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  1. Clap
    darren22 reacted to Van der MoodHoover in The Administration Thread   
    Which is economically true. But if the regulator forms the view that it is unacceptable then it has to comminicate that to the club and invite them to change going forward. 
    Happens to me often in actuarial work because you are forming judgements and interpretations. 
    Coming back years after, putting the club on trial and then seeking punitive punishment for what are really quite minor differences of interpretation is absolutely not regulation. 
  2. Cheers
    darren22 reacted to jono in The Administration Thread   
    I don’t dismiss the extent Gibson contributed, what I maintain is, that the solution lay primarily with the EFL.
    If we stick to the insistence that it would have been a tribunal issue ( not something I agree with entirely, but perhaps it is in the EFL’s rules ) then it could have been dealt with within days by the EFL at the time it happened. Long before we were in Admin.
    Outside a clear claim for damages against Derby in court; which Boro did not pursue, Then it really is simple. The EFL failed to act, and did so on multiple occasions. 
  3. Clap
    darren22 reacted to G STAR RAM in The Administration Thread   
    Was it? I was under the impression that the 9 point deduction was an agreed decision between the EFL and administrators, based on amended accounts which an Independent Disciplinary Commission did not recommend needed to be done?
  4. Clap
    darren22 reacted to jono in The Administration Thread   
    It’s quite simple as I see it, regardless of any merit to the claims
    Boro claim we should have been sanctioned/fined or whatever… at a specific time period ..because it affected their possible play off spot. We weren’t - because those matters are normally dealt with by the EFL’s agreed procedures. Their quarrel / dispute therefore, should have been with the EFL and the timing of how the EFL applied their rules.
    Looking at it another way - We have now been sanctioned according to those same procedures. Derby and Boro played in the same league run by the same association which makes the rules. This was a dispute relating to the competition. In the first instance they should have challenged the EFL a long time ago .. which they didn’t, despite considerable time passing.
    If that didn’t work or wasn’t workable, then they had the option to sue Derby in court according to the law, long before administration  .. it could be seen as a simple civil case for damages. Or alternatively sue the EFL in court for the same reasons. They did neither ! 
    All they did was imply threats and make damaging allegations to a club in administration. To be frank, if one is wanting to feed lawyers and apply logic, then Quantuma might have a case, on behalf of the creditors, for Boro’s vexatious claims that were clearly damaging to the creditors and administration process in general. 
    The EFL buried their heads in the sand and walked away from their responsibilities to the competition for what motive or under whatever influence I don’t care to speculate. A simple solution was available to the EFL as the law givers. They bottled it in a disgraceful way. 
  5. Haha
    darren22 reacted to JPRamFan in The Administration Thread   
    No they'll probably accept it, sign off on it and find fault with it 2-3 years down the line.
  6. Clap
    darren22 reacted to Alty_Ram in Relegation rivals watch   
    Regardless of penalties I think Reading were also just a better side than they had been showing and the previous manager was just not getting anything like the best out of them . Top striker back and showing some spirit and fight as a team so fair play, they did what we couldn't do and picked up consistent points at the sharp end of the season whereas our away form has just killed us. Sadly if we'd even been lower mid-table on away form we'd probably have made it.
    What I will say though is that Birmingham City are lucky sods. Without the deductions for ourselves and Reading they would surely be going down. They're a mess off the pitch and in really poor form on it, getting absolutely battered on it on Monday by a Blackpool team in poor form themselves. Seems pretty toxic with the fans there at the moment although they seem like a pretty toxic bunch at the best of times.
  7. Clap
    darren22 reacted to MackworthRamIsGod in The Administration Thread   
    Absolutely this.
    In a transfer window when Tom Cairney moves for 4 million, we buy  Bradley Johnson for 6.
    We wouldn't pay a few million for Dale Stephen's or Lewis Dunk, but had no problem spending 5 million on Butterfield.
    We wouldn't raise the bar for Ollie Watkins, but we're happy to pay 2 million for an ageing Nugent and probably paid him twice the wages.
    Our whole recruitment under Morris was an embarrassment.
  8. Clap
    darren22 reacted to jono in The Administration Thread   
    I don’t think it’s strange. Sure MM was wreckless and then Covid spoiled his escape route. He was the instigator of our woes. No doubt about that,
     But the EFL ? Supposedly the even handed governing body has kicked us, kicked us again and spat in our faces at every turn. Where were they in the farce that was Boro and Wycombe ? How come we were forced to field kids in a cup game or couldn’t re sign loaned veterans on short term deals. How come when judgements - made according to their own procedures - by their independent panels did they express “regret” or “reluctantly” accept decisions ? Mel made a mess but the EFL wanted to make an example of us and at the same time has been craven and dishonest in submitting to pressure from the likes of Boro. It’s rank hypocrisy and damned nasty 
  9. Like
    darren22 got a reaction from Abu Derby in Derby Season Ticket or Sky Subscription   
    Season ticket ,I've never had sky sports & don't intend to anytime soon?
  10. Like
    darren22 got a reaction from Tamworthram in Derby Season Ticket or Sky Subscription   
    Season ticket ,I've never had sky sports & don't intend to anytime soon?
  11. Like
    darren22 got a reaction from Kathcairns in Derby Season Ticket or Sky Subscription   
    Season ticket ,I've never had sky sports & don't intend to anytime soon?
  12. Clap
    darren22 reacted to Dean (hick) Saunders in Derby Season Ticket or Sky Subscription   
    Don’t watch premier ?.
    Only one answer…
  13. Clap
    darren22 reacted to Crewton in Rams v Coventry Matchday Thread   
    My moment of the day was towards the end of the first half when Bielik simply flattened one of their players when he was challenged. It was utterly contemptuous, the kind of thing only a truly class player gets away with, and I absolutely loved it. 
  14. Clap
    darren22 reacted to Tyler Durden in I’ve enough of football.   
    When one player is asking for 500k a week which annually equates to the offers being made for the acquisition of our entire football club then you know things are just rotten to the core. 
  15. Clap
    darren22 reacted to Kathcairns in The Administration Thread   
    I dont think any player is worth £500.000 a week no matter who he plays for. Thats the reason football is in a mess.
  16. Clap
    darren22 reacted to LazloW in The Administration Thread   
    I’m certainly no expert in any of this administration lark. You have to assume Q are. But has part of the problem here been that Q have been trying to conduct business in the ‘normal’ legal way they would with any other business but have been hampered at every turn by an organisation so wholly unfit for purpose, with a completely different set of rules for administration, that it’s made their task untenable? I know they should have known this from their previous experiences, but we have obviously been a special case due to other agents manipulating said rules for their own ends. I have some sympathy for them.   This is why I cannot believe we haven’t ended up in court on the basis that the EFLs rules are probably not ‘legal’.
    Anyhoo. I also imagine that Q’s communications have been so bad because it’s not normal administration practice to have to explain every move you make and give running commentaries to customers, people like the EFL (again, an extra tier of nonsense) and the media. Again, they should have expected this, but I assume we are the biggest club they’ve had to deal with and perhaps the level of interest (including from MPs) has taken them a bit by surprise.  Clearly they haven’t really been geared up for it.
    All in all, this process has been shown up to be farcical. The EFL will no doubt change rules now so it can’t happen again, but too little too late.
    FWIW, while I’m not really sure what we could sue them for, I’d still like to see us take the EFL to court, if for no other reason than it might be cathartic. ?
  17. Cheers
    darren22 reacted to ilkleyram in The Administration Thread   
    They absolutely could have avoided this situation and 'won'. 
    They could, for example, have got involved 12 months ago (Parry's timeline) with the Gibson/Couhig situation.  It might have avoided the Chairman having to say that he knew nothing about the case 12 months later. If that's true Parry ought to resign on those grounds alone. They might just have agreed with our administrators that only joint statements would be consistently issued.  They might have sufficient internal control of their systems that they didn't trot off to friendly journalists with the latest news every 5 minutes. They might have avoided being so disappointed with the results of their own disciplinary procedues once it reported.  They might just have had in place the policies and procedures to deal with our sort of case more promptly - like in the season it happened, or even the one after. They might just have been less in thrall to one Chairman/owner.
    And so the list goes on.
    They deserve every bit of chastising and distrust they get from now until the day when they're all kicked out and we get some proper, talented people running our bit of the game. I'm not holding my breath.  Charlatans the lot of them.
  18. Cheers
    darren22 reacted to CBRammette in The Administration Thread   
    Isnt that what the official supporters groups and team derby do? I quite like the thought of mr parry or his likely underpaid assistant/unpaid intern trying to politely reply to unguided missiles constantly through the weekend as long as they are vaguely polite and not just abusive. If/After we are safe this shouldnt stop we need to constantly keep the efl's role in this highlighted and wage a campaign highlighting every ?thing they do until they are finally gone. We need to prepare a proper dossier of their actions joining with fans groups from Sheff Weds, Bury, etc and ensure they cease to exist and that the main players are not anywhere near any newly formed body. We must keep pressure up on MPs regarding implementation of the results of the review. Their role over the last 2-3 years must never be forgotten or forgiven. I dont swear generally but relish singing **** the efl. We must fight to their end also
  19. Haha
    darren22 reacted to Steve How Hard? in The Administration Thread   
    Probably dock us more points for bringing the league into disrepute. 
  20. Haha
    darren22 reacted to Anag Ram in The Administration Thread   
    We’ve probably fallen foul of the’No accord on a Friday’ rule and been docked further points.
  21. Cheers
    darren22 reacted to BoroWill in The Administration Thread   
    Glad it has been resolved, best of luck with your takeover and for the rest of the season, after tomorrow of course.
  22. Clap
    darren22 reacted to Day in Derby County Daily Updates - TAKEOVER COMPLETED   
    As a direct result of private conversations between Mel Morris and Steve Gibson both parties are pleased to announce that they have reached an accord on a resolution of the claims by Middlesbrough Football Club against Derby County Football Club, and others. 
  23. Clap
    darren22 reacted to Ghost of Clough in The Administration Thread   
    You really underestimate the emotional distress your 'beloved' owner has put on everyone connected with Derby County. Every word to describe Gibson is 100% justified.
  24. Cheers
    darren22 reacted to May Contain Nuts in The Administration Thread   
    Initially the purpose of the rules was probably as you describe, but that purpose got lost many years ago.
    The notion that their current use / interpretation still subscribes to that ideal is continually eroded by their own actions and statements, and their complete incompetence in doing anything that ensures their supposed purpose is met.
    The current purpose of the EFL rules is not the preservation of the league's integrity, structure etc, it's not the preservation of the clubs they hold as members; it is the preservation of themselves and their position, one which is becoming increasingly scrutinised, outmoded and under threat of a complete overhaul.
    Simply put, they're on the defensive. You could see it written all over the face of Rick Parry when he did the staged interview with Sky Sports, every single thing he said was designed to cover the EFL's own backside, not accept responsibility and to muddy the waters in any way possible so that the casual onlooker wouldn't be able to see below the surface to where the real problem lies.
    They're insular, they're being slowly backed into a corner and anyone who they see as a threat must be 'dealt with'. 
    How they choose to deal with that is exactly as you've seen in their handling of the Derby case.
    They've managed to write a set of rules which allow them absolute power; power to change their minds on decisions already made, power to make things up as they go along, power to interpret their rules in whichever way they see fit depending on which way the wind is blowing on that particular day.
    They've got rules which allow them not to follow their rules! So in essence by not following their own rules they can point out to the fact that they are indeed following their own rules, because their rules say they don't necessarily have to follow their rules! Brilliant. Again, self preservation.
    They use these interpretations of the rules they've ruled they don't have to follow to make threats to certain clubs and not others. Their threat of removing our golden share if we try to compromise the claims against us could just as easily have been a threat to remove Boro's golden share if they'd taken the legal action against the EFL that the EFL pushed onto us.
    Interpretations of the rules not to their liking / benefit are to be disputed at great length until they finally get the result that they want. Even then they can't help themselves but be publicly disappointed that they didn't get the full result they were after. Never mind though because they can still enforce multiple restrictions that ultimately achieve the same thing.
    Is it any wonder they're in a position where they have to put out a statement denying that they have a vendetta against a particular club?
    An organisation fairly applying their rules in the interests of the league as a whole does none of the above.
  25. Clap
    darren22 reacted to Ram a lamb a ding dong in The Administration Thread   
    A lot of squabbling on here and general lack of clarity which is having such a negative effect on us all; me included.
    My take is as follows:
    EFL continue to slopey shoulders everything 
    MFC and WWFC to reject Mels offer as they know they stand zero chance in court
    Mel to come back in and take an indemnity to accept any potential financial loss.
    Appleby to take over
    All to be done this month
    Agree that once a resolution is reached EFL to change regs asap to ban any future claims between clubs incl retrospective
    MFC and WWFC to be chased up for compo by Q due to their farcical behaviour. EFL most likely to be also.
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