't happy and they've always been pretty complimentary about our away support. I don't really see why slander should be tolerated at a footy match any more than anywhere else and it's something the club really needs to look at, but unless other fans are prepared to identify and report them, it's hard to see how that will happen. 
    Setting our unuseful idiots aside, I'd said pre-match that despite a great 3 points against Boro, 'another jolt' of improvement was needed and once we got a foothold, I think we saw that. There's no disputing that this squad remains 2 or 3 quality players short of Championship standard, but we were not in any way overfaced and IMHO, a draw would have been a fairer result. My Watford pals are convinced we'll do OK if we can strengthen the squad even a little. For my part, I think there'll be enough sides of lesser ability for us to survive as we are, but I'd hope, despite being immensely grateful for his financial input to date, that DC will see this too and support the coaching team and the squad a little more, in which case a mid-table finish is perhaps not going to be as tough as I'd feared.
    On the subject of coaching, it does concern me somewhat that we look a little aimless in the attacking third, but we saw when Dwight Gale came in last season, that this can be addressed without breaking the bank. I do believe though, that if we do strengthen the team, it'll be via the loans market, not permanent transfers, but I came away from the game with increased belief and no small amount of pride as it strikes me that we've made significant progress from out darkest days and we are far from the last cause some on here would have us believe. 
  2. Like
    ariotofmyown reacted to angieram in Vs Watford (A) Match Thread   
    It's quite a fascinating ground, no height on it at all from outside. That pitch must be in quite a bowl. 
    Very little concourse or facilities,  though, but a great view once you're in your place.
  3. Clap
    ariotofmyown got a reaction from Leicester Ram in Vs Watford (A) Match Thread   
    It is pretty weird that you have to be a pretty committed fan to be able to go to enough matches to get away tickets, but then you use the opportunity to sing those sort of things. Can't believe we are still singing that Collymore one too. So boring.
  4. Clap
    ariotofmyown got a reaction from Kathcairns in Vs Watford (A) Match Thread   
    It is pretty weird that you have to be a pretty committed fan to be able to go to enough matches to get away tickets, but then you use the opportunity to sing those sort of things. Can't believe we are still singing that Collymore one too. So boring.
  5. Cheers
    ariotofmyown got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Vs Watford (A) Match Thread   
    It is pretty weird that you have to be a pretty committed fan to be able to go to enough matches to get away tickets, but then you use the opportunity to sing those sort of things. Can't believe we are still singing that Collymore one too. So boring.
  6. Clap
    ariotofmyown got a reaction from Nishfan in Vs Watford (A) Match Thread   
    It is pretty weird that you have to be a pretty committed fan to be able to go to enough matches to get away tickets, but then you use the opportunity to sing those sort of things. Can't believe we are still singing that Collymore one too. So boring.
  7. Clap
    ariotofmyown reacted to Anag Ram in Vs Watford (A) Match Thread   
    The levels of ignorance are astounding. The situation is often exacerbated by alcohol, but that only emboldens the buffoons.
    So annoying that decent fans can’t get tickets because these shameful idiots have them.
    Life bans and fines needed.
  8. Clap
    ariotofmyown reacted to ziggazagga in Vs Watford (A) Match Thread   
    Great away day, loved walking down the yellow brick road, the murals of Elton who has contributed more to this country than some of our coke snorting knuckleheads can only wet dream about,  and Graham Taylor . Nice to have a stadium still in the middle of town, great view of the pitch.  Came away pleasantly reassured, saw enough on the pitch to convince me there will be three worse teams than us,  we went toe to toe with a very good team for long periods and three points from our first three games back in the championship will do.  On to Barrow, cant think of any sex offenders from there but no doubt the meatheads will let me know 
  9. Sad
    ariotofmyown reacted to Blondest Goat in Vs Watford (A) Match Thread   
    It was more than just a handful of fans unfortunately.
  10. Like
    ariotofmyown reacted to abertawe_ram in Vs Watford (A) Match Thread   
    Just reading through comments on the BBC sport article about the match and Watford fans on the whole saying they think we should be OK this season. Nice to see an outside perspective.
    Slightly more cocnerned about thia comment:
    I'm so glad that Watford were able to silence Derby after their fans were singing homophobic chants about Elton John. Let's hope they receive a fine from the football league.
    It does seem to be the only comment of its type so hopefully might not be accurate. I wasn't there, just wondered if anyone that was could shed any light? 
    Hope its not a section of our fans acting like t**** and gaining a bad rep for what is our generally well-regarded fanbase
  11. Clap
    ariotofmyown reacted to Caerphilly Ram in Vs Watford (A) Match Thread   
    Dajaune Brown wasn’t involved in the academy games and was on the bench. He started the game against Chesterfield.
    Yes there’s an argument that Warne could be better at bringing the current crop of academy players into the first team. But getting worked up about him not bringing one along yesterday when they will have been involved either with the U21s until fairly late Friday night once the match finished and they’d warmed down, showered and changed or with the u18s who played in Newcastle yesterday afternoon so may well have been in the North East Friday evening or travelling early yesterday just seems like a thinly veiled rant against the man himself.
    You could easily argue not letting them play a competitive game against their own age group in favour of sitting on the first team bench would be hindering their development. Or not allowing them any rest and recovery after Friday night’s game would be detrimental to their welfare. How likely is it for Warne to have subbed them on yesterday if he had included a youth player? I’d say not very, so what’s the benefit of them being there beyond a bit of the match day experience? 
  12. Like
    ariotofmyown reacted to WystonRam in Vs Watford (A) Match Thread   
    Two Trees Micro 
  13. Like
    ariotofmyown reacted to Crewton in Vs Watford (A) Match Thread   
    I'm glad they've finally joined the 21st century (I haven't been there since our last pre pandemic game, obviously). 
  14. Like
    ariotofmyown reacted to Bris Vegas in Vs Watford (A) Match Thread   
    Some positives to take:
    - We handed one of the promotion favorites Boro their only defeat of the season so far.
    - Our only defeats have come against 2nd and 3rd in the table, both away from home.
    - We have been competitive and certainly haven’t been outclassed.
    - We will strengthen before deadline day
  15. Like
    ariotofmyown reacted to Kernow in Vs Watford (A) Match Thread   
    I was hoping for 4 points from the first 3 games and would've considered that a good start. Blackburn and Watford both look better than I expected, Boro look worse than expected. I think 3 points given the current squad, including injuries, is a decent enough start.
    Two back-to-back home games in the league coming up after Barrow. Our home form will be vital and in Bristol City and Cardiff I would be hoping for at least 4 points from those games.
    Still no time to panic, in around a week we will hopefully have a little more quality in the squad which will mean more depth and more opportunity to influence games. That's one area where we're lacking right now.
  16. Like
    ariotofmyown reacted to Caerphilly Ram in Vs Watford (A) Match Thread   
    He’s got his limitations but 460 games as a professional footballer under multiple managers would suggest he’s got something about him. Could we do with an upgrade? Yeah absolutely, but questioning his entire career seems a tad dramatic 
  17. Clap
    ariotofmyown reacted to Crewton in Vs Watford (A) Match Thread   
    Surprisingly, I've never been interested in any of those facilities when going to Vicarage Road for a Rams game 😉 I was judging it more on the distinct lack of decent pubs that sell the stuff I'm interested in drinking at an away match. Personal perhaps, but for that and other reasons, it doesn't rank highly on my list of great away day locations. Obviously, being in the south-east it's going to have sufficient local wealth to support the kind of businesses you mentioned.
  18. Like
    ariotofmyown got a reaction from 1967Ram in Vs Watford (A) Match Thread   
    I'm a bit biased here as don't live too far away. It's got some great independent restaurants, brilliant old theatre, fairly decent shops if needed. I've been to far worse places.
  19. Clap
    ariotofmyown reacted to Poynton ram in Festival and Gig Tickets   
    New Order tomorrow night in Wythenshawe Park. Jonny Marr supporting so would love an Electronic collaboration
  20. Cheers
    ariotofmyown reacted to NOTSA74 in Festival and Gig Tickets   
    Standard Arena, sound can be a bit hit and miss though that may be less of an issue with Dylan.
  21. Like
    ariotofmyown reacted to Animal is a Ram in Who's using AI?   
    I find it very assbackwards that AI is being used for the more fun, creative aspects of human society (art, music, video, etc) when it should be leveraged to take away the tedious things humans don't enjoy to give us time to do those things!
  22. Haha
    ariotofmyown reacted to Crewton in Ivan Toney (say what you see)   
    One of the few footballers whose name can be represented in picture form.

  23. Like
    ariotofmyown reacted to RamInSweden in Daniel Jebbison   
    Well it stopped when the administrators sold them all.
  24. Clap
    ariotofmyown reacted to ram59 in Daniel Jebbison   
    The level of our academy players is far lower than it was about 3 or 4 years ago, our u21 team were regularly competing at the top of the Premier 2 division, even playing in europe. Since then the team has been devastated, losing virtually all of the top talent, in some cases for next to nothing.
    Our u21 team is having to start from scratch and it will take some time, if at all, to get back to where it once was. Our recent group of players in the u21's could barely register a win throughout the season, which doesn't fill you with confidence that many will be able to step up to Championship football just yet.
    Administration effectively relegated us, but the damage to our academy is arguably more devastating and will take a lot longer to fix.
  25. Clap
    ariotofmyown reacted to EnigmaRam in Daniel Jebbison   
    Bogle, ebiowi, ebosele, bird, plange, sibley, Cashin, Thompson, Whitaker, Lowe, Buchanan, knight, Stretton to name a few in the last 4-5 years
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