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    Ramslad1992 got a reaction from Wolfie in New parents   
    Hey guys, after not going to sleep until half 3 this morning due to all sorts of things running through my brain we went for the scan this morning at 8, after a little bit of a wait we were seen to be told that the baby was absolutely fine, had a heartbeat, 2 legs, 2 arms, was exactly where he/she should be and they didn’t know what caused the bleeding but there was nothing to suggest it was to do with the baby. 
    Move been absolutely petrified of the worst over the last couple of days but being told that was genuinely the best thing to ever happen to me. Over the moon ? not much to look at just yet as it’s only been cooking for 9 weeks 2 days but here they are! ?

  2. Sad
    Ramslad1992 got a reaction from TomBustler1884 in New parents   
    Sorry for lack of replies to other people who have quoted me, a few days  ago my fiancée rang me at work to say she was bleeding, we have an emergency scan booked in for Friday (how the duck it can be an emergency and wait 5 days from booking is beyond me) but it’s not looking great, either way I’m sure I’ll get to be a ‘proper’ dad one day. I love my stepdaughter to the end of the earth but to be able to say ‘I made him/her’ is all I’ve ever wanted. I wasn’t sure whether to post this in here or the depression thread but the not knowing until Friday is properly killing me. Either way I just want to know for closure if nothing else. 
  3. Sad
    Ramslad1992 got a reaction from Steve How Hard? in New parents   
    Sorry for lack of replies to other people who have quoted me, a few days  ago my fiancée rang me at work to say she was bleeding, we have an emergency scan booked in for Friday (how the duck it can be an emergency and wait 5 days from booking is beyond me) but it’s not looking great, either way I’m sure I’ll get to be a ‘proper’ dad one day. I love my stepdaughter to the end of the earth but to be able to say ‘I made him/her’ is all I’ve ever wanted. I wasn’t sure whether to post this in here or the depression thread but the not knowing until Friday is properly killing me. Either way I just want to know for closure if nothing else. 
  4. Sad
    Ramslad1992 got a reaction from dcfcfan1 in New parents   
    Sorry for lack of replies to other people who have quoted me, a few days  ago my fiancée rang me at work to say she was bleeding, we have an emergency scan booked in for Friday (how the duck it can be an emergency and wait 5 days from booking is beyond me) but it’s not looking great, either way I’m sure I’ll get to be a ‘proper’ dad one day. I love my stepdaughter to the end of the earth but to be able to say ‘I made him/her’ is all I’ve ever wanted. I wasn’t sure whether to post this in here or the depression thread but the not knowing until Friday is properly killing me. Either way I just want to know for closure if nothing else. 
  5. Sad
    Ramslad1992 got a reaction from i-Ram in New parents   
    Sorry for lack of replies to other people who have quoted me, a few days  ago my fiancée rang me at work to say she was bleeding, we have an emergency scan booked in for Friday (how the duck it can be an emergency and wait 5 days from booking is beyond me) but it’s not looking great, either way I’m sure I’ll get to be a ‘proper’ dad one day. I love my stepdaughter to the end of the earth but to be able to say ‘I made him/her’ is all I’ve ever wanted. I wasn’t sure whether to post this in here or the depression thread but the not knowing until Friday is properly killing me. Either way I just want to know for closure if nothing else. 
  6. Sad
    Ramslad1992 got a reaction from DarkFruitsRam7 in New parents   
    Sorry for lack of replies to other people who have quoted me, a few days  ago my fiancée rang me at work to say she was bleeding, we have an emergency scan booked in for Friday (how the duck it can be an emergency and wait 5 days from booking is beyond me) but it’s not looking great, either way I’m sure I’ll get to be a ‘proper’ dad one day. I love my stepdaughter to the end of the earth but to be able to say ‘I made him/her’ is all I’ve ever wanted. I wasn’t sure whether to post this in here or the depression thread but the not knowing until Friday is properly killing me. Either way I just want to know for closure if nothing else. 
  7. Sad
    Ramslad1992 got a reaction from Mucker1884 in New parents   
    Sorry for lack of replies to other people who have quoted me, a few days  ago my fiancée rang me at work to say she was bleeding, we have an emergency scan booked in for Friday (how the duck it can be an emergency and wait 5 days from booking is beyond me) but it’s not looking great, either way I’m sure I’ll get to be a ‘proper’ dad one day. I love my stepdaughter to the end of the earth but to be able to say ‘I made him/her’ is all I’ve ever wanted. I wasn’t sure whether to post this in here or the depression thread but the not knowing until Friday is properly killing me. Either way I just want to know for closure if nothing else. 
  8. Like
    Ramslad1992 got a reaction from dcfcfan1 in New parents   
    Maybe advice is a bad word..: more hints and tips? I will thoroughly admit I’ve ‘half arsed’ a lot in life, I half arsed school, I’ve hard arsed previous relationships, heck I’ve even been guilty of half arsing it with Derby at times! but one thing I completely refuse to half arse is being a parent! Everything you guys can recommend is greatly appreciated because whilst very baby is different something might be suggested in here that I’d never think of. Many thanks to everyone again for their hints and tips ?.
  9. Like
    Ramslad1992 got a reaction from rynny in New parents   
    Morning sickness has started, ironically in the evening/during the night. Apparently ginger is good for this so the cupboards are full of ginger biscuits, ginger tea ginger bloody everything! Also had the first ‘you did this to me’ tonight which I wasn’t expecting until the birth but she’s a good sport! Once again thank you for all the advice you’ve all given, its really appreciated. And to all the other dads/ dads to be’s It’s nice to know we are all in the same boat ?
  10. Cheers
    Ramslad1992 got a reaction from LittleEatonRam in New parents   
    So whilst I have my lovely step daughter who I met when she was 2, me and my fiancé have recently found out we are expecting. Whilst I’ve learnt on the job per say and feel I’ve mastered toddlers I was wondering if anyone has any hints/tips when it comes to Babies that they’d be willing to share? The baby book says to look for ‘online dad forums’ but as they’re going to be a future ram I’d rather trust you lot! ?
    thanks in advance! 
  11. Haha
    Ramslad1992 reacted to i-Ram in New parents   
    When your wife is feeling unwell during the pregnancy, give her a wink and tell her “you know what will make her better”. It works every time.
  12. Like
    Ramslad1992 got a reaction from Alph in New parents   
    So whilst I have my lovely step daughter who I met when she was 2, me and my fiancé have recently found out we are expecting. Whilst I’ve learnt on the job per say and feel I’ve mastered toddlers I was wondering if anyone has any hints/tips when it comes to Babies that they’d be willing to share? The baby book says to look for ‘online dad forums’ but as they’re going to be a future ram I’d rather trust you lot! ?
    thanks in advance! 
  13. Like
    Ramslad1992 reacted to Ramshankered in New parents   
    Likewise mate – big congrats! 
    Admittedly I've not done a whole lot of reading – that books sounds good tho. I'll grab it on Audible so I can listen to it while I'm building baby furniture!
    I dunno what your hospital offers, but if they do a antenatal classes take them – we had 4 x 2 hour classes that were immensely helpful (and free). We've paid 100 big ones for Baby Bump Club (a.k.a unofficial NCT) and they're essentially giving us the same info we've already had for free. Gawd-bless the NHS. 
  14. Haha
    Ramslad1992 reacted to Mucker1884 in New parents   
    A Helpful Link...  for the latter two.
  15. Like
    Ramslad1992 reacted to Smyth_18 in New parents   
    There's no denying it's bloody hard. But you will never feel a love like it and it will all be worth it. Promise!
  16. Like
    Ramslad1992 reacted to FindernRam in New parents   
    Some simple light hearted rules to get you through the early days:
    1. Mother is always right! Follow her instincts and life is easier.
    2. If Mum is not around and you desperately need advice, talk to her Mother, NOT yours. See rule 1. She gets her methods from her mother.
    3. Crying babies are normal, check nappy, wind, temperature. Fixes most events
    4. Screaming is not normal, lethargy is worrying, get medical advice.
    5. Spend time with the little one, ooh and coo, make faces let you inner infant out and enjoy it.
    P.S The sleepless nights bit is temporary, it eases off for a bit, starts up again around teething and continues till they leave home at 18!
  17. Like
    Ramslad1992 reacted to PrivateDerby in New parents   
    Can I join DCDC? 
    She’s due end of Feb, our first... both bricking it.
  18. Like
    Ramslad1992 reacted to King Kevin in New parents   
    When you put them to bed if they are not in pain ,well fed and clean under NO circumstances lift them when they cry.If you do and it is very tempting you are screwed for the rest of their childhood .
  19. Cheers
    Ramslad1992 reacted to Ramshankered in New parents   
    Not to steal RamsLad's thunder but I too am expecting (well my partner is) end of next month.
    Yet again DCFCfans turned up and delivers even when I'm not expecting it!
  20. Cheers
    Ramslad1992 got a reaction from i-Ram in New parents   
    So whilst I have my lovely step daughter who I met when she was 2, me and my fiancé have recently found out we are expecting. Whilst I’ve learnt on the job per say and feel I’ve mastered toddlers I was wondering if anyone has any hints/tips when it comes to Babies that they’d be willing to share? The baby book says to look for ‘online dad forums’ but as they’re going to be a future ram I’d rather trust you lot! ?
    thanks in advance! 
  21. Like
    Ramslad1992 got a reaction from ramit in New parents   
    Thank you very much everyone, safe to say I’m excited beyond belief but also petrified! Thank you for all your advice (both serious and funny) ?
  22. Like
    Ramslad1992 reacted to Smyth_18 in New parents   
    It is an absolute disaster and leaves you longing for the simple times where you had so much less to worry about.
    A disaster i wouldn't change for the world. 
    I look at him every day in pure amazement. This is what i was made for.
  23. Like
    Ramslad1992 reacted to Stive Pesley in New parents   
    Congrats mate! What you will find is that the first two years (which you missed with your step-child) are very different. Especially the first year. A friend of mine summed it up when he described the first year as "pummelling". Really hard work and a grinding routine, plus the baby is ony capable of limited interaction so it will feel a lot less rewarding in the immediate sense that you're used to with a toddler - but incredibly rewarding in the long run. Just enjoy it - and take lots of photos/videos, because trust me in 5 years time you won't remember any of it with any clarity!
  24. Like
    Ramslad1992 reacted to RebelScum in New parents   
    I'll pass on what the Padre said to me on the day he Christened my twins...
    "Love the mother!"
    Hope that helps
  25. Like
    Ramslad1992 reacted to ramit in New parents   
    First off, congratulations.  Breastfeeding, there is no substitute and for as long as circumstances allow.  Drinking from bottle in cot can cause inner ear inflammation.  When baby is taking first steps, do not remove fragile items from baby's reach, use the magic words instead, no, that is forbidden.  Lastly, love, lots and lots of love, kids thrive on it and it pays off when teen years arrive.
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