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  1. Angry
    S8TY reacted to Jourdan in Sheffield United (H) Matchday Thread Saturday 15th January 3pm   
    An experienced manager would have won this game 3-0.
  2. Like
    S8TY reacted to PistoldPete in Sheffield United (H) Matchday Thread Saturday 15th January 3pm   
    I am so proud of this  club and right now this set of players. Every single one is putting their heart and soul into saving this club.  Thank you.  
  3. Like
    S8TY reacted to PistoldPete in The Administration Thread   
    The admin team has not ignored the claims. It has considered them and decided they are of no merit. 

    It has also (despite this) I understand offered a settlement to both these parasites in order to make them go away. In spite of this, they haven't.
    More recently the admin team has said the Boro and Wycombe issues should not affect the naming of the preferred bidder as the PB can then deal with the claims in due course.

    So here is where it gets messy. It seems clear there is a big dispute between EFL and the admin team over how to progress from there.
    Admin team says "claims are  very much disputed but which we are being advised by the EFL cannot be currently compromised notwithstanding statute says otherwise".
    So again they have clear path for dealing with the claims via "compromise" , whatever that may mean in this context.   Which they say is governed by statute, so presumably insolvency law. But as is their wont the EFL think they are above the law and can do what they want.
    It's hard to see how any blame can be attached to the admin team here. They surely know insolvency law better than the EFL.. they have a plan for dealing with the claims which EFL has rejected, despite EFL not having the authority to do that.    
  4. Like
    S8TY reacted to Eatonram in The Administration Thread   
    The thing about the Boro claim is that it is just a made up figure of 45m. Based on a “what if” scenario and Paddy Power odds. What if they had said 100m would the EFL taken the same view? How about 500m. After all “what if” they had won the play offs, stayed up, established themselves in the Premier, got in the Champions League, signed Messi etc. All possible if only cheating Derby hadn’t denied the 6th place one year. This is how nuts it is. Just a figure plucked out of the air and we are being forced to give it credence even though as the Admins say it is against Statute!! Surely someone has to challenge this. 
  5. Clap
    S8TY reacted to Chester40 in The Administration Thread   
    You had made your same (ridiculous IMO) point several times now, maybe have a day off today.
    It's bad enough reading other fan's ill-informed trolling on Twitter without your own fans trotting out similarly warped ideas over and over.
    No idea what you imagine this plan b you are referring to would entail and I don't care. I don't want the administrators following some random path that doesn't follow reason, morality, equity, sense or the law, on the chance that the EFL aren't going to do any of that.  Rather that they call them out on it and stick to the proper path. Our job is now to draw attention to it, not muddy the water by blaming the administrators. 
    Doesn't matter how long ago the administrators had considered it, what could they do other than negotiate,  plead, discuss and give credence and substance to ridiculous, spurious and downright disgraceful attempts to extort money out of the club. Instead they are saying these grasps for money need to be settled elsewhere. They settled for 21 points to get things moving, and so these clubs are sensing there is a deal to be had and I'm glad they aren't budging this time- what deal would you be happy with? £10m, £20m?? No way should they be doing anything than saying its a sick joke and that they will not enter into negotiations with other clubs with no legal or moral reason to do so.
  6. Like
    S8TY reacted to Hanny in The Administration Thread   
    Mate. You must be trolling with these comments (you’ve made a few, but I just grabbed this one). 
    The information available to us points to the EFL being the one holding things up. 
    You keep saying they haven’t added anything, or they are just following the rules. That they aren’t stopping the admins from accepting a bid. 
    But those are precisely the things that have happened- as proven by the Admins  statement today (and honestly been backed up by the actions/words of Rooney and such).
    The statement by the Admins. Rooneys comments about things almost finalized, and moving to re-sign and find new players.  Even ole Alan Nixon said the EFLs position appears to be extreme.
    I don’t understand how you could think the EFL are just hands tied innocent (as your posts seem to suggest) in this situation.
  7. Clap
    S8TY got a reaction from Andicis in The Administration Thread   
    Why do you keep sticking up for the EFL ?? The admin are doing there jobs the EFL are moving the goalposts simple as that …it’s a disgrace so stop defending the EFL ffs 
  8. Clap
    S8TY got a reaction from Wsm-ram in The Administration Thread   
    Why do you keep sticking up for the EFL ?? The admin are doing there jobs the EFL are moving the goalposts simple as that …it’s a disgrace so stop defending the EFL ffs 
  9. Clap
    S8TY got a reaction from jono in The Administration Thread   
    Why do you keep sticking up for the EFL ?? The admin are doing there jobs the EFL are moving the goalposts simple as that …it’s a disgrace so stop defending the EFL ffs 
  10. Clap
    S8TY got a reaction from angieram in The Administration Thread   
    Why do you keep sticking up for the EFL ?? The admin are doing there jobs the EFL are moving the goalposts simple as that …it’s a disgrace so stop defending the EFL ffs 
  11. Clap
    S8TY got a reaction from Miggins in The Administration Thread   
    Why do you keep sticking up for the EFL ?? The admin are doing there jobs the EFL are moving the goalposts simple as that …it’s a disgrace so stop defending the EFL ffs 
  12. Clap
    S8TY got a reaction from Dordogne-Ram in The Administration Thread   
    Why do you keep sticking up for the EFL ?? The admin are doing there jobs the EFL are moving the goalposts simple as that …it’s a disgrace so stop defending the EFL ffs 
  13. Like
    S8TY got a reaction from BriggRam in Steve Gibson trying to liquidate Derby   
    I can honestly say I hate Gibson for this it’s pathetic reading the statement it is the vultures Boro and two Bob Wycombe trying to claim against us …The EFL scared to stand up to Gibson and say we’ve been punished ….hate is a strong word but it’s how I feel 
  14. Clap
    S8TY got a reaction from Indy in The Administration Thread   
    Why do you keep sticking up for the EFL ?? The admin are doing there jobs the EFL are moving the goalposts simple as that …it’s a disgrace so stop defending the EFL ffs 
  15. Clap
    S8TY got a reaction from Chester40 in The Administration Thread   
    Why do you keep sticking up for the EFL ?? The admin are doing there jobs the EFL are moving the goalposts simple as that …it’s a disgrace so stop defending the EFL ffs 
  16. Clap
    S8TY got a reaction from GB SPORTS in The Administration Thread   
    Why do you keep sticking up for the EFL ?? The admin are doing there jobs the EFL are moving the goalposts simple as that …it’s a disgrace so stop defending the EFL ffs 
  17. Like
    S8TY reacted to Rich84 in The Administration Thread   
    I'd argue having 3 viable bids is a plan A, plan B and a plan C ......
  18. Like
    S8TY reacted to Hanny in The Administration Thread   
    As I understand it:
    the path forward WAS having a bid come through that satisfied the administrators (which is on behalf of the creditors, and ultimately satisfy club asset purchase as well).
    That path was found and met by the 3 offers the Admin claim to have. Now EFL are saying, no, we want you to settle these other claims first. To which the administrators are saying- you have no jurisdiction to make that demand.
    So the EFL must explain (to all, including the creditors) why they are demanding something more then is needed to ratify the club sale. 
    To note: it is my understanding the EFL have no remit to stop a sale because of an outstanding claim by another club. 
  19. Angry
    S8TY reacted to kevinhectoring in The Administration Thread   
    This is not to do with ‘ratifying the sale’. I think the problem is we can’t prove to the EFl that we can fund ourselves to the end of the season. And that’s because the admins have not found a clean route out of administration (in light of Gibson’s claim) 
  20. Like
    S8TY reacted to ripleyram88 in The Administration Thread   
    Quantuma shouldn't have to have a plan B. Rules are rules and laws are laws. They are a professional accredited business and they follow the law. They are following the law.  
    They aren't here to "show leadership", they are here to follow the law, and provide the best deal for the creditors. Too right they are covering their backsides, would you just wing it if you were in a legal situation.
    What we are seeing here is the EFL being upset they couldn't relegate us last season and they are trying their hardest to do it this time, in fact attempting to break UK insolvency laws to do so.
    I'm sure any administrator wouldn't expect to have to deal with a governing body which is basically acting like a petulant child that can't get was they want.
    Some may say the EFL don't have a vendetta against us, but the day that they came out and said they were "disappointed" with the findings of the independent panel, they cemented that they do, and their actions since then have shown that they are a corrupt disgrace.
    This isn't going to stop with us. They wiped out Macclesfield, they kicked out Bury, they let a fraudster take over at Wigan then washed their hands of it a month later, they sent Bolton to league 2, and they are going to liquidate Derby. 
    The league needs to be restructured and the EFL needs to be removed.
  21. Like
    S8TY got a reaction from Andicis in Steve Gibson trying to liquidate Derby   
    I can honestly say I hate Gibson for this it’s pathetic reading the statement it is the vultures Boro and two Bob Wycombe trying to claim against us …The EFL scared to stand up to Gibson and say we’ve been punished ….hate is a strong word but it’s how I feel 
  22. Clap
    S8TY got a reaction from EtoileSportiveDeDerby in The Administration Thread   
    Give Boro and Wycombe F ALL 
  23. Angry
    S8TY got a reaction from Kinder in The Administration Thread   
    Jags going to Stoke ???
  24. Like
    S8TY got a reaction from strawhillram in Steve Gibson trying to liquidate Derby   
    I can honestly say I hate Gibson for this it’s pathetic reading the statement it is the vultures Boro and two Bob Wycombe trying to claim against us …The EFL scared to stand up to Gibson and say we’ve been punished ….hate is a strong word but it’s how I feel 
  25. Like
    S8TY got a reaction from SaffyRam in Steve Gibson trying to liquidate Derby   
    I can honestly say I hate Gibson for this it’s pathetic reading the statement it is the vultures Boro and two Bob Wycombe trying to claim against us …The EFL scared to stand up to Gibson and say we’ve been punished ….hate is a strong word but it’s how I feel 
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