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Posts posted by cstand

  1. 8 minutes ago, HeyHudson said:

    More of an orange hue from where I was sitting.

    Anyone else see Keogh in the aftermath of the penalty? Was simultaneously trying to...

    1. Celebrate with his teammates

    2. Not celebrate with his teammates too much

    3. Move his celebrating teammates away from the Derby fans

    4. Apologise to the Derby fans for his teammates celebrating in front of them by applauding the crowd and giving the "calm down" gesture

    Poor fella didn't know what to do with himself 😄


    Poor fella didn’t know to put his seat belt on in a car with a drunk driver of a football team that he was captain and should been  leading by example. 
    Unfortunately he is still playing. 


  2. 31 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

    Good. Short sellers are just another scourge - along with people who use their power and influence to manipulate stock...cough...Elon Musk...cough


    If Musk did not fight back against the short sellers him and Tesla would have been toast. 

  3. Short sellers who bet against Musk/Tesla since 2010 lost 54 Billion dollars more than Musk paid for twitter.

    Two of the short sellers that ridiculed Musk and Tesla and his cult followers, have nearly gone bankrupt.

    Jim Chanos closed his company due to losses and David Einhorn went from 15 billion dollars to 1.5 billion.

    They both laughed at Musk thinking he would fail but they are not laughing now.

    I would agree like most tech stocks Tesla is overpriced but young investors ignore these fundamentals. 

    Will Musk succeed changing X into a super app, well I have no crystal ball but I certainly would not bet against him. 


  4. On 11/12/2023 at 14:26, therealhantsram said:

    I'm not sure it's about Musk so much as the human need to build people up to be heroes, and then knock them back down when they get too big for their boots. The tabloids do this stuff all the time. It sells. The fascination is not so much Musk himself, but in seeing this revered business man with seemingly super human business decision making, exposing all his character flaws and weaknesses like no-one has ever done before. 

    It's about how we like to see these people come crashing down because in whatever way suits us (political, personal life, business acumen), it makes each of us feel superior. 

    Haters will always hate, but Musk has defeated his haters over the last five years.



  5. 6 hours ago, RoyMac5 said:

    My opinion is that if there's a doubt over the joke don't do it. Plus Sibs hasn't been a regular, why not just give him a bit of a boost and leave it at that? It takes away from the praise and is un-necessary. 

    I criticise him because I don't rate things he does, that is one instance. I haven't bothered recently because all that comes back is personal comments. If you think Warne is a joker fair enough. But suggesting my motives isn't at all pertinent, but is a cheap shot. 👍

    In the end it's the players that will be the one's to interpret what Warne says means.

    As soon as Sibs got the ball I wanted him to run at the defence and shoot for goal nothing else entered my mind so glad he did the same.

    When Sibs runs at the centre of defence in that position it’s joy to watch because defenders don’t know whether to back off or come out to challenge for the ball. 

    Sibs needs to be played in that area of the pitch more often to get the best out of his talent. 


  6. 11 hours ago, Carl Sagan said:

    Rolls Royce are not the only people but this is great news. Not only for space settlement, but just generally. Every town should have its own modular nuclear reactors for baseline power, to be supplemented by renewables. But definitely needed on both the Moon and Mars to give settlements energy security.

    Yes was looking at a company last night claimed they have melt down proof technology in their reactors.
    X-Energy a company not owned by Musk have plans for reactors in this country with the first in Hartlepool 2030.


  7. Rolls Royce reveals plans for a micro nuclear reactor that could provide power for space travel and moon based projects. 
    Expected to be operational in 2030. 



  8. On 05/12/2023 at 19:20, Comrade 86 said:

    So not only are you content to have all your data with Musk, now you want to give him all your money to look after too? 🤣

    If you seriously think I would give Musk or anyone else all my retirement lump sum then you have lost the plot. 
    It’s all being divided into several accounts all paying 5% interest rate.

    On 05/12/2023 at 20:19, cstand said:

    The worse part is I still bank with the CO-OP even though I have highlighted their past problems. 😅

    Its not doing my far right image any good being with an ethical bank for 30 years so might have to change soon. 😀

    The only customer lead ethical bank in the UK according to their marketing. 

    Nottingham Building society are doing a fixed interest account community saver. Pays 5.1% and will donate up to £25K to homeless charities. Branch only account. 

    Plus easy access account 2.65% Branch only account. 

  9. 9 hours ago, Carl Sagan said:

    Precisely because of their inflation rate, with people's money being devalued, is why Bitcoin is attractive to Argentines. Previously, the banks could simply print twice as many pesos, and the value of the money is someone's pocket would halve. But that cannot be done with Bitcoin. Mathematically its supply is limited. This is why it is "the people's money". The pesos belong to the banks and they can (and do) do what they like with them. The Bitcoins belong to the people.

    Gold hit record high on Monday $2,100 now just over $2,000 if the US dollar goes back to a gold standard it’s $15,000.

    Record buying of gold buy central banks in 2022 and 2023


    They would be better pegging the Peso to Gold. 


  10. 59 minutes ago, Comrade 86 said:

    So not only are you content to have all your data with Musk, now you want to give him all your money to look after too? 🤣

    The worse part is I still bank with the CO-OP even though I have highlighted their past problems. 😅

    Its not doing my far right image any good being with an ethical bank for 30 years so might have to change soon. 😀

    The only customer lead ethical bank in the UK according to their marketing. 

  11. 4 hours ago, Stive Pesley said:

    Yet it's just another monetisation of the culture wars. They quickly realised that having only right-wing views just led to a nice pool of satisfied bigots, but zero engagement. Get some conflicting voices on there and give those viewers someone to argue with - that's the model I guess. It's still a right-wing channel though, all the presenters are coming from that angle. So many Tory MPs presenting shows now it'll probably have to go off air when the next election purdah period kicks in 😂

    Anyway - wildly off-topic there so back on to X

    I saw that Musk now wants to diversify X into being a new financial product that replaces bank accounts for people.

    Who here would trust X.com with their money???

    Nat West Alison Rose resigned for breaching the banking code when cancelling Farage account. Basic error for any banking employee.

    Alison previously been awarded a DBE and gold medal from the Chartered Management Institute for her services to the banking industry.

    CO-OP Bank nearly went bust in 2013 with ill fated takeover plus chairman involved in sex and drug scandal banned from banking industry 2018

    https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/cma-takes-action-against-the-co-operative-bank-for-breaching-part-3-and-article-56-of-the-retail-banking-order#:~:text=The Co-operative Bank has now taken steps to end,CMA on 31 January 2023.

    US banking crisis 2023. Three banks collapsed. 


    But I should be worried about X.com new financial products? 

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