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Everything posted by RadioactiveWaste

  1. They've completely knacked themselves by accusing the officials of bias. Just incompetance they might have got away with it, but a statment like that is going to have repercussions for them.
  2. I expect one of Bolton or Peterbrough to win big next saturday, if posh lose in midweek i expect it to be Bolton, but if posh win their midweek game, they might just have one of thier days. I expect us to be bag of nerves being shredded by a nerve shredding machine as time ticks away at nil nil. I think we'll prevail, but i expect the absolute wringer before we do. Obviously, it'd be nice to blow Carlisle away and be 3 up by half time, but, that's not why we love Derby County.
  3. GP less exciting that the sprint was, Max won esily but some stuff happened behind him. Lando got P2 with a good drive and some help from the safeth car, Perez was P3 after a pit stop under the safety car put him behind Norris and Leclerc. P4 Leclerc, P5 Sainz, P6 George, P7 Alonso, P8 Piastri, P9 Lewis "working his notice" Hamilton, P10 Hulkenberg Most excitment was fighty Fernando at the start and at the end for P7. 1st safety car was Bottas' engine giving up, 2nd was after the restart where K-mag punted Tsunoda and Stroll rammed into the back of Ricciardo. Bad day from the cashgrab arbies tem. Typically for 2024 Danny ric, he was looking OK and got took out, but it was good to see him back to some sort of form, although to head off the DR3 stans, he would've had to pit again having run medium medium and not pitted under the safety cars, Yuki was pretty off it all weekend though. Also typical of 2024, Hamilton spent the whole time whinging on the radio. Zhou was enjoyed by the crowd but wasn't particually quick. A point for Haas. Alpine's Gasly tried to set off without one of his wheels on properly and fired the tyre into his mechanic (who is OK) - but it's a bungle from them in a pretty hilariously bad season.
  4. I think we need a poll: The real reson for the Burton Albion ambivalence: Lover left him for a Burton fan? Lover left him to become a full time Burton fan? Goodyear fan? Misplaced A38 based rage?
  5. They don't have to make a big show of it, just, embrace the love of Paul Warne in their hearts and use that love to cleanse their soul and turn to the future, made anew in image of the bobble hat. Once they have accepted the light of the Warne, they will no longer be vulnurable to the siren calls of the anti-warne ghouls. "I shall not read Milleniumrams posts, milleniumrams posts are the mind killer, i will let them pass through me, and the Paul Warne shall remain."
  6. Good job you never saw the BBC Panorama episode "Bobble Hats - the silent killer"
  7. No one will remember how horrid that second half was, everyone will remember 3 points and all will remember next week.
  8. The Ed Dawes ".....and that is time!" brought a little whimper here at the processing plant. 1 point from promotion.
  9. bloody hell..... nice relaxing saturday afternoon eh?
  10. Wasn't he banned from a load of pubs in norfolk for his behaviour?
  11. "The other bloody room if you're putting derby bloody county on!"
  12. I'd bet on it being this. The club cannot endorse any encroachment on the pitch for all sorts of reasons (ground regulations, league regulations, insurance, safety etc etc) but I'd guess they're probably not going to go hard on a mass celebration of promotion, however, if anyone does anything violent or stupid they'll get what they deserve for it.
  13. Remis of me not add, it's also the WEC 6 Hours of Imola tomorrow. I think the BoPs have been tweaked since the first round so won't be as easy for Porsche.
  14. It's point 2 that irks me particularly.
  15. So, What are we calling the summer thread for him?
  16. Promotion as champions? If we'd achieved that this place would be tumble weeds rolling across empty threads.....
  17. Derby win and both Peterborough and Bolton drop points seals, right? Derby, Peterborough and Bolton win we go into the last day 3 points ahead? Is there a scenario where it gets confirmed midweek if Bolton drop points tomorrow, Peterborough win tomorrow and Derby win, but Peterborough drop points in their game in hand?
  18. Thanks to the wisdom of the F1 powers, this weekend is a sprint race weekend. So, 4am saturday morning for the pretendy race, the quaifying atr 8am and race at 8am on sunday. I'd love to be bigging up this one as I always thought the track was OK, but the usual "30 seconds behind Max" will probably apply. Friday, 19 April First practice 04:30-05:30 Sprint qualifying 08:30-09:14 Saturday, 20 April Sprint race 04:00-05:00 Qualifying 08:00-09:00 Sunday, 21 April Race 08:00
  19. He really played his heart out after the move was announced, there's no way he'd be half arsed if came on in these two games.
  20. The devaluing of the cup competitions has been a long standing project of the rich clubs who don't want to lower themselves to having to play football matches against randomly drawn teams who are likely from lower down the pecking order.
  21. Promising career ruined by injuries is seemingly the story for TJJ but I don't think we should punt on him staying fit next season. It would be nice for him if he can play next week but we've got to get a job done first.
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