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  1. Sad
    DavesaRam reacted to superzak in Ones That Got Away   
    Ian storey moore
  2. Haha
    DavesaRam got a reaction from Norman in Season tickets on sale   
    I wonder if I said that I self-identify as a child whether I would be able to  pay at the child’s season ticket price?
  3. Like
    DavesaRam reacted to B4ev6is in Season tickets on sale   
    My dad paid for mine I will pay him back.
  4. Clap
    DavesaRam reacted to Keepyuppy in Season tickets on sale   
    Renewed my ST today - 44th consecutive seasons. Works out at £12.43 per game - that’s very cheap football indeed 🐏🤗 
  5. Like
    DavesaRam reacted to YouRams in Season tickets on sale   
    Not been able to have one for a few years with work and family commitments hoping to be able to get one for this coming season! 
    Did many come up in the South during the seat swap stage last season? What's the best way to go would you purchase in the north in a similar price bracket or go for the next best area for if you can't swap? 
  6. Clap
    DavesaRam reacted to ImARam2 in 4 years ago…   
    Although I was absolutely  ecstatic over beating Leeds, however, for clear class the play-off 2nd leg semi-final against Brighton was pure joy to watch, from a team that should have just murdered QPR in the final.
    That poxy, last minute goal was heart breaking.
  7. Haha
    DavesaRam got a reaction from SKRam in Bielik at Brum   
    You seem to be on a “let it go” thing at the moment. Have you been watching “Frozen” again?
  8. Clap
    DavesaRam reacted to MadAmster in Sheffield Wednesday (A) Sun 7th May, 12:00 KO   
    I feel sorry for all the Owls fans who went down to Peterborough 4 nothing.
  9. Haha
    DavesaRam got a reaction from Kathcairns in Sheffield Wednesday (A) Sun 7th May, 12:00 KO   
    Apparently they had a penalty decision go against them in that first leg, and they are moaning like anything! 🤪🤪🤪
  10. Haha
    DavesaRam got a reaction from Andicis in Sheffield Wednesday (A) Sun 7th May, 12:00 KO   
    Apparently they had a penalty decision go against them in that first leg, and they are moaning like anything! 🤪🤪🤪
  11. Haha
    DavesaRam got a reaction from glyn1957 in Sheffield Wednesday (A) Sun 7th May, 12:00 KO   
    Apparently they had a penalty decision go against them in that first leg, and they are moaning like anything! 🤪🤪🤪
  12. Haha
    DavesaRam got a reaction from strawhillram in Sheffield Wednesday (A) Sun 7th May, 12:00 KO   
    Apparently they had a penalty decision go against them in that first leg, and they are moaning like anything! 🤪🤪🤪
  13. Clap
    DavesaRam got a reaction from David Graham Brown in Sheffield Wednesday (A) Sun 7th May, 12:00 KO   
    Shall we play a a game of "Spot the Guilty Look"?
  14. Clap
    DavesaRam reacted to Gee SCREAMER !! in Club Captain next season?   
    Like's to give the ref a bollocking.  It's a yes from me.
  15. Haha
    DavesaRam got a reaction from GenBr in Bielik at Brum   
    If he was an accountant then right out of the blue his office chair would collapse with the shaft going straight through the seat and up his butt. And as he grabbed something to stop him falling off the chair his hand hit the top of his pen which stabbed through his palm. Then the chair stopped collapsing, throwing his body forwards, making his head tip forwards, poking his eye out on the pen sticking out of the back of his hand.
    It’s  all in a day’s work for an accountant. I should know - my son is a chartered accountant.
    Stick to footy, Kristian, its much safer!
  16. Like
    DavesaRam got a reaction from Crewton in Sheffield Wednesday (A) Sun 7th May, 12:00 KO   
    Often times when talking about match officials people will say that they have a really difficult job - which they do. But might I suggest that much of the "difficulty" they have brought on themselves. Hey have been "thigh-swishing" instead of dealing with the offences as they happen. They allowed shirt-grappling and body-bumping during open play because it was at the start relatively mild, but once players knew they could get away with it the offences started to become much more significant. This developed into the WWF we see for every free-kick and corner which has reached epic proportions. If refs simply blew for a foul and brandished appropriate cards it would soon stop, because teams would quickly find themselves one or two players down. 
    And so it went on, with the falling like flies at the slightest contact - which originated with the Italians, to which we said "that's not coming here". And it didn't until we started bringing foreign players here en masse - the two Argentinians at Spurs was where the bridgehead was breached, and now we have th Italians and everyone else plying their trade, and the Brits seeing what was going on and saying "in for a penny, in for a pound" and now they are all doing it. All it needed was a tough stance from the refs, but they whimped out yet  again. And with the American attitude of "I'll sue you for that, and if there's nothing I can sue you for, I'll sue you for that instead" means that refs daren't leave a player writhing on the floor for fear of him being genuinely injured and needing life-saving treatment. observant coaches noted that this often disrupted the opposition's momentum, so it was coached into the players from day one. And a recent development, which I hadn't seen until only a month or so ago is that if two players go down injured, neither of them has to leave the pitch once treated.
    We hd a double or even triple whammy on Sunday. First the non-penalty, with the striker bleeding to death from the sniper shot that pole-axed him then sneering at Davis when he was sent off. Then later in the game Fozzy was wrestled to the floor in the area, with the video and still shots showing his shirt halfway up his back, but apparently not a foul. Instead, as he struggled to his feet the Wednesday defender "fell" over him, and it was a free-kick to Wednesday. At the same time Dobbin was being manhandled off balance, again in full view of the match officials, but again nothing given. So  a penalty awarded for virtually no contact at all, and no penalties given for clear and blatant physical contact. 
    If the refs had balls, things might be different, and their job would instantly be a lot easier. Apart from the authorities "leaning" on match  officials in order to achieve pre-determined objectives. Not that the FAor the EFL are corrupt, of course. Heaven forfend such a suggestion!
    I'll just go and wash my mouth out with milk and honey!
  17. Clap
    DavesaRam got a reaction from ossieram in Sheffield Wednesday (A) Sun 7th May, 12:00 KO   
    Often times when talking about match officials people will say that they have a really difficult job - which they do. But might I suggest that much of the "difficulty" they have brought on themselves. Hey have been "thigh-swishing" instead of dealing with the offences as they happen. They allowed shirt-grappling and body-bumping during open play because it was at the start relatively mild, but once players knew they could get away with it the offences started to become much more significant. This developed into the WWF we see for every free-kick and corner which has reached epic proportions. If refs simply blew for a foul and brandished appropriate cards it would soon stop, because teams would quickly find themselves one or two players down. 
    And so it went on, with the falling like flies at the slightest contact - which originated with the Italians, to which we said "that's not coming here". And it didn't until we started bringing foreign players here en masse - the two Argentinians at Spurs was where the bridgehead was breached, and now we have th Italians and everyone else plying their trade, and the Brits seeing what was going on and saying "in for a penny, in for a pound" and now they are all doing it. All it needed was a tough stance from the refs, but they whimped out yet  again. And with the American attitude of "I'll sue you for that, and if there's nothing I can sue you for, I'll sue you for that instead" means that refs daren't leave a player writhing on the floor for fear of him being genuinely injured and needing life-saving treatment. observant coaches noted that this often disrupted the opposition's momentum, so it was coached into the players from day one. And a recent development, which I hadn't seen until only a month or so ago is that if two players go down injured, neither of them has to leave the pitch once treated.
    We hd a double or even triple whammy on Sunday. First the non-penalty, with the striker bleeding to death from the sniper shot that pole-axed him then sneering at Davis when he was sent off. Then later in the game Fozzy was wrestled to the floor in the area, with the video and still shots showing his shirt halfway up his back, but apparently not a foul. Instead, as he struggled to his feet the Wednesday defender "fell" over him, and it was a free-kick to Wednesday. At the same time Dobbin was being manhandled off balance, again in full view of the match officials, but again nothing given. So  a penalty awarded for virtually no contact at all, and no penalties given for clear and blatant physical contact. 
    If the refs had balls, things might be different, and their job would instantly be a lot easier. Apart from the authorities "leaning" on match  officials in order to achieve pre-determined objectives. Not that the FAor the EFL are corrupt, of course. Heaven forfend such a suggestion!
    I'll just go and wash my mouth out with milk and honey!
  18. Clap
    DavesaRam reacted to Mucker1884 in Season Ticket Renewal Poll   
    That last line is the very reason you are far, far, far from the best qualified on here to pass on your "words of wisdom" on such a topic.
    I missed "That glorious night v Rotherham"... cold custard and all... and well over a decade all told, due to "The hardships" of bringing up my young family during the 80's and into the 90's... Briefly with my first wife (B**ch! 🤣), partly as a single parent/stay-at-home-dad, bringing up two toddlers alone, and ultimately with their new mum... who is still the only mum that matters to them, and who remains very much the be all and end all of my life, almost 40 years on!  No way would I choose DCFC over her wishes, or her needs... or those of my kids, then or now!  Fortunately for now, I don't have to!
    I don't regret a single day of that "Missed era", and I most certainly don't regret choosing my family over DCFC.
    When you have spent a few decades with someone you love with all of your heart and soul. 
    When you have brought life into this world, and done a half-decent job of helping to turn them into decent adults, and decent human beings.
    Only then... my dear friend... will you be qualified to come back on here, and tell us all with hand on heart... how those goddamn kids are driving you mad, and that that you wished you were single again!  🤣

  19. Clap
    DavesaRam reacted to Ambitious in Season Ticket Renewal Poll   
    Not quite her doing, but it's more of a case of not knowing what to expect so don't want to tie myself down. I'm more mindful that she will be looking after the baby all week, while I'm working, so the time at the weekend becomes important for both of us. 
    A half season ticket may not be completely out the question, but I'm happy to wait and see. 
  20. Clap
    DavesaRam reacted to Tamworthram in Season Ticket Renewal Poll   
    I think you’re missing the point B4.
    It’s probably not just about money (although most of know having kids is an expensive business) but also the time commitment. When you have children your priorities, quite rightly, change. 
  21. Cheers
    DavesaRam reacted to PistoldPete in Sheffield Wednesday (A) Sun 7th May, 12:00 KO   
    A slight exaggeration I make it about 20 points deficit due to dodgy  ref decisions. Mind you about the same last season so we should still be in Championship without the ref anti Derby bias. 
  22. Angry
    DavesaRam reacted to Crewton in Sheffield Wednesday (A) Sun 7th May, 12:00 KO   
    It's even worse in real time - a really snide curl of the lip directed at Curtis.
  23. Like
    DavesaRam reacted to Jimbo Ram in Sheffield Wednesday (A) Sun 7th May, 12:00 KO   
    What difference would surrounding the referee have made, he had made his decision. Only thing that might have changed is more bookings for us.
  24. Like
    DavesaRam reacted to B4ev6is in Sheffield Wednesday (A) Sun 7th May, 12:00 KO   
    We were robbied.
  25. Clap
    DavesaRam reacted to Tamworthram in Sheffield Wednesday (A) Sun 7th May, 12:00 KO   
    Have you seen this man? Wanted by police, last seen in Sheffield area.
    I’ve finally managed to force myself to watch the highlights from the game.
    Regarding the penalty, obviously a very poor back pass from Curtis and I suspect Wildsmith was perhaps a little gentle as he didn’t want to risk giving away a penalty himself.
    Sadly (very) in modern football it seems you only need to make the slightest contact for a penalty to be awarded and Curtis shouldn’t have given the ref a decision to make but, that dive was just embarrassing.

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