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  1. Clap
    Gringo got a reaction from I know nuffin in Melvyn Morris fan club   
    There was a story circulating around PP about the reason for his departure, which I will not repeat and it certainly was nothing to do with "Derby way"
  2. Like
    Gringo got a reaction from Carnero in Melvyn Morris fan club   
    It is his club and stadium he can host who he damn well wants, I would not dictate who you could entertain in your house,
    this thread is getting ridiculous  
  3. Clap
    Gringo reacted to Crewton in Melvyn Morris fan club   
    Gift Aid comes from the money the individual is liable to pay in tax - if you don't pay tax, you can't claim Gift Aid or the higher rate rebate. The government is only refunding your own money, not other taxpayers' money.
    You can argue that if he didn't give the money to charity, the tax on it would all go to the public purse, but you don't get to choose what it's spent on, so it seems churlish to complain about the money going to a charity, even if the charity isn't particularly active. He can't get the donation back.
  4. Clap
    Gringo got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Melvyn Morris fan club   
    There was a story circulating around PP about the reason for his departure, which I will not repeat and it certainly was nothing to do with "Derby way"
  5. Clap
    Gringo got a reaction from ck- in Melvyn Morris fan club   
    There was a story circulating around PP about the reason for his departure, which I will not repeat and it certainly was nothing to do with "Derby way"
  6. Like
    Gringo got a reaction from Tyler Durden in Embargo.   
    Yes here he is
  7. Clap
    Gringo got a reaction from Kathcairns in Time to walk away Wayne   
    His net worth is $170million, approx £125million, so yes he could buy it but with all the criticism he has received on here, why would he?
  8. Clap
    Gringo got a reaction from jimtastic56 in Time to walk away Wayne   
    His net worth is $170million, approx £125million, so yes he could buy it but with all the criticism he has received on here, why would he?
  9. Clap
    Gringo reacted to Van der MoodHoover in Embargo.   
    And without any buyer, this would help our situation, exactly how? 
  10. Haha
    Gringo got a reaction from Anon in Forsyth   
    Incorrect it is between their ears
  11. Clap
    Gringo got a reaction from jono in Embargo.   
    The Nadir for the club was 2003 when it went into receivership because the Co-Op bank pulled the plug, and was purchased by the Amigos for £3, we were close to extinction then that is not happening now 
  12. Haha
    Gringo got a reaction from RAM1966 in Embargo.   
    But the payment is technically late even with a payment plan in place
  13. Clap
    Gringo got a reaction from ilkleyram in Embargo.   
    It is true my sentiments are with Mel and the hysterical criticism he receives, most of which is hearsay, speculation and conjecture. A high percentage of the comments on here are crass and many time vulgar, given the amount of money he has pumped into the club I believe it is my duty to counter silly  comments about him and the club. Remember even Peter Sutcliffe had a defence team and all Mel has done is fund the club for many years, I also remember what was done and said to Lionel and how angry I was at his treatment by the fans.
    Finally, I would say that about the mascot there is something not quite right about a man dressed as a sheep playing with children.
  14. Sad
    Gringo got a reaction from Tyler Durden in Further EFL charge tagged on   
    Wigan did  not sell Byrne and Marshall the administrators did, that money would have been a cash deal and distributed to creditors. So not a football related debt, my OPINION fwiw is that the debt is to Peterborough for Marriott and Mel will have seen his ass as they got him back for nothing, if I was Mel which I am not nor am I his wife, I would have said Duck off to Peterborough if indeed this is where the debt is owing.
  15. Cheers
    Gringo got a reaction from I know nuffin in Embargo.   
    The Nadir for the club was 2003 when it went into receivership because the Co-Op bank pulled the plug, and was purchased by the Amigos for £3, we were close to extinction then that is not happening now 
  16. Clap
    Gringo reacted to jono in Embargo.   
    I didn’t see your rant so can’t comment but comparing Mel to the Crooks that Maxwell and the 3 amigos were, is probably the most stupid, rude, insulting, ill informed comment I think I have ever seen on this forum. 
    Really ? Think about what you said there, it’s shameful. 
  17. Haha
    Gringo got a reaction from Derby blood in Further EFL charge tagged on   
    Wigan did  not sell Byrne and Marshall the administrators did, that money would have been a cash deal and distributed to creditors. So not a football related debt, my OPINION fwiw is that the debt is to Peterborough for Marriott and Mel will have seen his ass as they got him back for nothing, if I was Mel which I am not nor am I his wife, I would have said Duck off to Peterborough if indeed this is where the debt is owing.
  18. Clap
    Gringo got a reaction from Rambalin in Embargo.   
    It is true my sentiments are with Mel and the hysterical criticism he receives, most of which is hearsay, speculation and conjecture. A high percentage of the comments on here are crass and many time vulgar, given the amount of money he has pumped into the club I believe it is my duty to counter silly  comments about him and the club. Remember even Peter Sutcliffe had a defence team and all Mel has done is fund the club for many years, I also remember what was done and said to Lionel and how angry I was at his treatment by the fans.
    Finally, I would say that about the mascot there is something not quite right about a man dressed as a sheep playing with children.
  19. Clap
    Gringo got a reaction from Eatonram in Embargo.   
    It is true my sentiments are with Mel and the hysterical criticism he receives, most of which is hearsay, speculation and conjecture. A high percentage of the comments on here are crass and many time vulgar, given the amount of money he has pumped into the club I believe it is my duty to counter silly  comments about him and the club. Remember even Peter Sutcliffe had a defence team and all Mel has done is fund the club for many years, I also remember what was done and said to Lionel and how angry I was at his treatment by the fans.
    Finally, I would say that about the mascot there is something not quite right about a man dressed as a sheep playing with children.
  20. Haha
    Gringo got a reaction from GenBr in Embargo.   
    It is true my sentiments are with Mel and the hysterical criticism he receives, most of which is hearsay, speculation and conjecture. A high percentage of the comments on here are crass and many time vulgar, given the amount of money he has pumped into the club I believe it is my duty to counter silly  comments about him and the club. Remember even Peter Sutcliffe had a defence team and all Mel has done is fund the club for many years, I also remember what was done and said to Lionel and how angry I was at his treatment by the fans.
    Finally, I would say that about the mascot there is something not quite right about a man dressed as a sheep playing with children.
  21. Clap
    Gringo got a reaction from jono in Embargo.   
    It is true my sentiments are with Mel and the hysterical criticism he receives, most of which is hearsay, speculation and conjecture. A high percentage of the comments on here are crass and many time vulgar, given the amount of money he has pumped into the club I believe it is my duty to counter silly  comments about him and the club. Remember even Peter Sutcliffe had a defence team and all Mel has done is fund the club for many years, I also remember what was done and said to Lionel and how angry I was at his treatment by the fans.
    Finally, I would say that about the mascot there is something not quite right about a man dressed as a sheep playing with children.
  22. Haha
    Gringo got a reaction from atherstoneram in Embargo.   
  23. Haha
    Gringo got a reaction from Tyler Durden in Embargo.   
  24. Like
    Gringo got a reaction from Premier ram in Embargo.   
  25. Like
    Gringo got a reaction from NottsRam77 in Embargo.   
    You can restate prior year accounts at companies house I know this because I have just done this for 2019 when I filed 2020, of course the restated numbers were audited and signed off but it is no big deal.
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