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Everything posted by RadioactiveWaste

  1. Are Leyton Orient fans orientalists by definition?
  2. Why are we making excuses for CBT? It was awful. He messed up. He can put it right before the season ends.
  3. So, Alonso is staying at AM for 2 more years, i guess the grapevine has told him he's not getting the red bull or merc drive. One less potential landing spot for Carlos, but still think red bull ultimatly want to move on from Perez so he might have a chance at that and we have to see if merc have the courage of their convictions about young Kimi Antonelli. NGL, I wanted the Max v Fernando firework display and one last title charge from the master. I don't think that'll happen at AM.
  4. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/formula1/68793179
  5. Why would you need a bribe to stop us scoring?
  6. In times of tension and when the weight of expectations are upon you, I always keep in mind a couple of inspirational quotes: "Every corpse on mount Everest was once a highly motivated individual" And "Shoot for for the moon, and land amongst the stars, as you die alone in the cold vacuum of space." So yes, belief is everything. I just waiver on Paul warne and his bobble hat some days.
  7. Just on the comments about watching the Wycombe channel, it always amazes me when outside of ranstv and radio Derby respectively, we're really quite spoiled compared to a lot of clubs.
  8. It seems to have been missed in the general unhappiness last night,but PW did manage to start going off on one about having rose petals thrown in front of him like a Roman emperor (thus adding further evidence to the claim about all men think about the Roman empire). "Paul Warne titled himself Emperor Hoofitup Three atlabakus and had a glorious victory over barbarians of Bolton and Blackpool, before being overthrown in the millenniumram rebellion "
  9. Now that it's not in our hands anymore, I expect the team to go back into "good" mode. But the thing with it being out of our hands, is until our rivals drop points themselves, there's little we can do about it, beyond winning our last 3 and hoping. If it comes to play offs I don't back this team, I think they'll blow it. 2nd is not done, but we're needing help from outside to do it.
  10. Whenever the big moment comes, this team let you down.
  11. They just need to chill a bit, it'll come.
  12. that's about all the final confirmation that the Sneinton Masonic Lodge and Referee Indoctronation Center has finally turned it's attentions to someone who isn't us.
  13. Does anyone know if Adams finishes his Ramadan fasting today? It's been a bloody good effort from him given his form and whilst I guess you'd adapt to it I still can't help but think of exercise (let alone professional sports) without water and some calories as borderline impossible.
  14. I was totally wrong on that one that one then.
  15. Everyone travelling down, remember Wycombe Wanderers have pathetically inadequate car parking facilities. I mean, they're probably ok for Wycombe...
  16. What could possibly go wrong..... I think that stadium in Darlington has been demolished for houses now. Rebuild St Andrews with a bit more capacity and a bit less asbestos perhaps?
  17. Some nice charts in this. I've not looked particularly deeply, but I like the last one as a visual comparison of how consistent the drivers were relatively.
  18. How would any of you like it if you're in the middle of a relaxing massage and radio derby burst in on you shoving a microphone in your face demanding to know if you get sausages on the breakfast menu at Moor Farm?!
  19. The glamorous mystique of football violence there for all to see.
  20. They'll need to add more than 2 points after the brazen way forest persist with broccoli worship and promotion of offensive slogans such as "you reds" and desecration of the already terrible "mull of kintyre" surely bringing the game into disrepute.
  21. Late stage Nigel Clough is about the only one I can remember, and oh my were some sections of the fan base restless about how unstressfull it was.
  22. So am I . I was meaning over the many years of ups and downs.
  23. They gave it a go, but unfortunatly only improved the goal difference by 2, keep working at it forest, we believe in you.
  24. Whenever supporting dcfc is stress free we all get restless, start inventing things to worry about anyway.
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