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Posts posted by Gee SCREAMER !!

  1. 3 minutes ago, hintonsboots said:

    Citeh may loan him to us, we play a similar style?

    It's gone that mad, I wouldn't be surprised to see him get a nice sign on fee and be flogged to someone for 4 million tomorrow and get another.  2 million quid in the bank for him and 3 million quid profit for Man City in a day.  Everyone's a winner. 

  2. 14 minutes ago, Topram said:

    Warne was at Leeds boro last night, obviously to watch Boro but I’m sure he’d have one eye on Corburn too

    I think there is more chance of me finding a million quid than the permed one sanctioning that.  I imagine the same would apply in reverse.

  3. Just now, maxjam said:


    That's how I see it.  Nowt to do with budgets as what's there to be spent is what's there.  The strikers we currently have aren't enough.  If we get better one's, we could still be here next season.  If not, I can't see it.  In that case, he may as well get games at this level, which will set him up better for the cloggers in League 1.

  4. 2 minutes ago, maxjam said:

    I think PW summed it up in his recent interview - is there more benefit in him hanging around the first team and getting occasional game time or is their more benefit in him playing week in week out in a division below?  He admitted he still didn't know what to do, my opinion is loan him out and get him playing 90mins every week.  I can however see the value in keeping him though.  Tough call, but if we get another starting No.9, I'd loan him out.

    If we don't get a better striker in, he may as well stay and get game time at this level for next years League 1 campaign.  We'll have a better player.  If we magic up a couple of quality strikers from somewhere, he's better getting games in League 1.  Not a mid table side though.  One with a bit of pressure and a reasonable sized expectant crowd to toughen up the mental side as well.

  5. 12 minutes ago, Ram-Alf said:

    There was a post...maybe on this thread where a Premier footballer was on a plane and asked the stewardess for something from the trolly(chocolate I think maybe £2)gave her a £20 note and says...is that enough 😮

    And it aint just footballers 🙄

    That was Fellaini.

  6. 1 hour ago, YorkshireRam said:

    Coincidentally I'm currently sat opposite a Spurs fan who, when asked, just described him as a 'right talent'. So there you go 😂

    Everton fans say this about every player as well.  The ones I know seem to be in total shock when they get loaned to Blackpool and can be found wandering around the home of the bewildered 12 months later.  Tranmere as it's better known. 

  7. 3 hours ago, Fraser_23 said:

    Just seen a compilation on twitter of Tom Lawrence in that relegation season. Provided that added flair and can play in the wing/CAM role.

    Would love to have him back, thought he thrived when he was here in the past few years and loved the club. 

    Id imagine he may cost a fee if he still is under contract and i’d imagine his wages are now fairly high.


    Here's our then Captain in Texas enjoying a game of golf with Kirchner just after he his b******* deal went South.

    I'd rather shave my balls with a rusty razor wearing a blindfold.

  8. 41 minutes ago, Eoghan1884 said:

    Key points from Warnes interview with bbc radio derby today regarding transfers.

    - Hinted at three targets regarding strikers and said that will take longer because everyone wants a striker and the same targets. 

    - We could have an attacking midfielder in the building in the next 48 hours. Said he just “has to meet the kid” first.  

    - Mentioned he has a good candidate to improve the back line that he likes.

    - He sounds fed up with the goalie situation and said he’s not saying anything until the goalies in the building. 

    Sounds a lot more positive than the last few times he was asked about transfers. Wonder if any of our resident ITK’s know who the 10 is. Also wonder if the defender is Brendan Wiredu because he previously mentioned there wasn’t a defender he had in mind that would improve us.

    Also mentioned he is getting a lot of positives signs in transfers just can’t say anything until you “smell them in your office”. 




  9. 1 hour ago, Animal is a Ram said:

    There's an echo in here @Srg😉

    I find it interesting that Mansfield have felt the need to make a statement about (if I've read it correctly) a player from the u13s. They must think he's special, or it's a chunky deal for someone so young.

    They'll get a nice bit of cash when we sell him to Man Citys academy in 3 years for 1.5 million

  10. 1 hour ago, MackworthRamIsGod said:

    Oxford, again.

    It's almost like we share our targets with them.

    Remember when it was Villa gazumping us.  We must have cost them millions in wages. 

  11. 11 hours ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

    Surely paying 25% of the fee on a player that might get injured playing for his current club is absolutely mad?

    I understand he's been quartered, so we should have one leg available for the weekend.   Right arm arrives start of September.  Never fear though, we've also demanded his helmet to go with the leg so we are currently up on the deal overall.  Our recruitment and finance have learnt from past mistakes. 

  12. 35 minutes ago, MACKWORTHRAM said:

    I get your point, but other than when we gave Cashin the runaround, when have you seen him play?

    Honestly I think if he hadn't played well against us, nobody would mention him.

    He has had half a season in league two and half a season in league one so far.

    He is 5ft 7 also. Which is pretty small. Not exactly the focal point and bringing others into play striker we need right now imo.


    If your fast enough, you push the defence back and stop them supporting midfield. This fella is Saunders and Sturridge rapid and will not allow a defence to set.  With a target man it's easy without a pacy forward alongside.   He'd be a good addition on that alone and i fancy he'd get goals. A  target man is an additional option and would have a role but other options are needed. 

  13. I'll only mention this again once as I have done so before.  Cashin has played in the Championship before and was the best player on the pitch most games.  He will do the same job if he's not expected to start off play.  That's the midfields job, so they need to take the ball off him early doors, get their arse in gear going forward and retain possession.  Then he can just defend. 

  14. 11 hours ago, Comrade 86 said:

    Can someone explain to me why Ukraine has now invaded Russia? Seems to me that two wrongs don't make a right and it undermines a good deal of Zelensky's criticisms of Putin, which before I get jumped on, I share.

    What I don't get is how this benefits anyone. It seems to me to be a very dangerous game of brinkmanship as I don't share people's confidence that Putin would not resort to the use of tactical nukes. If he does nothing, then he's finished IMO, so what do Ukraine hope to gain? It has the feel of a very unsubtle proxy war to me and it worries me. Cornered animals will fight, after all.

    I presume they're thinking an incursion may pull Russian troops away from another area they are worried about losing within Ukraine itself.  Perhaps an easy corridor for further advancement. That's an assumption though.

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