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Posts posted by Wolfie

  1. 37 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

    So disappointing to see the Work & Pensions Secretary Mel Stride saying that the de-stigmatisation of mental health issues has gone “too far” and that we should just consider it the “normal ups and downs of human life

    I'm pretty sure that most people who have contributed to this thread have had their mental health struggles and found that it's the de-stigmatisation of mental health issues which has allowed them to open up - and that's a brilliant thing. None of us are alone

    It disgusts me that we have dinosaurs like this in positions of power who think we should  go back to the days of telling people to "just get over it" 😞

    While I 100% agree with that, I know of 2 people in my circle of acqaintances who are currently "playing the mental health card" to get out of working. One of them even said, with a big smile, that metal health is becoming the new "bad back".

    Sadly there will always be the few, who will end up making it harder for the many. It's not wrong for those playing the game to be called out on it.

  2. 1 hour ago, ketteringram said:

    Hopefully your post makes me think you use a Kindle! So I'd like to ask a question if I may. 

    Does the Kindle connect to the internet directly, in order to download books? Or do you need to download to a pc and then transfer? 

    Probably a dumb question, but I've never used one. Was thinking of maybe getting one, but I don't have a PC. 

    I use the Kindle app on my phone & iPad, though almost always use my ipad to read, in bed, with black screen and white text, to keep the light pollution down.

    For some reason, you have to buy books through the Amazon website, via your browser (and then they automatically appear on the app, in the library section). You can't buy books from the Amazon app - I've never understood why this isn't possible.

  3. I can appreciate any kind of art where some proper technical ability and skill is used. 
    Last time I went to the Tate modern I was disappointed that there was so many examples of stuff my then 7 year old could have done - splashing paint around and random placing of bricks etc. 

    I enjoyed going to the previous sculpture exhibitions in Chatsworth Park. Some proper skill & inspiration there, with materials used and messaging. 

  4. 17 hours ago, Carl Sagan said:

    He's always said no, for the same reasons why he hasn't gone into space at all yet. We're at such a critical juncture in Human history that if something happened to him, it would still set us back decades (or potentially forever). For the same reason, SpaceX is privately owned to prevent shareholders taking control and deflecting the company from its mission of colonizing Mars.

    Eventually, he wants to go to live on Mars.

    Good grief. 

  5. 1 hour ago, sage said:

    I have just finished every series of Shetland. Good storylines and acting.

    Got a Nordic Noir feel to it at times. The last 2 series storylines suggest it may br near its endgame though.


    We've recently watched them all and enjoyed it on the whole.

    Personally I preferred it when they were shorter stories, rather than one plot over the whole series. Sometimes the tiny band of police breaking up international trafficking and terrorism streched credibility a bit far, for me. Still a solid 7/10 though.


    A lighter detective series we've been enjoying (and also just finished) is Brokenwood (UKTV Play). A bit like Midsomer in New Zealand but I like the fact they have a lot of characters who turn up in most episodes & feel this adds a bit of warmth and means there's more character development outside of the 2/3 detectives.

  6. 4 hours ago, Bob The Badger said:

    Finished One Day last night.

    It was fairly good but a tad too long for me, I got a bit bored at the end.

    It was well acted and had some funny bits, but I suppose it's just not really my genre

    Mrs Badger absolutely loved it though, a proper blubfest for her. 

    6.5/10 for me and 9 for her.

    We finished it last night too.

    Mrs Wolfie had something in her eye at the end but I felt strangely un-moved by the ending. I can only put it down to what I said last week about struggling with their friendship being believable at the start. I therefore missed out on the emotional punch that she felt.

    6/10 from me. Probably an 8 from the good lady her indoors.

  7. 38 minutes ago, BaaLocks said:

    Well done, I thought you were going to start talking about the bit with the werewolf ripping out both their throats - that would have spoiled it for everyone.

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