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Posts posted by Wignall12

  1. 15 minutes ago, ilkleyram said:

    My recollection is of Charlie being clattered - a technical term meaning deliberately taken out - by Denis Smith who had been trying to get close to Charlie all evening without success until that point. 
    With Charlie’s injury went our very realistic hopes of the double that season such was his form and influence. A time when doing the double assured a club of footballing immortality so hard was it to achieve. 
    Charlie was a football genius and was playing that season at a level to match that description. Denis Smith struggled to match a description of footballer. 

    Wasn't he clattered into the low wall along the side of the pitch or am I misremembering?

  2. 7 hours ago, rammieib said:

    I'd expect a roof is 10 million minimum.

    In the off season the pitch is dug up and reseeded.

    Apart from a 1 to 2 week window end of theseason, when will these gigs take place?

    Zero return on a roof.

    We don't play at home every week ?

  3. 1 hour ago, Day said:

    Outside of Portsmouth and Leeds, I would imagine the entire country wants Leeds to lose tomorrow.

    Insufferable lot.

    Never forget when they played Sunderland in the FA cup final in the 70s and lost. Our Games Master was from Sunderland and couldn't help but mention it in Assembly,  the crowd went WILD !! .......Come on u Saints !!

    (Same colours too, it's an omen I tell thee ! )

  4. 19 hours ago, Crewton said:

    Alan went to Shelton Lock school. We had both him and Mickey Quinn on our books at the same time (briefly) when we were starting to struggle in the old Division 1, 1978. By the time we were in the relegation zone in 1979, they'd both been released under Tommy Docherty.

    Tommy Doc has a lot to answer for, got rid of Toddy, Wee Archie etc and signed Carp (rearrange the letters) all downhill from there , it was a right knees up (if you are old enough you'll get the reference)

  5. 9 hours ago, Chopper said:

    Ok a couple of things: 

    If Notts stay up it'll be thanks to these four "bargain" purchases. That means that 26 odd players were pointless/fillers. Or 200m worth of "talent" good recruitment? Naaah.

    Secondly I think Toton is a ploy to get the council to charge a peppercorn rent, helps with FFP. But, if it isnt then we know where the new EM mayor is spending all the cash, extending and maintaining a tram route there. Also 50k? What happens if they go down? 17k fans in a 50k stadium, more like "Lull of Kintyre" (I'll get me coat)

    They should have entered Eurovision, looking at where it's being held they coulda got another star for their shirt 

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