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  1. Haha
    maxjam reacted to Wolfie in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    My thread title was better.
    I'm being discriminated against ?
  2. Like
    maxjam reacted to 1of4 in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Michael Gove. Specific enough for you?
  3. Like
    maxjam reacted to Bob The Badger in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    I'm a pacifist and abhor violence, but there really are some people who deserve a swift punch in the face.
    Feel free to add any people you too think a clenched fist to  the nose is probably too good for them.
    People who drive with a dog sat on their lap.  People (okay Americans) who say I’m moving to Colorado because it’s legal to smoke weed. How about just smoking it at home and closing  the door and windows. I suspect you will get away with it. People who mange to insert pivot, optics and double down all in one sentence when talking about politics. People (okay Americans) who ask me if I've ever met the Queen.  People who say 'did you break the Internet?' or call the Internet the Interwebs People (okay Americans) who only buy lottery tickets when the rollover is larger than the GDP of half the countries on earth. Is $50m not enough to waste your time on then? People who kick off any defense of Trump with, 'Yeh but what about Clinton and her emails?' It's time to let it go, you won over a year ago, he's still an assclown. People (okay Americans) who cannot get their head round the fact that Northern Ireland is part of Britain and that Rory McIllroy isn't Irish, he's British. People who don't pick up after their dogs at the park. You're the ones who should be on leads. People (okay Americans) who want to build a wall to keep out immigrants even though they themselves are immigrants. People who say 'we only use 10% of our brain' You may do, but the rest of us use 100%. Try taking some out of you doubt me. People (okay Americans) who say ‘guns don’t kill people, people do’ People who claim to be Law of Attraction experts and say quantum mechanic can explain how it works. No it can't, stop listening to Deepak Chopra and grow up. People (okay Americans) who tell me they know a fish and chip shop that's as good as any in the UK. No you don't, stop sending me to these  places that serve me with chips skinnier than Karen Carpenters left arm. People who are Eric and Donald Trump.  People (okay Americans) who claim to be Irish or Italian when they were born here, their parents were born here and their grandparents too. You're American, I know it sucks, but deal with it. People who get offended by comedians. They're joking! Anthony Jeselnik doesn't really kill babies and Doug Stanhope doesn't rape other men. If you don't like it, move on and save your righteous indignation for poverty and corruption. People (okay Americans) who strip the supermarkets shelve bare in blind panic when there's a slight breeze heading our way from off the coast of West Africa. People who say, ‘the fact of the matter is’ just as they are about to deliver an opinion or belief. People (okay Americans) who spend a minute desensitizing the handle of their supermarket trolley before they dare touch it and who then wonder why they have so many allergies.  People who say ‘I’m high on life’. Really? Well take some drugs and then get  back to me to tell me how high you really were before. People (okay Americans) who believe the earth was created 20,000 years ago because the Bible says so. People (okay me) who are intolerant of people who say dumbass things.
  4. Haha
    maxjam reacted to sage in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Yeh it takes up way too much space
  5. Like
    maxjam got a reaction from ramit in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
  6. Like
    maxjam got a reaction from ViewsFromTheMiddle in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
  7. Like
    maxjam got a reaction from froggg in What are you eating tonight   
    Don't normally bother with this thread but tonight we had a lovely mexican chicken dish - a school homework project from our 10yo. He loves cooking and *looks around to make sure the wife isn't looking* it was better than what I'm used to getting too ?
  8. Haha
    maxjam got a reaction from Steve How Hard? in What are you eating tonight   
    Don't normally bother with this thread but tonight we had a lovely mexican chicken dish - a school homework project from our 10yo. He loves cooking and *looks around to make sure the wife isn't looking* it was better than what I'm used to getting too ?
  9. Haha
    maxjam reacted to Norman in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    People who get simple football maths wrong.
  10. Haha
    maxjam reacted to 1of4 in Picture where you, and your knee are now.   
    The prizes have changed a bit since I was a kid, all I ever won was a goldfish in a plastic bag.
  11. Cheers
    maxjam got a reaction from Broderick in Gaming   
    Well Fortnite is taking the world by storm at the moment - good for all ages, I play solo (Im 45yo!) and with my 2 kids (10yo and 15yo).  There is a PvE mode to (not free like the PvP mode) that I'd highly recommend too.
    Elder Scrolls Online is my preferred MMO, Eve Online is good but has a suicidal learning curve.  The Forest is an excellent survival game.  Planet Coaster an excellent creative/management game.  Football Manager 18 of course to right the wrongs of this season. Far Cry 5 is a lot of fun, Far Cry Primal too if you'd rather wait a few months to pick up the latest games at 50-70% discount! GTA5 is good, SHhadow of Mordor is imo better than the sequel.
    The Witcher 3, Stellaris, Civilization 5 (6 is ok too), Prison Architect, No Mans Sky (is getting better with every patch) Left 4 Dead 2, Just Survive 3, Elite Dangerous, Dishonored, CSGO, PUBG, Dying Light, Dungeons 3, Hitnan, Alien Isolation, Overwatch, Titfall 2 was good, Rocket League.  I could go on - best bet imo is to wait for a steam sale and pick up more than you'll ever play for next to nothing
  12. Haha
    maxjam got a reaction from Coneheadjohn in Gaming   
    Well I'm 45 and been gaming for years, the only Fortnite BR game I've won is in a duo with my 10yo lad.  He has upwards of 50 solo wins.
    After watching my 10yo and 15yo play games such as Fornite, CSGO, PUBG and Overwatch etc I am rapidly coming to the opinion that my forte lies with Planet Coaster and Surviving Mars
  13. Cheers
    maxjam reacted to JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta in Gaming   
    Get on Cities: Skylines as well, it is an incredible game if you like management/building games.
  14. Haha
    maxjam got a reaction from Norman in Gaming   
    Well I'm 45 and been gaming for years, the only Fortnite BR game I've won is in a duo with my 10yo lad.  He has upwards of 50 solo wins.
    After watching my 10yo and 15yo play games such as Fornite, CSGO, PUBG and Overwatch etc I am rapidly coming to the opinion that my forte lies with Planet Coaster and Surviving Mars
  15. Like
    maxjam reacted to Norman in Gaming   
    It's a Battle Royale game where you can play on your own or in squads where 30 year olds like me get killed by 9 year olds - who then pay to unlock stupid dances to mock your dead body. I've spent my life playing FIFA, and can't believe how bad I am at shooting somebody else first. Addictive, though.
  16. Like
    maxjam reacted to r4derby in Rate the last film you saw partie deux   
    Watched Thor Ragnarok. Probably my joint favourite Marvel film alongside the first Guardians of the Galaxy. Enjoyable. 8.5/10 (subject to change after multiple viewings)
  17. Like
    maxjam got a reaction from Angry Ram in Pets   
    Aarrgghh.... its got those 'white walker' eyes from Game of Thrones.  I'd be afraid to go to sleep.
  18. Like
    maxjam got a reaction from McRainy in Pets   
    Aarrgghh.... its got those 'white walker' eyes from Game of Thrones.  I'd be afraid to go to sleep.
  19. Like
    maxjam reacted to JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta in Gaming   
    The problem for me isn't the loot box itself, it's the ages to which they are marketed. As an adult I can make a choice to buy or not whilst underatanding the element of chance and overall odds of getting what I want. I doubt my 15 year old brother really thinks about it whilst blasting his Christmas money on Overwatch skins then complaining when he gets none of the stuff he was after. It's not like he can trade as you would with stickers or collectable card games.
  20. Like
    maxjam reacted to JG400 in Gaming   
    I have had mixed success finding games that the kids will like over the years , but the one game they pretty much will always play is Arkham Horror , a great fun , atmospheric co-op game
  21. Like
    maxjam reacted to Ramshankered in Gaming   
    Heard good things about Resistance. Not played it yet though. Tbf, it says a lot that boardgames aren't your thing but you can still get a kick out of a game like Dead of Winter. 
    Pandemic's pretty good as a gateway game much like The Resistance. Once you and your lad have played a few rounds, I'd recommend picking up the terrorist expansion – adds a whole new dimension to the gameplay when one of you is trying to ruin everyone else's day!  
  22. Cheers
    maxjam got a reaction from Ramshankered in Gaming   
    My 14yo lad loves board games, we got him Dead of Winter last year and Pandemic this year (he usually takes them round to his Grandads at the weekend!) as birthday presents
    Not a huge fan of board games myself but Dead of Winter is pretty good as is The Resistance (not played Pandemic yet), I actually had a lot of fun playing that last Christmas! I enjoy deceiving my fellow players to reach the victory goal purely for myself 
    Anyway, links to games are here. Other shops are available!
  23. Like
    maxjam got a reaction from McRainy in Gaming   
    My 14yo lad loves board games, we got him Dead of Winter last year and Pandemic this year (he usually takes them round to his Grandads at the weekend!) as birthday presents
    Not a huge fan of board games myself but Dead of Winter is pretty good as is The Resistance (not played Pandemic yet), I actually had a lot of fun playing that last Christmas! I enjoy deceiving my fellow players to reach the victory goal purely for myself 
    Anyway, links to games are here. Other shops are available!
  24. Like
    maxjam reacted to Ramshankered in Gaming   
    Not D&D, but a mate of mind has rekindled my interest in some of the more obscure Games Workshop games. 
    Currently painting up a Blood Bowl team in DCFC colours. 
    I'm also a fan of board games. Things like Pandemic and Dead of Winter.
  25. Like
    maxjam got a reaction from DarkFruitsRam7 in Gaming   
    Currently playing H1Z1 (Just Survive) and notched up my 2000th hour ingame.
    Apparently there is a world outside as well...
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