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Hector was the best

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  1. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to Ellafella in Port Vale (A) Tues 24th Jan   
    What a night. PV away goes down in the annals of top away games:
    a. Leeds away
    b. Brighton away
    c. PV away.
    I was right in amongst the melee - pure pandemonium and all I can remember is Jason Knight’s face in contorted exclamation whilst seemingly we were all in a big rugby scrum. Got back around 13:00 and the adrenaline was still surging. Priceless. 
  2. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to Ram-Alf in Port Vale (A) Tues 24th Jan   
    I thought the video sounded like a horse(dobbin)was being choked, So pleased for all those fans that went, I was sat at home watching a movie, Kept up with the score on my phone until 86mins 1-0, Oh well the win had to come to the end at some time, Checked in on 90mins WTF 2-1, I sat next to my mate Larry he smiled...I was as happy as him ?
    Games like this is what makes football...football, The scenes when the 2nd went in gave me goose bumps and Wildsmith legged it all the way to celebrate also ?
    To have played on Saturday and Port Vale not on a pitch that's as big as a forests fans gob talking about their EU cup wins is something pretty amazing, Fitness is a huge factor in this division...we have it in spades others haven't.
    Once again...well done all...players, Coaches and especially those Derby fans behind the goal, A drive home that was a treat ? 
  3. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to Crewton in Port Vale (A) Tues 24th Jan   
    Well, I never expected a Tuesday evening trip to Burslem to turn into one of THE great away games. Decent pubs beforehand, 80-odd minutes of amazing support and a feeling that it was going to be one of those nights when we just weren't going to score and then.... WOW! 
    There's something about that word "limbs" which irritates me, but there's no other way to describe what happened after NML banged in the winner. Bodies everywhere ? 
    Port Vale were so up for the game, the ending must have been traumatic for them. We've been there too many times and know exactly how it feels. But this team is unrelenting, somehow they found that bit extra to go even harder at a stage when PV were out on their feet. 
    NML, Didsy, Dobbin, Springett and the metronome that is Jason Knight in particular pulled it out of the bag, but it's unfair to pick out individuals really because this group is, above all, the very definition of a TEAM. 
    Finally, the message chalked on the slate outside the boarded-up Red Lion pub said it all : Welcome Home Robbie Williams.
    I hope he enjoyed it as much as I did. 
  4. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to Jubbs in Port Vale (A) Tues 24th Jan   
    There's no way their fans are saying the referee was awful for them! He literally gave them everything! The amount of fouls he didn't give to us yet any time we went near them he gave a foul? 
  5. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to sage in Port Vale (A) Tues 24th Jan   
    I didn't say it was a just punishment.
    I imagine paying Arsenal £8m for Bielik when we knew we were in the sh 1t didn't help our cause.
    Now that we have added some stability,i think a fairer approach would be
    A) we should be able to spend what we raise
    B) We should be able to pay small fees as long as the fee and wage combined doesn't take us over the wage cap. Ie if it is £10k a week, we would be able to pay £5k a week over 2 years with a 500k fee.
  6. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to ram59 in Port Vale (A) Tues 24th Jan   
    That's ridiculous, if Accrington went into administration tomorrow, are you saying that their new owners would have the same budget restrictions as Derby, whilst averaging less than 3k attendances?
    The restrictions are linked to costs of running the stadium and such like and also linked to the expected income of the club.
  7. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to ram59 in Port Vale (A) Tues 24th Jan   
    Haven't the club already been punished enough, with relegation, demolition of the academy and restrictions on spending regardless of income? Remember DC is a new owner with no connections to those who committed the offences.
    The ban on spending money on transfer fees has no merit whatsoever regarding the future stability of the club, it can only be detrimental, if anything.
  8. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to Rammie1884 in Port Vale (A) Tues 24th Jan   
    Just watching game again….just realised Wildsmith ran whole length of pitch to celebrate second. Class
  9. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to Srg in Port Vale (A) Tues 24th Jan   
    Didzy is an absolute top guy. Saw him as he was leaving the ground tonight. Few people asking for pictures and autographs and a young lad asked him for an interview for his YouTube. He said no problem, but let him finish with everyone else first. Sure enough, told the kid to go over to the side out the way and answered all his questions and gave him several minutes of his time. Kid wasn’t a Derby fan either. 
  10. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to Comrade 86 in Port Vale (A) Tues 24th Jan   
    Good spot. Tonight when Fozzy put him through on goal and he hit the keeper, you could see him physically crumple. Didzy immediately took his arm and geed him up and the lad just went again. These are things that seem so insignificant, but in the end mean so much. There's more camaraderie in this squad than any in recent memory IMO and it's wonderful to witness.
  11. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to Caerphilly Ram in Port Vale (A) Tues 24th Jan   
    Not pretty, but we did have a couple of chances and it’s 0-0 with a half to go, plus options on the bench. As others have said, a little more control and composure needed.
    Their centre half is a wind up merchant, wonder if throwing Collins on to battle him is the right move or if Collins might end up lamping him and getting sent off ? 
  12. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to RoyMac5 in Port Vale (A) Tues 24th Jan   
    Been a fair few poor passes too. One or two good chances, but lots of wasted opportunities.
    Have to hope they run out of steam as they are looking dangerous coming forward.
  13. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to Blondest Goat in Port Vale (A) Tues 24th Jan   
    Poor distribution from the back.  Appreciate the pitch is dreadful but we still look better when we get the ball down and play to feet.  
  14. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to SillyBilly in Port Vale (A) Tues 24th Jan   
    Can understand the thinking for the long balls on the massive pitch but we seemed to be totally reliant on punting it forward the entire half as if that was the only brief. And the execution was pretty bad too. Pitch looks awful for passing but we can take these if we at least try to play a bit IMO. Game devoid of quality, the pitch and play was like Sunday League football. Confident we can win this if we take the game to them second half.
  15. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to Comrade 86 in Port Vale (A) Tues 24th Jan   
    Warne needs to get into the lads at halftime. It's been a totally lethargic performance so far, bordering on complacent. After getting some flak on Saturday, only Curtis seems to have turned up thus far with a couple of very timely challenges. Didzy and Barks are uncharacteristically miles off the pace.  
    Not a happy bunny! ?
  16. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to Gee SCREAMER !! in Bolton Wanderers (H) Sat 21st Jan   
    Hourihane has been good at this all season.  He often used to turn around aghast at how little s*** we gave incompetent refs at the start of the season.  Not getting in the refs face was a big factor in the defeat to Port Vale and away draws which should have been wins  when they let them get away with right agricultural s***. Something Bird needs to do more of I feel. Those missed penalties at Morecambe might be a two lost point moment at the end of the season as well mind.
  17. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to Ramarena in Bolton Wanderers (H) Sat 21st Jan   
    I imagine PW will go with an unchanged team of everyone is fit. 
    There could be the temptation to swap Collins for McG for more fire power, especially with us being at home, that would be my preference, not sure how Warne would play it.
  18. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to BaaLocks in Tony Springett - signed from Norwich, loan to end of season   
    Mate of mine has a lad who is in the Norwich academy and so I asked him what he thought of Tony Springett. This is what he said:
    "Really really nice lad and gonna be a super player. Been at Norwich since he was 11, debuted in Prem last season. Tricky, skilful winger - delivers. But what you will all love about him is his work rate. Absolutely tireless. Going to the top that kid. Really is. No airs and graces. Not a diver. Gets kicked all the time and just gets back up."
    Also, will be mates with Cashin as they both play for Ireland.
  19. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to Comrade 86 in Tony Springett - signed from Norwich, loan to end of season   
    Really liked his interview. Very positive and clear in his thinking and seems very much up for the challenge ahead. Seems a bright lad too.
    Welcome to Derby Tony! 
  20. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to Rambalin in Bolton Wanderers (H) Sat 21st Jan   
    Was thinking we needed a referee used to large crowds and decent games after the joker we had at their place and some of the other dross we have seen so far. 
    Step up extremely experienced official JEREMY Simpson we have come across him loads over the years mostly refs in the Championship. 
  21. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to Ghost of Clough in Bolton Wanderers (H) Sat 21st Jan   
    Smith   Forsyth   Cashin   Sibley
    Bird   Hourihane
    Mendez-Laing   Knight   Barkhuizen
    Subs: Loach, Davies, Roberts, Tommo, Dobbin, Springett, Collins
  22. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to SKRam in This run we're on, as good as it is....   
    ……. And isn’t it just wonderful that reading all these posts, we are in such a positive mindset. Happy days at Pride Park and DCFC. Whatever we forecast it’s so so encouraging and making football such a pleasure right now. Like PW has said there will be wobbles but look at us, we feel it’s doable, bring on the Wanderers ?
  23. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to DCFC27 in This run we're on, as good as it is....   
    I’m fairness, although it’s been 12 games unbeaten in the league. We drew a lot to begin with and we are now on a three game winning streak, that ultimately has to continue to have a chance of automatics now. Draws aren’t good enough, we need to go on a run of picking up 8/9 wins from the next 10 league game to give ourselves a good chance. 
  24. Clap
    Hector was the best reacted to JPRamFan in This run we're on, as good as it is....   
    If we are to win our next two and Wednesday were to lose their next two, the gap would be five points with a game in hand. You never know 11 points isn't insurmountable with 20 plus games to go.
  25. Like
    Hector was the best reacted to Bald Eagle's Barmy Army in This run we're on, as good as it is....   
    Last season saw the unity of both club and supporters like we’ve never seen before or certainly not for a long time. 
    We’ve carried it into this season and I believe this is one of the reasons we’re in 4th place. 
    There’s not many clubs that could go through what we have and come out as strong as what we have. 
    Imagine the feeling if we get back into The Championship in the first attempt. 
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