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  1. Like
    Grimbeard reacted to JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta in Fozzy   
    Over ten years of service, never a problem in the entire time he's been here, seen off every left back we've signed since he arrived, flexible enough to cover multiple positions.
    A club legend. No doubt about it. 
  2. Like
    Grimbeard reacted to Topram in Fozzy   
    Always been a fan of Fozzy a great servant a great guy who deserves goods stuff 
    but my does he deserve it, 5/6 weeks out just slots it like he’s not been anywhere, 
    Hope we’ll see him see promotion with us he deserves it
  3. Haha
    Grimbeard got a reaction from angieram in Paul Warne   
    Or summat like this? Note the holes for improved air-flow.

  4. Cheers
    Grimbeard got a reaction from Walkley Ram in Serial Whingers Notts Forest playtime, which we simply cannot accept.   
    It's Little John, not Robin Hood.

  5. Clap
    Grimbeard got a reaction from FlyBritishMidland in Serial Whingers Notts Forest playtime, which we simply cannot accept.   
    Their current ground is already outside Nottingham City limits innit? That's why they're call Notts Forest.
  6. Like
    Grimbeard reacted to FlyBritishMidland in Paul Warne   
    I think it’s pretty clear PW has built a fantastic culture and team spirit at the club.  All of the players and staff are united and fighting to get us promoted. This is testament to his man-management skills.  I seem to remember an interview with Ritchie Barker (?) not long after they joined compliment PW’s leadership and how they’d walk through a brick wall for him.  I think he has that with players.
    In the past I’ve been critical of how he uses the subs but in the last few weeks he’s been spot on with these.  He also seems to be managing the squad well.  Some Rotherham fans talked about the players tiring at the end of the season.  We’re not really seeing that and he seems to be managing the game time of the squad well and not taking unnecessary risks.
  7. Like
    Grimbeard reacted to Archied in Paul Warne   
    Nice try but no cigar ,,,nothing could have given me greater pleasure than todays result and the stadium belting out Paul warnes derby army at the top of they’re lung ,,,,,,, not even you making a complete fool of yourself for the whole forum to see and laugh at 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  8. Haha
    Grimbeard got a reaction from TigerTedd in Serial Whingers Notts Forest playtime, which we simply cannot accept.   
    Be fair. If you were looking to move, would you be looking in Nottingham?
  9. Clap
    Grimbeard reacted to DRBee in Match Thread: vs Bolton Wanderers (H)   
    There's a fatal fallacy with making this comparison. In your example the two students performances are independent of each other. In a football match one side's play directly affects the performance of the other team. The reason Bolton didn't score yesterday has much to do with our defending - when Wildsmith makes  a superb save its part of OUR good performance. You state in another post that Wildsmith  made "two worldies"  as though that is just luck rather than good performance. Those saves were not just "rub of the green".
    But much more importantly, your pedantic posts have nothing to do with the joy of watching football.
  10. Haha
    Grimbeard reacted to Walkley Ram in Match Thread: vs Bolton Wanderers (H)   
    I've honestly lost track of who's a Derby fan and who's a Bolton fan in this thread.
    Only one way to explain a team's performances over a season to someone who's not been to games. It's not Xg, or any of those stats. It's the league table.
    Came home from the pub last night absolutely steaming. Mrs was well up for a bit of romance. Couldn't get little Oodle up. Absolutely limp.
    I assume that still counts as getting my end away though. Ended my night on +1 expected shag, so that pretty much shows everyone how good I am in bed.
    That's how stupid it Xg is.
  11. Like
    Grimbeard reacted to Archied in Match Thread: vs Bolton Wanderers (H)   
    WOW,,,, think that covers yesterday, the whole day was ducking WOW ,
    second v third must not lose game and that’s what we got , 
    what swung the game to a narrow derby win ?
    1. The culture Paul warne has built and is building at derby from bringing in the right type of people as players to fitness to those players being treated in a way that makes them want to run through brick walls for the shirt and the manager,
    2. the fans , our fans , my tribe , premier league ? You can keep that , yesterday was a league 1 game and you couldn’t touch that , it’s why I fell and stayed in love with derby all these years , yeah we have some moaners on here but they just drift into insignificance when you are in the ground and supporting your team, where we are and supposed standard of football mean nothing when put against yesterday, if you are not moved by yesterday and oh so glad you were in the ground or wishing to hell you were there then football is not for you ,
    I was moved big style by the fans and warne interaction at the end , he didn’t bounce but that’s a mark of the man , im sure he will bounce if/ when he actually delivers the prize , he’s not lampard ,
    for me warne is manager next season no matter what division we are in
  12. Like
    Grimbeard reacted to uttoxram75 in Match Thread: vs Bolton Wanderers (H)   
    Liam Thompson was immense when he came on. We're gonna need everyone in these last few games and i believe the players know it and will give it their all. Warne has built a squad who seem to want to work together. 
    Its happening, The Rams are going up!
  13. Haha
    Grimbeard got a reaction from norwichram in Match Thread: vs Bolton Wanderers (H)   
    42!  The answer's 42.
    What do I win?
  14. Haha
    Grimbeard got a reaction from Ted McMinn Football Genius in HUGE!   
  15. Haha
    Grimbeard got a reaction from Rammy03 in Serial Whingers Notts Forest playtime, which we simply cannot accept.   
    Be fair. If you were looking to move, would you be looking in Nottingham?
  16. Haha
    Grimbeard got a reaction from Comrade 86 in Serial Whingers Notts Forest playtime, which we simply cannot accept.   
    Be fair. If you were looking to move, would you be looking in Nottingham?
  17. Haha
    Grimbeard got a reaction from Crewton in Serial Whingers Notts Forest playtime, which we simply cannot accept.   
    Be fair. If you were looking to move, would you be looking in Nottingham?
  18. Haha
    Grimbeard reacted to kevinhectoring in Match Thread: vs Bolton Wanderers (H)   
    I prefer doughnuts to Mozart, downhill mountain biking to cash ISAs, Red Nose Day to my mother’s old mini, and I prefer my dog to having a haircut 
  19. Clap
    Grimbeard reacted to CBX1985 in Match Thread: vs Bolton Wanderers (H)   
    Perhaps; just perhaps, all those who doubted his "we need to have the right types of people" philosophy were themselves wrong.
  20. Haha
    Grimbeard reacted to Mihangel in Match Thread: vs Bolton Wanderers (H)   
    Going to save this post, just in case anyone ever asks me what 'mardy' means. Saved me the explanation, cheers.
  21. Clap
    Grimbeard reacted to hintonsboots in Match Thread: vs Bolton Wanderers (H)   
    PG Wodehouse from the directors box.
    Pride Park, that verdant cathedral of sporting prowess, was teeming with eager souls, packed to the very rafters, for this monumental clash of titans vying for the coveted automatic promotion spot. As the erudite young Owen Bradley aptly remarked, one could almost taste the palpable tension hanging thickly in the air, stirring even the most stoic of hearts. Personally, I found myself afflicted with pre-match jitters of such magnitude that I could scarcely bring myself to partake of the morning repast. Indeed, so overcome was I by nerves that I instructed my trusty manservant, Jeeves, to consume it in my stead. The early setback of a hammy for the padel maestro Gayle did little to assuage the anxious throng, yet amidst the tumult, the bobble-hatted Warne, armed with nothing more than his boundless enthusiasm and a penchant for vigorous arm-waving à la Bradley, orchestrated a tactical masterstroke, deftly shuffling his substitute pack like a magician conjuring rabbits from a hat. And lo, it was the wand of Elder that proved the catalyst for glory, delivering a sublime cross to the onrushing buffalo, who, with a flourish of his head , sent the ball soaring into the net with all the grace of a virtuoso pianist striking the final chord of a symphony. Though much of the contest saw the Rams engaged in a valiant rearguard action, the stalwart trio of Cashin, Admirable Nelson, and the Dorian Gray-like Forsyth, aided by the cat-like reflexes of Wildsmith, formed an impenetrable bulwark against the relentless onslaught of their adversaries. With second place now firmly within their grasp, the Rams find themselves masters of their own fate, the jubilant cries of “Ebouuuuuuu” echoing like a chorus of angels as the final whistle heralds their triumph, accompanied by the joyous bounce of victory.
  22. Haha
    Grimbeard reacted to Bob The Badger in Match Thread: vs Bolton Wanderers (H)   
    That post reminds me of all your other posts. 
  23. Haha
    Grimbeard got a reaction from JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta in HUGE!   
  24. Haha
    Grimbeard reacted to Caerphilly Ram in Match Thread: vs Bolton Wanderers (H)   
    Sorry. “Then we can redraw battle lines regarding our stances on the new manager” 😉 
  25. Haha
    Grimbeard reacted to 8Leeds in Match Thread: vs Bolton Wanderers (H)   
    You’ll get a lovely cuddle as you walk down Shaftsbury Street
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