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  1. Like
    DarkFruitsRam7 reacted to mwram1973 in Should I Leave the Forum?   
    Yep, bin the forum while you get your exams done.
    It's your future. The forum will still be here once you have done.
    I'm sure it'll do you good too, not having to read all the whining little girls posting crap because we haven't won the league by 50 points.
    Good luck
  2. Like
    DarkFruitsRam7 got a reaction from rynny in Should I Leave the Forum?   
    I would love to insult you but I'm afraid I wouldn't do as well as nature did.
    This is the slow build up to my eventual ban...
    Out of interest, which two mugs voted for the 3rd option?
  3. Like
    DarkFruitsRam7 reacted to Posh Ram in Should I Leave the Forum?   
    Ooh, how posh!
    I get that would be more distracting, it's why I don't really get schools giving out iPads. 
    I think the key is to do a couple of hours of focused revision rather than half a day where you keep getting distracted. Try to set up a timetable or something. 
    Ultimately I wouldn't worry too much, I used to get distracted all the time (although more often than not it was the kind of distraction @EastHertsRam is talking about ). Also, as long as you feel confident, don't do too much "last minute" revision, it's much more helpful to have a regular sleep pattern and spend the time before the exam thinking about actual exam technique than stressing too much over the finer points of your notes.
  4. Like
    DarkFruitsRam7 reacted to Pearl Ram in Should I Leave the Forum?   
    Hub eh ? Tell me more....
  5. Like
    DarkFruitsRam7 reacted to Rev in Should I Leave the Forum?   
    Yes, leave for the month, they'll be nothing much happening forum wise and it's too important for you to risk the distraction. 
    In fact, I'd go one step further and get yourself banned for a month, just to help you focus.
    Ask @eddie if you need advice on the best way to go about it!
  6. Like
    DarkFruitsRam7 reacted to Pearl Ram in Should I Leave the Forum?   
    Couldn't see a No, you "like" ho option so just went for the straight No.
    Use the forum as a reward kind of thing, if you reach your targets for study/revision, come on and shoot the breeze, learn from a few masters of wit, insight and punnery.
    You mustn't however forget to leave time to knock one out to Babestation. 
  7. Like
    DarkFruitsRam7 reacted to Posh Ram in Should I Leave the Forum?   
    I don't think you should leave, just have a bit of self-restraint.
    I reckon I managed about 2.5 hours revision a day for my GCSEs which was plenty. Why don't you try to minimise usage of your computer/phone? If you're looking at something on a web address, print it out. Revise somewhere where your computer isn't and try to do a 50-60 minute chunk. In your breaks between revision periods still stay away from the forum, just watch TV for 30 minutes or something.
    Then you'll probably be done by about 2 and can meme away as much as you like on here  
  8. Like
    DarkFruitsRam7 reacted to admira in Derby County Flags   
    Sussed it! My Glasto flag

  9. Like
    DarkFruitsRam7 reacted to jono in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Oh Yes ! That gets me too .. We've been to the moon and can transmit pictures across the globe and we've been making tea in pots for 300 years and haven't sorted out dribbling spouts ! ... Reminds me of a fab monologue by a Brummy comedian some years ago .. He said .."remember in the 70's when package tours got going .. Everyone at the airport lugging their suitcases until someone finally thought it would be a good idea to put wheels on them ? .. Odd that we had a fully functional spaceship before we had wheels on suitcases "
  10. Like
    DarkFruitsRam7 got a reaction from Alph in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    What's unrealistic about the Harry Potter films?
    A ginger has two friends...
  11. Like
    DarkFruitsRam7 reacted to Norman in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Oooh look at my mememememes and my googled ginger joke.
    I see you got the like from the unsuspecting rampage you were after in the academy thread.
  12. Like
    DarkFruitsRam7 got a reaction from jono in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    What's unrealistic about the Harry Potter films?
    A ginger has two friends...
  13. Like
    DarkFruitsRam7 reacted to Norman in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Ctrl C and then Ctrl V my words.....into notepad, or Word if you're rich...this feud will be bigger than any that ronnierondale could muster.
    So big in fact, a podcast showdown will be recorded by summer's end.
    I hope you likes to post ratio falls below 1/1, and you cry, you filthy gingerist!!!!!!!
  14. Like
    DarkFruitsRam7 got a reaction from Norman in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Gingers (I don't even know if you actually are a ginger).
    Fireman Sam.
    People who have the potential to top my likes to post ratio.
    People who call me impatient.
    Did I mention gingers?
    I can see a feud developing here young/old (I don't know your age) Norman...
    P.S. Sorry once again @Duracell
  15. Like
    DarkFruitsRam7 got a reaction from Duracell in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Gingers (I don't even know if you actually are a ginger).
    Fireman Sam.
    People who have the potential to top my likes to post ratio.
    People who call me impatient.
    Did I mention gingers?
    I can see a feud developing here young/old (I don't know your age) Norman...
    P.S. Sorry once again @Duracell
  16. Like
    DarkFruitsRam7 reacted to Phoenix in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Same here, but I do Frozen and chilled first, then fruit and veg, then packets and tins. Anything that might leak/stink gets bagged separately.
    I also let some one with a couple of items go ahead of me, especially if she's got high heels and big tits.
  17. Like
    DarkFruitsRam7 reacted to Norman in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Impatient people
    People who tag you in random threads
    High likes to posts ratios
    People from Burton
  18. Like
    DarkFruitsRam7 reacted to Pearl Ram in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Did you kill him ?
  19. Like
    DarkFruitsRam7 reacted to ketteringram in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Many years ago, I gave a lift home to a lad of about 18. He'd been out with one of my daughters, on a first date. When they got back, I offered him a lift back to his place.  
    He got into the car, and without saying a word, ejected the cassette from the player (it was a long time ago!), and replaced it with one from his jacket pocket. Then pressed play. 
    There wasn't a second date. 
  20. Like
    DarkFruitsRam7 reacted to Dimmu in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Good news thread.
    ******* hippies.
  21. Like
    DarkFruitsRam7 reacted to ramsbottom in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Matt Edmondson is by far the most irritating individual ever to be allowed on the radio.  His voice wants to make me cut my ears off, blend them and pour the resulting mulch down the toilet!!!  Other than him, I still enjoy Radio 1, however I'm getting scarily close to finding the songs they play indistinguishable from each other and switching to Radio 2.  At which point I will buy myself a pipe and tartan slippers because I'll be officially old...
  22. Like
    DarkFruitsRam7 reacted to Wolfie in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Saying May 6 instead of 6th May or May the 6th. Especially bad on film & Sport adverts
    When did TV series' become seasons instead?. I hate that rather a lot.
    Black Friday - for being a pointless American shopping import that just ***** up Christmas for the retailers and a stupid "brand" again.
  23. Like
    DarkFruitsRam7 reacted to Pearl Ram in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Who posted that ? 
  24. Like
    DarkFruitsRam7 reacted to Day in Gaming   
    That COD 4 teaser at the end 
    Infinate looks like another super halo jumping bolloux
  25. Like
    DarkFruitsRam7 reacted to StaffsRam in Gaming   
    Shipment = 3 X Frags, juggernaut and martyrdom...
    They'd best not mess with the mechanics at all. Update the graphics, slap it on dedicated servers and leave the rest alone.
    I go back to CoD4 every 6 months or so. It's still incredibly enjoyable if you can find a decent lobby. The maps have never been bettered, the kill streaks are nice and simple and not massively overpowered, and anything and everything can be countered. Best of all, no f*cking future cr*p. 
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