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  1. Haha
    Andrew3000 reacted to JoetheRam in What is your favourite breakfast?   
    Hard to beat the Full English that sticks to the irrefutable laws of breakfasts (that I made up) as follows:
    At least two sausages, maybe three if you're gluttonous or have done/will be doing some manual labour within a week.
    Two rashers of bacon, not underdone but not so crisp it breaks your teeth. Bit of fat on, but never streaky, you're not Canadian.
    Two fried eggs, lovely crack of black pepper over the top of them at the table. Poached allowed only if you're at a fancy place, in which case why aren't you ordering Eggs Benedict, you heathen? You don't belong in a place like this. Scrambled allowed only if you're a lorry driver or roofer. Boiled egg (yes I've seen it)? Have a word with yourself. Any place that overcooks the eggs should be added to your personal blacklist.
    One ladle of baked beans. No cup, no side bowl and never placed directly next to the egg.  Use the sausage as a breakwater (Aha!)
    Half a grilled tomato. If you're from Burton on Trent and use tinned tomatoes, for the love of God take a trip to somewhere more cultured. Like Derby. If you're from Swad and call it "Splash", go to Burton first. Take a long look in the mirror if you question the inclusion of the tomato, order it but leave it on the side of your plate, or worst of all try to swap it out for more beans.
    One grilled portobello mushroom, no extra accoutrements like parsley or herby butter thank you very much.
    One thick slice of quality black pudding. Enjoy all that iron and try not to think what's in it. Get it from Bury if you can.
    One slice of thickly cut toast and butter OR Fried Bread. Never both, you bleeding carb loader you.
    No hash browns, no tomato ketchup (use the beans you moron), and no poncey additions of token salad leaf. This isn't healthy, don't try and pretend it is. Brown sauce for the sausage and bacon if you consider yourself Northern.
    Do not order if outside of England, else expect delights such as cucumber and cress (Amsterdam), cured ham (Spain) and pickled onions (Copenhagen) to adorn your plate.
    If I'm making it I just have Cocoa Pops instead.
  2. Haha
    Andrew3000 reacted to Anag Ram in New joke thread (trigger alert, may offend if you want it to)   
    Got to be less embarrassing than tennis
  3. Clap
  4. Haha
    Andrew3000 reacted to cstand in New joke thread (trigger alert, may offend if you want it to)   
    If Jada Smith doesn’t like jokes about alopecia...
    That’s hair loss
  5. Like
    Andrew3000 reacted to Crewton in The Administration Thread   
    I think it's best not to get anxious or angry about something that may be nothing more than an Internet rumour. We've got enough to be anxious and angry about as it is. 
  6. Haha
    Andrew3000 reacted to I am Ram in George Clooney is a Ram   
    George is a Derby fan, i suppose that explains why we are a club in constant sorrow.
  7. Haha
    Andrew3000 reacted to angieram in The Administration Thread   
    Well, stop bloody laughing at them when I post them, then!
  8. Like
    Andrew3000 reacted to strawhillram in The Administration Thread   
    I rely on that thread for facts. Please keep it going
  9. Haha
    Andrew3000 got a reaction from jimtastic56 in The Administration Thread   
  10. Like
    Andrew3000 reacted to Gee SCREAMER !! in International Rams   
    He's the best young player we have,  For some reason we keep sticking him out wide.  This is the player Cocu- the fella would captained Barcelona and got over 100 caps for The Netherlands in the same position - rated the best midfielder he'd seen in that position for his age after Norwich away.  We have an obsession with playing midfielders and strikers out wide to replace the actual ones we buy who are terminally cack.  
  11. Clap
    Andrew3000 reacted to jono in Rams v Coventry Matchday Thread   
    I’m ok with tier 3 ; Que sera sera.. what I am not ok with is tier 3 with a minus 15 starting point which is where we are heading. “Fair play” .. yes sure it is after 2 years of embargo and 21 points of deductions .. no it isn’t fair play. Disproportionate, wrong and not sporting. Al driven by pompous shi**y little money men without an ounce of integrity looking after themselves whilst devoid of courage, decency or an understanding of sport and fair play. 
  12. Like
    Andrew3000 reacted to Day in The Administration Thread   
    Doesn't surprise me. There are a number of people that believe they can say and do as they please online without consequence. 
    It's that mindset which saw the DET forum closed down, sadly for those I have a desire to see this forum stay online.
    We have a small percentage of fans that want to spout unfounded accusations. This forum will never give the platform for those voices. They can bitch and whine on social media as much as they like, I know we have a large number of fans that appreciate this platform and the law of the land.
  13. Like
    Andrew3000 reacted to IslandExile in The Administration Thread   
    @David and all the other mods....
    Thank you, thank you, thank you for this forum.
    I am living on an island in exile and away from my beloved Derby County. Until, I discovered this forum, I felt out of touch with the club that means so much to me.
    I am so grateful for what you do.
    Any Internet trolls are just that - uncaring, uneducated, ungrateful idiots that should be treated with utter contempt. Obviously, it's easier to say that than to do it, especially if you are the subject of such abuse.
    But believe me, they are in the minority, sadly vocal. People confuse "freedom of speech" with "free for all to be as abusive and obnoxious as you wish".
    The vast majority of us are grateful for what you do and support every action you take.
    Thank you. @David, Ram ?
  14. Like
    Andrew3000 reacted to Donegal Ram in Happy St Patrick's Day   
  15. Clap
    Andrew3000 reacted to maxjam in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Yes it was the FDA that wanted 75yrs to release the data.  I think the Pfizer 'confusion' comes from sloppy headlines or comments - such as the one I made tbf.  Rather than explain what the FDA is and the difference its just easier to gloss over 'pfizer docs' and '75yrs' as ultimately those are the documents we want to see.  Regardless of the who and the why, in the interests of full transparency the documents should have been made available a long time ago.
    As for FDA funding and corruption, how far down the rabbit hole do you want to go? The following USA Today article states that 
    'Based on our research, we rate PARTLY FALSE the claim a majority of the FDA's budget comes from companies it regulates'
    but goes on to state that Pfizer et al 
    'do comprise a majority of the funding for the subsection of the agency that handles drug approvals'
    There is another good article here re. conflicts of interest;
    Then of course there are articles such as this one...
    Headline: 'Ex-FDA chief Scott Gottlieb fears delaying seeking approval for COVID-19 vaccine for under-fives will 'confuse' parents and make them less interested in vaccinating their kids - as he urges CDC to relax national indoor mask guidelines
    Multiple mentions about him working previously for the FDA and urging them to promote vaccines for the under 5s etc.  Not one mention of him being a current Pfizer board member...
    So yeah, whilst I could have phrased my comment a little better I make no apologies for continuing to demand the truth and investigations into what has happened over the past few years - with particular interest into early treatments that if proven to be true, had the potential to save millions of lives and prevent the build up of massive worldwide debt and Govt oppression.
    And no, I don't expect to change any hearts and minds on here - you're either preaching to the choir or a figure of fun but I'll continue to post the occasional new bit of information that some people may find interesting and ignore the trolls.  Whilst I haven't yet reached levels of activism that require me to leave the comfort of sitting in front of my PC ? there are various online petitions and movements I have joined that want answers and transparency re. various aspects of the covid pandemic.
  16. Sad
    Andrew3000 reacted to Van der MoodHoover in Blackburn Away Match Thread   
    The table makes very very ugly reading tonight. Barnsley 4 points ahead of us with a game in hand. They have seemingly got the momentum we have been desperately trying to create but can't.
    Peterborough only 1 point behind with 2 games in hand. Makes you want to bury yourself under the duvet and hope it all goes away.
    Very sad.
  17. Like
    Andrew3000 reacted to Crewton in Paul "Jossie" Williams   
    BUT, I kind-of know where Carl Sagan is coming from. Josie WAS a dynamic midfield player as an U21 player - he had a touch of the Rioch's about him.
    I particularly remember this game against Watford, which turned out to be Peter Shilton's last. A nobber who used to sit behind me hated Josie (I'm pretty sure he didn't like any black players) and was giving him the dog's abuse early on. Josie "responded" by cracking a superb hat-trick against David James and, when the third one went in, I turned around to said nobber and gave him a 3-2-1 sign, with a long emphasis on the 1 ?
  18. Clap
    Andrew3000 reacted to LazloW in The Administration Thread   
    Maguire is a self-promoting rent-a-quote meddler who people give far too much credence. He is effectively an internet troll with a degree and a convincing job title that gives him an aura of credibility.
    Although probably only a small part, he has nevertheless played a part in our current predicament; clearly not in terms of overspending or breaking any rules, but by stirring the pot in the first place and sticking his nose where it wasn’t needed or wanted. His constant presence in the media and his sniping from the safety of his podcast has also helped spread the false premise of the scale of our so-called ‘cheating’, escalated the general level of misunderstanding about what we have supposedly done and is the reason why many fans are still seemingly against us. He is still obviously obsessed with us and Mel. It can’t be healthy.
    If we ignore him, he might go away.
  19. Like
    Andrew3000 reacted to strawhillram in The Administration Thread   
    Nothing wrong with speculators or ITKs. I love it. The forum would be a lesser place without it.
     And the page count and hits would be much lower
    If I want facts I look elsewhere for official news .
  20. Clap
    Andrew3000 reacted to maxjam in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    1.  I was giving Pfizer the benefit of the doubt despite key redactions.
    2. I cant find a Pfizer statement saying the documents are false, only a vague articles such as this stating that reports circulating on social media are 'unauthenticated' whilst the actual documents have been released on the FDA website.  The documents that Dr Campbell and other respected sources are using are legit.  I don't care what people say on twitter.
    Exactly why there should be media noise and an investigation into the findings.  
    We don't know how many vaccinations were given in the 3 month time period but we do know there were verified vaccine related deaths and serious adverse effects.  Brushing them off as a small number doesnt provide any resolution to family members that have been harmed by vaccines or have lost loved ones needlessly. 
    Redacting the total number of vaccines given only raises concerns that the percentage of negative consequences is both higher than we have been led to believe and higher than is generally considered acceptable.
    To even consider mandating a vaccine surely the public have the right to know exactly what the associated risks are - not just be told repeatedly its 'safe and effective' and get called a conspiracy theorist for asking for evidence.  Again, where is the media outcry and investigation into this?
    I think you are watching a very different to video to the one I watched and have a very different opinion of the man than I have.  Dr Campbell always provides links and replicates data and quotes in full.  I am happy to forgive him his momentary 'sarcasm lapse' as throughout the pandemic (and career) he has been a strong advocate of vaccination and we have been told that the jabs were 'safe and effective' - he states he is unhappy with the findings and as a medical professional feels letdown that we weren't told about the negative consequences earlier.   Understandable imho.  
  21. Clap
    Andrew3000 reacted to maxjam in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Official docs here;
    If you watched the video he quite clearly states that the number of vaccinations has been redacted in the document.  Why would Pfizer want that number hidden?  Answers here please...  Your own bias will lead you to whatever conclusion it is you want.  Personally, I just want the truth and the redacted parts should have the data provided.  I can't think of a reason why the total number of vaccines given would need to be hidden?!?
    Regardless, 40k+ adverse events and 1200 deaths in under 3 months is a concern and should have been public knowledge.  We should have been made fully aware of any side-effects (and compensated for them) and it should have been made illegal (all around the world) to mandate something that no matter how small of a chance may kill you.
    I find your final comment is an insult to Dr Campbells work.  I have checked his channel out - which has given out excellent information since long before the pandemic started, and found your remark nothing more than a cheap shot at trying to discredit him ? 
    Personally, I'm very interested to see what the data the upcoming releases will tell us - the release so far is only for the first 3 months, 2-4 weeks of which some countries hadn't even started their vaccination programmes and all were primarily focussed on jabbing the elderly and vulnerable. 
    Someone linked a video in the comments from a Dr. Bean which is and hour long and worth a watch.  He is also concerned with parts of the document that have been redacted and highlights the findings of more recent studies in the younger generations that show the number of adverse effects from the vaccine to be far worse than what we've been led to believe. 
    Again, this needs proper media attention and scrutiny.  We shouldnt allow Big Pharma to try and lock data away for 75yrs and redact information once told to release it (private personal info aside).  I find it stunning that there is barely any mention in or investigative journalism being carried out by the mainstream media.
  22. Clap
    Andrew3000 reacted to maxjam in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Further to the above, the only mention of the initial batch of Pfizer documents released I can find in the MSM is on GBNews if you can call them mainstream.  I know some of you will immediately roll your eyes at the mention of GBN but the conversation really is quite balanced.
  23. Clap
    Andrew3000 reacted to maxjam in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    I hadn't seen that before and have just sat down to watch it - as you say powerful stuff.
    If there is any truth in the fact that Ivermectin helps prevent against 70%+ of covid related deaths and hospitalizations and this was known about back in January 2021 but suppressed and ridiculed, we (the people) shouldn't stop shouting about it until people have lost their jobs, been imprisoned and made sure that similar situations can never arise again.  Never gonna happen but I can hope...
    It seems amazing to me that we can encounter a novel virus, decode it, mass produce a vaccine that passes (albeit rushed) safety tests quicker than we can conduct a high quality study into an existing widely used and historically safe drug.  The Oxford study into Ivermectin has been going on for approx a year now but had to shut down for a while due to a lack of Ivermectin ?. 
    Maybe I'm just being naive but during the worst of the pandemic, certainly before the vaccine became available - when people were dying in their tens of thousands a day globally I would have moved heaven and earth to run rigorous tests on anything that seemed like it may be able to help.  Instead we get the FDA in the full knowledge that Ivermectin has been safely used billions of times by humans tweeting out its a horse drug. 
    Something doesn't up and I hope some tenacious bugger eventually gets to the truth.
  24. Cheers
    Andrew3000 reacted to angieram in Omari Kellyman   
  25. Clap
    Andrew3000 got a reaction from maxjam in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    You may have seen this, very powerful:https://odysee.com/@OracleFilms:1/2022.03.04-A-Letter-to-Andrew-Hill-V8_HD:3
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