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Ram a lamb a ding dong

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    Ram a lamb a ding dong reacted to PistoldPete in The Administration Thread   
    Thanks . Offer it to Gibson instead it’s more than he will get out of us.
  2. Clap
    Ram a lamb a ding dong reacted to Comrade 86 in The Administration Thread   
    Could it now be any clearer? In the space of 48 hours the EFL have stated BOTH that the club has the offer of EITHER 'impartial' arbitration OR the High Courts as a means to satisfy claims AND that they now acknowledges MFC/WWFC as football creditors, which would leave arbitration as the sole route forward. Wholly contradictory statements and yet another example of their contemptuous abuse of power. There has been no discussion, no arbitration and no independent input to this decision, rather it is a call made arbitrarily and unilaterally by the EFL board with no outside consultation and in contravention of their own directives. Do these clowns even read what they regurgitate into the public domain? Do they not even cross-reference the claims made in one with the other? The inconsistencies (read: huge ducking porkies) are glaring and have been for two years now. Likewise Gibson who appears to have the attention span of a hungry toddler and the linguistic skills of one too.
    Heads must now roll at the EFL. There is NO ROOM FOR DOUBT anymore. In their poorly conceived and executed PR campaign seeking to shift the onus to Morris, the admins and even the 'highest bidder', they have absolutely tied themselves in knots and in doing so, have threatened both the stability and integrity of the League they are meant to govern and serve. 
    At this point, the 72 member clubs simply must act. There can be no remaining doubt that the EFL prioritises its own interests over those of its member clubs. Ladies and gentlemen, the tail is clearly wagging the dog. This is, of course, a wholly unacceptable state of affairs and will inevitably lead to chaos should the precedent they seek to set be entertained. Every subsequent season will start with multiple different fixture lists as the governing body and civil courts wade through dozens of spurious football related claims, clubs will be forced into admin and /or liquidation and the league system as we know it, will fail. A vote of no confidence and the immediate resignations of Rick Parry and Trevor Birch are now mandatory requirements on the long road back to credible and impartial governance of the League. For any governing body, as custodians of football, to bring bring the English game into such hopeless disrepute is simply unforgiveable and action must be taken sooner rather than later, irrespective of the situation at Derby County.
    As for Messrs Gibson and Couhig, your bluff has now been called. If you truly believe in the veracity of your claims and are not simply looking to leverage the threat of liquidation to extort funds from a club who has already accepted its punishment (in keeping with the EFL's own directives), it's time for you to accept Mr Morris's offer of your day in court. Any other course of action will merely confirm suspicions of the very unsavoury motivations that have led to what appears to have been a merit-less witch-hunt borne solely out of greed and petty personal grievances. I'm looking at you specifically Gibson. You chose to prioritise continuing your spat with Mel Morris over the future of the club, the welfare of it's employees, the sustainability of local businesses and the mental health of the wider community. This will NEVER be forgotten, nor forgiven. I speak only for myself when I say that having been a chairman whom I once held in high regard, I have now come to despise everything for which you stand. 
    I trust also that those on this forum who openly mocked posters who for two years have openly expressed the view that the EFL's treatment of Derby County Football Club has been less than impartial, will now take time to think about whether said posts were fair, warranted or helpful. Hindsight, it is true, is a wonderful thing, but so too is an open mind.
    A last thought in regards to Mel Morris; Mel, I was one of your staunchest supporters. I was wrong. It broke my heart when you placed the club into administration. Perhaps there are mitigating circumstances as yet unknown, but we are where we are and you sir, were the custodian of this club we all love. Inevitably, the buck stops with you. All of this notwithstanding, thank you for the steps you have now taken to break the impasse. What's done can't be changed, but I do hope that this will at least give harsher critics some small pause for thought. 
  3. Clap
    Ram a lamb a ding dong reacted to Day in The Administration Thread   
    At 7.11pm a screenshot of an email between a fan and Rick Parry was posted on Twitter, 7.18pm BAWT tweeted that Parry had confirmed he sees no reason, the tweet I shared on the forum.
    There was a lot of doubt and people questioning the screenshot and calling it out as a fake on Twitter.
    Not sure if this was where BAWT got their information from, or if the fan was part of the group, I emailed Rick Parry as well at 7.43pm to see if I could also confirm with the idea that I could share a screenshot also.
    Would like to believe there is a trust built up where I wouldn't create and send any fake emails out.
  4. Clap
    Ram a lamb a ding dong reacted to CBRammette in The Administration Thread   
    No idea! I think Mel has got stuff off his chest, they wont agree, Mel will agree to indemnify claims for club but only if they are considered independently outside EFL's remit. But who knows. I do know all our financial woes would be over if this was being filmed for a Sky/Netflix series - box office gold. 
    And now on beautiful day in Cambridgeshire I am going to do what we should all do - remind ourselves of what football really is - going to watch my son's school team play. So all try and find a low key match, get some fresh air and get away from the internet (sorry David)
  5. Clap
    Ram a lamb a ding dong reacted to TooFarInToTurnRed in The Administration Thread   
    I emailed Rick Parry yesterday morning but not had a response:
    Dear Mr Parry,
     I would like some clarification on the statement put out by your organisation on 3rd February 2022 regarding the situation of Derby County.
    Point 1, the statement that “no Club should gain (or seek to gain) any advantage within the context of professional football over other Clubs by not paying all its creditors in full at all times” appears incongruent with the fact that Nottingham Forest, were according to their published accounts, write off a loan of £5million during the year ending 2020 with no apparent recourse. Is this an oversight and you will look to immediately rectify or do different rules apply?
    Point 2, the statement is clearly prejudicial and clearly insinuates the claims from Middlesbrough and Wycombe are debts. As I understand it they are not and therefore should not referred to, even by insinuation, as debts. They are heavily disputed claims. The definition of a debt is “the obligation to pay a sum of money owed” and at present no obligation exist. Will you acknowledge and release a statement to the effect that these are not debts as they are currently untested? I believe by referring to them as you have you may have prejudiced the cases against Derby County.
    Point 3, I understand that the current regulation specifically prohibits taking legal action outside of the EFL framework but that this is now you current proposed action. This will undoubtedly lead to a significant increase in legal costs for all parties, should Derby be successfully exonerated will the EFL cover these costs as it failed in its duty under its own regulations?  
    Finally, it is rumoured in the press that several Championship clubs are likely to breach the Profit & Sustainability regulations during the current season. Can you confirm that this summer you will again be using ‘interchangeable fixture lists and will support compensation claims made against such clubs by others?  As several of these clubs are currently occupying places in or around the top of the division so I would urge you to move the Play-offs to the end of July to allow for the participants decided by the Courts.
    Your current narrative appears to distract people from the lack of leadership and incompetence shown by your organisation by attempting try to turn people against Derby County by trying to rile people against us by continually bringing up the money owed to HMRC. Unfortunately this does not appear to be having the desired effect and it appears you will be on the wrong side of history.
  6. Like
    Ram a lamb a ding dong got a reaction from I am Ram in The Administration Thread   
    Agree with every point made
  7. Cheers
    Ram a lamb a ding dong got a reaction from Sparkle in The Administration Thread   
    I did think this but negativity has swamped me today
  8. Clap
    Ram a lamb a ding dong reacted to Derbados in The Administration Thread   
    Interested to see what limp wristed response we’ll get back from the Admins, not that they’ll meet any deadlines or targets anyway. To me they look like rabbits in headlights out of their depths and unable to work out where to start first. 
    Tell Boro and Wycombe to get ******, tell them to stick their biased meetings and process of arbitration up Their ****
    Go to court, get an answer either way and put this to bed one way or another.
    Stop pussyfooting around now and take action
  9. Clap
    Ram a lamb a ding dong reacted to cosmic in The Administration Thread   
    I honestly believe if we were looking as though we were going down, a lot of this wouldn't have happened. The EFL are hellbent on ensuring we don't make the "great escape" because it would undermine the -21 points they put on us, and we'd leave them with egg on their face.
    "The EFL has no vendetta against any of its member Clubs"
  10. Clap
    Ram a lamb a ding dong reacted to Gaspode in The Administration Thread   
    I'm quickly going in that direction - hate everything about being under the stewardship of the self-serving winkers in the EFL. Even with a new owner we'd still be subject to their business plans and other whims so the pain of the last few years will continue. A Phoenix club at least gives us a clean slate under a (hopefully) different governing body......
  11. Clap
    Ram a lamb a ding dong reacted to Eatonram in The Administration Thread   
    Yes totally agree that Q need to issue a statement indicating current plans and timescales in response to the lates EFL diatribe.
  12. Like
    Ram a lamb a ding dong got a reaction from RadioactiveWaste in The Administration Thread   
    Agree with every point made
  13. Sad
    Ram a lamb a ding dong reacted to I am Ram in The Administration Thread   
    I've had enough, i felt if we could keep our kids, we had a fighting chance, whatever league we ended up in. Now that they are leaving one by one, it's hard to keep positive. The admins are useless, continue to keep Wayne in the dark and lie, they are just self-serving, dragging it out for more money. The efl are cowards, Gibson will not relent until we are buried, Wycombe do not have a case. Duck em all, Phoenix club it is. We will fight to the end, but all we have left is a fight.
  14. Clap
    Ram a lamb a ding dong reacted to Animal is a Ram in The Administration Thread   
    The responsible commercial solution is for you to withdraw your claim.
  15. Clap
    Ram a lamb a ding dong reacted to one_chop in The Administration Thread   
    Well I can't sleep as a result of continuously being elbowed in the ribs for snoring so I've decided to get up for a cup of tea. 
    I can't help but think the EFL are akin to a bully's sidekick trying to extort the dinner money off a fat kid.
    No idea why I think that but that's where I'm at with all this.  I can't see beyond this season.
  16. Clap
    Ram a lamb a ding dong reacted to Day in The Administration Thread   
    Before I sign off the night and listen to the missus woes from work, just going to say this, don’t be angry at the EFL’s statement tonight, it’s a positive one for us and it clearly states their position which allows us to move forward with a high court judgment.
    Whilst we might disagree on the side they fell into, it wasn’t totally unexpected and we’ve been desperate for them to come down off the fence for a while now, this is better than to continue stalling. 
    Quantuma have what they need now, the EFL’s position and proof of funds to see us through the next couple of months, time for court. 
  17. Clap
    Ram a lamb a ding dong reacted to SillyBilly in The Administration Thread   
    I'd now back a public statement saying the club will take them to court with the expectation of either defeating the claims in full or, if we lose, going into liquidation with us having no intention of paying a penny. Up the ante.
    Then we'll see Gibson and co. for what they really are. They'd have to take us to court knowing they'll either win and liquidate us (something he claims he doesn't want to do) or lose and get nothing. 
    Play it out in the media.
  18. Clap
    Ram a lamb a ding dong reacted to Chester40 in The Administration Thread   
    Sell them at £20, make a huge amount of money towards future protests !
  19. Clap
    Ram a lamb a ding dong reacted to winktheram in The Administration Thread   
    Yes. Actually you make a great point. As this is followed by 'we'd like to invite everyone to mediation' Could imply by that the  EFL don't want us to go to court, but they have clarified things to allow us to. If Q come out and say, 'great, we'll see you in court then' this will move things on tremendously. And they would have every Derby fan right behind them. 
  20. Clap
    Ram a lamb a ding dong reacted to 24Charlie in The Administration Thread   
  21. Clap
    Ram a lamb a ding dong reacted to NottmRAM in The Administration Thread   
    I just felt I needed to say I hope everyone is doing OK through all this. It is perfectly normal to feel stress, anger and anxiety in these circumstances especially when we feel powerless to save our club.
    As Derby fans, we are one community and we're all in this together. Stay strong folks, chin up old bean.
  22. Clap
    Ram a lamb a ding dong reacted to TheresOnlyWanChope in The Administration Thread   
    They need to come out and say something. This isn’t a normal business- it’s a football club with supporters. They should be explaining what is happening at the moment. They should certainly not sell players without informing the manager! Really poor. 
  23. Haha
    Ram a lamb a ding dong reacted to BucksRam in The Administration Thread   
    Now THAT is comedy gold.  Sadly those with the brain power of a single celled amoeba will believe every word.  
  24. Clap
    Ram a lamb a ding dong reacted to I know nuffin in The Administration Thread   
    Anyone want to bet that whichever way this goes for us the EFL will change their rules to stop it happening again
  25. Haha
    Ram a lamb a ding dong reacted to Indy in The Administration Thread   
    “Pretty simple” - not wrong there. 
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