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nogbad van 50

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  1. Like
    nogbad van 50 reacted to EnigmaRam in The Administration Thread   
    Not necessarily true. It depends on whether they go with what’s already been agreed or want to change everything. 
    If they pay the same, have the same agreements over costs etc then all they need to do is change the names in the document’s, so the fit and proper persons test and transfer the money. Could be done in a couple days. 
    On the other hand, if they restructure everything and change cost payments, purchase price etc then it could be weeks to seek agreement. 
    That there’s no PB anymore means it’s a straight race. Get the money in the bank and it’s all yours. The fact CKs money is just in holding means any other potential bidder knows they can’t mess about changing the whole structure or they will almost certainly lose out, so I expect it to be done quickly. 
    All just my personal opinion of course. 
  2. Haha
    nogbad van 50 reacted to Ram-Alf in The Administration Thread   
    There's only a few honest people left in football...these 2 are a fine example of honesty.

  3. Like
    nogbad van 50 reacted to angieram in The Administration Thread   
    OK, I warned people last night about posting stuff that might get us in in trouble.
    Now we're posting potentially libellous tweets and discussing them.
    Just think before you post.
  4. Cheers
    nogbad van 50 reacted to hintonsboots in The Administration Thread   
    No, would have used into.
  5. Cheers
    nogbad van 50 got a reaction from hintonsboots in The Administration Thread   
    Is that a euphemism?!??
  6. Like
    nogbad van 50 reacted to OUTSIDER in The Administration Thread   
    Moneypenny in 
  7. COYR
    nogbad van 50 got a reaction from Miggins in The Administration Thread   
    My optimism level has hit rock bottom today and I refuse to look at the forum again for at least 20 minutes !
    Assuming CK funds don’t get approved today by 5pm and his period of exclusivity ends then,like all of us on here,I’ll be wondering where we are with this debacle.
    Presumably, it’ll be Monday ( I want to believe today) before any other prospective purchasers get in touch with Quantuma ( or vice versa).If any get chosen then they’d have to 1) Provide evidence of sufficient funds to Q and the EFL ,2)Satisfy the EFL fit and proper owners test, 3) Be able to satisfy the EFL and creditors ( secured or otherwise) with their payment plans 4)Pay off Q and ,in turn,MSD ,via the escrow account ,which should free MM to release the stadium to David Clowes 5) get Q to sign off the  administration exit paperwork 6)Come to an agreement re leasing the stadium with Clowes.7) resolve season ticket renewals 8)approve pre season preparations planned  9) the not so little matter of persuading Rooney and staff to stay.10) Releasing funds to bring in the large number of new players required.Etc Etc……..where’s that bl..dy Gannt chart ?!
    All these things would require lots of new contracts being written and I’m really hoping that if CK doesn’t get the takeover done then he and his people have done the major preparatory work in order for a somewhat easier acquisition for someone else.Now what we need is someone willing to spend over £21.4 million to buy us ?
    As someone who’s followed DCFC for 58 years I know how bad it got under Maxwell and the club being saved by Stuart Webb.Never thought I’d see a similar scenario unfolding but there you go,it is what it is. One thing’s for sure,It’s never boring being a Derby fan ?
  8. Haha
    nogbad van 50 reacted to roboto in The Administration Thread   
    No need for the oxy…
  9. Sad
    nogbad van 50 got a reaction from NottsRam77 in The Administration Thread   
    My optimism level has hit rock bottom today and I refuse to look at the forum again for at least 20 minutes !
    Assuming CK funds don’t get approved today by 5pm and his period of exclusivity ends then,like all of us on here,I’ll be wondering where we are with this debacle.
    Presumably, it’ll be Monday ( I want to believe today) before any other prospective purchasers get in touch with Quantuma ( or vice versa).If any get chosen then they’d have to 1) Provide evidence of sufficient funds to Q and the EFL ,2)Satisfy the EFL fit and proper owners test, 3) Be able to satisfy the EFL and creditors ( secured or otherwise) with their payment plans 4)Pay off Q and ,in turn,MSD ,via the escrow account ,which should free MM to release the stadium to David Clowes 5) get Q to sign off the  administration exit paperwork 6)Come to an agreement re leasing the stadium with Clowes.7) resolve season ticket renewals 8)approve pre season preparations planned  9) the not so little matter of persuading Rooney and staff to stay.10) Releasing funds to bring in the large number of new players required.Etc Etc……..where’s that bl..dy Gannt chart ?!
    All these things would require lots of new contracts being written and I’m really hoping that if CK doesn’t get the takeover done then he and his people have done the major preparatory work in order for a somewhat easier acquisition for someone else.Now what we need is someone willing to spend over £21.4 million to buy us ?
    As someone who’s followed DCFC for 58 years I know how bad it got under Maxwell and the club being saved by Stuart Webb.Never thought I’d see a similar scenario unfolding but there you go,it is what it is. One thing’s for sure,It’s never boring being a Derby fan ?
  10. Clap
    nogbad van 50 reacted to Scott129 in The Administration Thread   
    If I had £1 for everybody who posted this exact comment in this thread, I'd have bought the club myself ?
  11. Haha
    nogbad van 50 reacted to GB SPORTS in The Administration Thread   
    I had an open can of Heineken left on my front wall last Sunday morning , when i got up.
    That tasted like piss.
  12. Haha
    nogbad van 50 reacted to Dean (hick) Saunders in The Administration Thread   
    If Heineken did Fridays….
  13. Like
    nogbad van 50 reacted to DCFC27 in The Administration Thread   
    You can’t speak to them in advance. The reason for this is this could be seen as assisting. Can you imagine if you went to the bank and asked what information do you need to show this isn’t money laundering and then they told you…
    It’s the solicitors job to gather the appropriate evidence it’s not money laundering. If they’ve done there job correctly they’ll have years worth of history as to the origin of funds and can send that on request. 
  14. Clap
    nogbad van 50 reacted to Andicis in The Administration Thread   
    We are trading as going concern. They are getting the best deal for creditors. 
  15. Clap
    nogbad van 50 reacted to David Graham Brown in The Administration Thread   
    In quite a few peoples lifetime there was wholesale slavery and genocide happening in Europe to other European’s,by another European country, and it’s doesn’t seem to bother people driving, BMW’s, Mercedes Benz, VWs, and Audi’s. 
  16. Haha
    nogbad van 50 reacted to Ram-Alf in The Administration Thread   
    I blame the Romans...what have they ever done for us?
  17. Clap
    nogbad van 50 reacted to IslandExile in The Administration Thread   
    Yeah. Get rich by exploiting other people. It's the British way.  The empire was built on it. ?
    Rule Britannia....?
  18. Clap
    nogbad van 50 reacted to Turk Thrust in The Administration Thread   
    Hmm. Sorry but I can’t really see the moral difference between MA selling Newcastle to the Saudis,  and CK playing in a Saudi sponsored golf tournament. 
  19. Clap
    nogbad van 50 reacted to CocuBarmyArmy in The Administration Thread   
    Can we stop this Ashley saviour rhetoric please. If the bloke had made a serious offer he would be our owner but he clearly hasn’t. The admins are not ignoring him nor is Mel pulling the strings, he simply has not made an offer that will satisfy creditors. Until he is willing to do so, the admins should ignore him.
  20. Angry
    nogbad van 50 reacted to Comrade 86 in The Administration Thread   
    Can we just have one f****** day devoid of drama? Is that really too much to ask? 
  21. Clap
    nogbad van 50 reacted to CBRammette in The Administration Thread   
    He couldnt. The anti-money laundering regs are law. Institutions and their employees must follow the rules. Employees can go to prison for up to 5 years if not followed. All financial institutions have them. I think CK is being smeared again by sources saying he tried to get around them. I work for an accountancy firm - the procedures we have to follow before being able to accept an overseas client are onerous. To assist we pay to use a clearing service which looks at various things including whether directors are politically exposed people also, etc. when clearing an overseas resident individual it takes 2-3 working days but an overseas company it is 10 working days. Nothing can do to speed up however urgent the client query is. Have no idea what financial institutions have in place but assume more onerous perhaps. Rather try and avoid the AML checks perhaps CK did something as simple as try to bring the money in in his own name rather than through a company as quicker or use a different bank as they may have different procedures that may be quicker. (Only real criticism is CK's advisers should know the checks take that long and got the money in earlier.)
    We have no idea as ever but someone is trying very hard to discredit him through the media and make him the bad guy arent they? Hoping he will get hacked off and walk? Exclusivity will end? Or because there are real concerns on fund sourcing? We may never know but vilifying someone based on no evidence other than leaks from someone possibly with an agenda is crazy
  22. Like
    nogbad van 50 reacted to The Scarlet Pimpernel in The Administration Thread   
    Nixons radio interview told us all we need to know. Kirchner has the dosh has tried to pay it over. Now waiting for anti money laundering checks to clear. 
    Times scale making us all twitchy. Just have to sit tight today I think. 
  23. Clap
    nogbad van 50 reacted to Mostyn6 in The Administration Thread   
    Putting money into the club doesn't make it not pathetic to be the equivalent of an annoying kid continuously asking "are we there yet?".
    There has to be a line Roy, where does it end if everyone expects the next question to be answered on demand?
    When there's nothing new to say, nothing should be said. He's damned if he does and damned if he doesn't!
    There are people in here who are savagely critical of him for talking on Twitter, then an equal amount calling him a time-wasting tyre-kicker for daring to live out a dream playing a Pro-Am Golf day whilst unable to do anything to speed up due process.
  24. Clap
    nogbad van 50 reacted to Mostyn6 in The Administration Thread   
    Why should he? Everything he’s ever said so far has led to further demands and/or accusations. There was nothing to update. His last bit of information was clear and absolutely nothing had changed so why should he pander to pathetic fans?
  25. Haha
    nogbad van 50 reacted to AndyinLiverpool in The Administration Thread   
    I think poor Ian72 needs some tranquilisers
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