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  1. Haha
    ossieram got a reaction from Derby4Me in Embargo.   
    So let me get this right.
    The EFL have told the Daily Mail what is happening!
  2. Haha
  3. Clap
    ossieram got a reaction from Rammeister in Keeping fans safe at EFL matches   
    You get to your seat and remove your mask.
    Then thousands of people surround you and shout, sing and cheer ( unless you're in the West stand ) 
    What's the point in wearing the mask in the first place?
  4. Clap
    ossieram got a reaction from angieram in On the Inside with Wayne Rooney   
    I reckon there's plenty of threads you can go on to have another whine about Mel, but no, you had to do it here. 
  5. Clap
    ossieram got a reaction from AbuDerbyDave in On the Inside with Wayne Rooney   
    I reckon there's plenty of threads you can go on to have another whine about Mel, but no, you had to do it here. 
  6. Clap
    ossieram got a reaction from Gisby in On the Inside with Wayne Rooney   
    I reckon there's plenty of threads you can go on to have another whine about Mel, but no, you had to do it here. 
  7. Haha
    ossieram got a reaction from Chester40 in Embargo.   
    If they could, they would. 
  8. Clap
    ossieram got a reaction from RoyMac5 in On the Inside with Wayne Rooney   
    I reckon there's plenty of threads you can go on to have another whine about Mel, but no, you had to do it here. 
  9. Like
    ossieram got a reaction from LazloW in On the Inside with Wayne Rooney   
    I reckon there's plenty of threads you can go on to have another whine about Mel, but no, you had to do it here. 
  10. Like
    ossieram got a reaction from Day in On the Inside with Wayne Rooney   
    I reckon there's plenty of threads you can go on to have another whine about Mel, but no, you had to do it here. 
  11. Clap
    ossieram got a reaction from Adslegend in WBA Away   
    Nothing to do with luck. If that had been Derby missing those chances,  they would have been slated for crap finishing and not called unlucky.
  12. Clap
    ossieram got a reaction from archram in WBA Away   
    Nothing to do with luck. If that had been Derby missing those chances,  they would have been slated for crap finishing and not called unlucky.
  13. Clap
    ossieram reacted to Day in On the Inside with Wayne Rooney   
    I didn't see it advertised anywhere as a documentary. 
    Everyone moans that we're always the centre of negative press, yet here we are with one of the games modern greats nipping into Moor Farm, speaking positively about the work Rooney is doing and look at the reaction.
    And why does the win stat over this year and last season need to be churned out day after day, last season is gone, it's over.
    This season it's clear to see performances have improved and we're sat higher in the table than clubs with far more experienced managers and squads at their disposal. 
    When's the guy gonna be given a break? Maybe there is a positive atmosphere behind the scenes, which is great to hear, can we not just enjoy a bit of positivity amongst all the daily doom gloom.
  14. Like
    ossieram reacted to Ram-Alf in WBA Away   
    He did a good job last night, He now needs to carry that on for the rest of the season, Not his biggest fan, Not a hater either, It would appear he's more suited to how we played last night rather than Friday night, Shot stopping was top drawer, Punching and claiming the ball he did well enough, One Swallow doesn't make a Summer, I hope he watches the full game back as I beleive they do, Roos can improve by being consistant.
    Back line were great for him, 1st line of defence gave him more confidence, With that the defence had confidence in him, They looked a pretty good unit.
    A special mention to the Premier league Ref, Bladdy awfull, How is it you let WBA clean the ball for their long throws but picked us up for slowing the game down, I guess all fans see their team penalised more than the opposition...but we seem to be penalised more ?, A blatent push in the back on Sibley I think and he plays on for them to cross the ball, And yet a simple touch on their players and it's a foul, Oh well that's just me being blinkered I guess.
    Slept well, And my couple of hours at work this Morning was more enjoyable than normal after a DCFC game.
  15. Clap
    ossieram reacted to Alty_Ram in WBA Away   
    The thing is with all these comments about Roos' performance (and keepers in general down the years) it's a team game and nowhere is that more obvious and important than that partnership between keeper and central defence. You get an understanding as you learn what the others are going to do in certain situations and what their strengths are.
    From a keeper perspective, if you find that you don't trust your central defence as they sometimes lose a man or regularly get outjumped then you find yourself coming for crosses that perhaps you wouldn't. Likewise, as a central defender, if your keeper gets caught flat footed on his line and doesn't deal with crosses then you find yourself perhaps stretching for a header that you'd ideally leave for the keeper, possibly resulting in failing to clear the lines properly or heading vertically and chaos ensues. The opposition also notice and then just keep swinging it into the same zone of uncertainty.
    Confidence breeds confidence in the partnership between central defence and keeper and while we'd ideally have slightly younger versions of Jags and Davies, their decision making is honed by years of experience and the keeper really benefits from this because some of the more risky decision making is made for you.
    Really pleased for Roos and the defence last night. That was a massive test and they showed huge determination and resilience. Sure, West Brom probably should still have won but you give yourself a shot of getting something from the game if you make the opposition score their goals rather than gifting them freebies.
  16. Clap
    ossieram got a reaction from Miggins in WBA Away   
    If they are allowed to take time to dry the ball and take 2 minutes for every throw in, I don't see why we should rush with the goal kicks. 
  17. Clap
    ossieram got a reaction from Ram-Alf in WBA Away   
    Nothing to do with luck. If that had been Derby missing those chances,  they would have been slated for crap finishing and not called unlucky.
  18. Like
    ossieram got a reaction from Miggins in WBA Away   
    That was a proper backs to the wall performance. 
    Davies and Jags may be the oldest central defenders in the world, but we couldn't have done that without them.  
    Special mention must go to Roos who was my man of the match. I never thought he would be able to withstand that amount of pressure. 
  19. Like
    ossieram got a reaction from BarrowRam in WBA Away   
    That was a proper backs to the wall performance. 
    Davies and Jags may be the oldest central defenders in the world, but we couldn't have done that without them.  
    Special mention must go to Roos who was my man of the match. I never thought he would be able to withstand that amount of pressure. 
  20. Haha
    ossieram got a reaction from Sparkle in WBA Away   
    If they are allowed to take time to dry the ball and take 2 minutes for every throw in, I don't see why we should rush with the goal kicks. 
  21. Clap
    ossieram got a reaction from uttoxram75 in WBA Away   
    If they are allowed to take time to dry the ball and take 2 minutes for every throw in, I don't see why we should rush with the goal kicks. 
  22. Clap
    ossieram got a reaction from angieram in WBA Away   
    Nothing to do with luck. If that had been Derby missing those chances,  they would have been slated for crap finishing and not called unlucky.
  23. Clap
    ossieram got a reaction from GB SPORTS in WBA Away   
    Nothing to do with luck. If that had been Derby missing those chances,  they would have been slated for crap finishing and not called unlucky.
  24. Clap
    ossieram got a reaction from Crewton in WBA Away   
    Nothing to do with luck. If that had been Derby missing those chances,  they would have been slated for crap finishing and not called unlucky.
  25. Clap
    ossieram got a reaction from MaltRam in WBA Away   
    If they are allowed to take time to dry the ball and take 2 minutes for every throw in, I don't see why we should rush with the goal kicks. 
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