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Posts posted by Sparkle

  1. 1 hour ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

    So we don't even have to submit the accounts until 11 days after the season has started, so why the EFL even bothered to put two fixture lists out is beyond me.

    The EFL are completely mental. 

    Does that mean Wycombe could take our point totals and we take theirs ?

  2. 23 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Why is this being challenged now?

    "Further issue is how the £12m profit on writing off some shares in 2016 is classified for FFP."

    We weren’t charged for anything to do with that £12 million though ( I strongly suspect a lot of clubs have done that and by a lot more) 

  3. 40 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    But the final line on the web page:

    "* Please note that these fixtures are subject to change and at this stage the fixture list is regarded as a DRAFT."

    So buying a season ticket is regarded as draft as well then ( not a pop at you Roy) 

  4. 55 minutes ago, ramsbottom said:

    What an absolute schizer show!!!

    I know Mel has always had the club's best interests at heart, but he really has funked it up.

    He has come from the business world where they are not used to having to deal with idiots on a frequent basis 

  5. 54 minutes ago, Rambalin said:

    Just listened to the radio box experts say the resubmitted accounts hinge on 12 million pounds worth of shares that were written off when Mel took over and counted has income. 

    If they allow that and there is no particular reason why they shouldn't then we easily comply. If not then it maybe tight either wa.... being as this is the EFL then they will make up a rule and backdate it. 

    Isn’t this what has happened at several clubs? Maybe Bristol city as an example?

  6. 57 minutes ago, angieram said:

    If the EFL do appeal this verdict, thus placing us in yet another transfer embargo while it is sorted, then the club should be shouting out the unfair treatment from every rooftop.

    The restrictions placed on our ability to trade over several seasons now are as much of a punishment as any points deduction. Surely no-one still believes that the EFL haven't got it in for us?

    Fans of other clubs laughing at us might do well to remember it might be their turn next. Once the EFL have succeeded in destroying us they will turn to someone else.

    Absolutely and let’s remember those same clubs don’t actually have had to do anything actually wrong to be investigated, held ransom, stopped from operating as a business and all this can and now should go back decades whilst being threatened with future relegations for multiple breaches and whilst we are at it previous judgements overturned as it does suit the current rhetoric. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Gaspode said:

    Still don’t get how:

    - EFL rules don’t state the method of amortisation to be used

    - we submit accounts using a legitimate accounting method which the EFL accept

    - we submit 2 more years accounts using the same method which the EFL accept

    - Keiran ‘finance expert in his own head’ Maguire tells the EFL that we’re doing something different to all the other teams

    -EFL charge us over multiple issues and lose

    - EFL appeal a small part of the charges and win but now threaten to relegate us if they decide to appeal again.

    Surely their appeal was only against the fact that we’d not been clear enough in telling the EFL accountants that we’d used a different accounting technique. The fact that the latest appeal has decided we should have been fined for the issue rather than given a good telling off doesn’t legitimately leave scope for a points deduction for last season - so relegation shouldn’t even be a consideration at this stage.
    This is a vindictive statement meant to cause as much trouble as possible - at a time when all clubs are in dire straits due to COVID. Appeals from either side simply drag out this farcical process and cause more damage - the EFL need to remember they have a duty to protect all clubs and not continue to attack us just because their chief exec is best mates with a nasty little man in a Middlesbrough - particularly when they have history of letting clubs with far larger FFP breaches off the hook……

    Well that helps me my not having to write the same thing - well said 

  8. 1 hour ago, LazloW said:

    The EFL could now just say ‘ok, we got what we wanted, a clear ruling that how DCFC did the accounting is wrong and the club have been punished. That’s an end to it’.  That way they keep a big club in the Championship and save face. Not really sure what’s in it for them by relegating Derby and Sheff Wed (two of the biggest teams in the EFL) and keeping Wycombe up. An odd business decision. 

    League one would have more big clubs in terms of supporters than the championship! 

  9. 3 hours ago, JfR said:

    I think there would be three 3-year periods that need revising - the three years up to and including each newly revised set of accounts - and an additional two 3-year periods to be submitted with the club now knowing how the 2019 and 2020 accounts need to be submitted.

    Would that ultimately mean 5 years worth of accounts needing changing ( obviously only 3 for this purpose) 

  10. 8 hours ago, DCFC90 said:

    The worrying thing for me is, if we're appealing and it's taking such a long time, no-one is going to want to sign for us because they don't know which league we'll be in next season. Why has it taken over 2 years to get to this position?

    If we were in league one then it’s a totally different finance situation where we wouldn’t be allowed to sign next to no one basically due to wage caps in league one etc 

  11. Just now, Sparkle said:

    The most concerning thing about this is the fact that we Derby county extended his contract as per his contract which meant he had a potential value - the EFL wouldn’t let us extend it apparently and we are now watching him leave for absolutely nothing! Let’s forget if we wanted to use him this season or not - that in my mind is not protecting clubs it’s taking a transfer fee away from clubs and that is utterly disgusting, the cartel that is the EFL invents it’s own rules because they are not allowed to be challenged in the courts by it’s members who are being royally shafted on permanent basis.

    Just to follow that train of thought - what if we are trying to extend Tom Lawrence’s contract, I assume the EFL won’t let us do that either or give Davies, Waghorn or Wisdom a contact even if it is for less money. 

  12. The most concerning thing about this is the fact that we Derby county extended his contract as per his contract which meant he had a potential value - the EFL wouldn’t let us extend it apparently and we are now watching him leave for absolutely nothing! Let’s forget if we wanted to use him this season or not - that in my mind is not protecting clubs it’s taking a transfer fee away from clubs and that is utterly disgusting, the cartel that is the EFL invents it’s own rules because they are not allowed to be challenged in the courts by it’s members who are being royally shafted on permanent basis.

  13. 10 hours ago, B4ev6is said:

    Why is so laugh able guys he has shown he can cope at premiership level and still young enough to get even better with better players.

    You are probably nearer the mark in a couple more years especially if he continues to play in the premiership and his defending improves.

  14. 2 minutes ago, DazzaRam said:

    I agree with the comparison to Russell in workrate. But Russell had far more quality. Some of the goals and assists created by Russell i dont ever see Jozwiak being able to do that. Tries hard...Must do better. 

    I see what you are trying to say there, Russell was very direct running at defenders towards the goal or past a full back at speed to cross the ball ( usually to Bryson or Martin) so his threat to the opponent’s was greater which is why he probably got as injured as he did with us. Jozwiak just needs to learn a bit more about the English game and adapt what he can do and he would be fine but he also needs the other players to know what he is going to do with the ball because we no longer have the talent of a Bryson or Martin at the top of their game. 

  15. I thought he did alright or Poland 

    hopefully he can get some assists and maybe a goal to increase his value because I still believe we will need money to even pay for loans next season and Lawrence not getting selected for wales doesn’t help either 

  16. 11 hours ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

    If I compare Hendrick back in 2016 he had defiantly proved himself at international level when we sold him he's played excellently against Sweden and Italy and had very good games against Germany, France and Poland.

    Knights played well against teams that are not of the same calibre, it's not even close, albeit he has a lot less games than Hendrick at club level had in 2016.  

    In my opinion Hendrick was worth 2-3 million more than he went for .  Knights more untapped potential than polished finish and in a normal season we're looking at 7-8 million with add on . At the minute we'll take some second hand kit from the lost jock strap box and a years supply of biscuits for the canteen. Can't see him making a huge impression at prem level at the minute , he's too raw.

    I wouldn't be surprised to see him at a club at the top end of this league in a Rasiak to Wolves three amigos unexpected last day move that we almost saw years ago.

    Always worth remembering that Hendrick was playing with better players in his Derby county side and also in my opinion in the Irish side.

  17. 2 hours ago, Gandalf's shin pads said:

    He is 'decent'. No better than that. Any offer coming in over a couple of million and we'd have to seriously consider it given our current circumstances I think. 

    He’s very young and now experienced in the championship and a full international on several occasions and his stock will only be rising 

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