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    GboroRam got a reaction from I know nothing in Picture where you, and your knee are now.   
    Stansted.'Arris 'Ole?

  2. Like
    GboroRam reacted to Animal is a Ram in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    You're the kind of person I dislike.
    While I'm supervising my cubs or scouts with pride. 
  3. Like
    GboroRam reacted to mozza in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Anyway,  my newly acquired Ford hadn't even got a space saver wheel in the boot,  just a wheel shaped piece of polystyrene and a stupid can of tyre inflating substance,  soon ousted that and spent 40 quid on a space saver 
    Edit :- ive not checked if it's still there tho.. 
  4. Like
    GboroRam reacted to Rev in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    I'd be the same in all honesty, probably let it slide for the easy life, while promising I'd sort it, and never give them a penny again.
    Sometimes it's not easy being a well mannered English gent!
  5. Like
    GboroRam reacted to tomsdubs in Boxing Thread   
    The picture makes it look further away, plus it's scaled down.
  6. Like
    GboroRam reacted to Wolfie in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    They do if they're done right.
    Bloody food standards agency.....
  7. Like
    GboroRam reacted to Wolfie in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Carrot cake. Somebody at work has brought a massive one in today for their birthday.
    It's a vegetable. Don't put it in cake. Do you eat sprout biscuits?
    Horrible idea.
  8. Like
    GboroRam reacted to Brammie Steve in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Around here I struggle to find a space. I have a disabled blue badge and often have to push my wife's wheelchair from a distance as so many cars have parked 'just for a minute'.
    I hope none of you have to view this 'annoyance' from my viewpoint.
    Just saying!?
  9. Like
    GboroRam got a reaction from Wolfie in Picture where you, and your knee are now.   
    Salt mine in Wieliczka, Krakow 

  10. Like
    GboroRam got a reaction from Gritstone Ram in Picture where you, and your knee are now.   
    Salt mine in Wieliczka, Krakow 

  11. Like
    GboroRam got a reaction from Rev in Picture where you, and your knee are now.   
    Salt mine in Wieliczka, Krakow 

  12. Like
    GboroRam reacted to May Contain Nuts in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    So there's a whole carriage free, but for some reason you've chosen to sit on one of the reserved seats, and you're complaining about the other passengers? 
    Yeah, okay, whatever!
  13. Like
    GboroRam reacted to Chester40 in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    When you have a moment of inspiration and write the most erudite, amazingly constructed, intelligent, hilarious post....and not one person likes or comments on it.
    Later on still sulking you simply post 'Martin had a reasonable game ' and get 10 likes...WTF! 
  14. Like
    GboroRam got a reaction from ramit in Picture where you, and your knee are now.   
    Salt mine in Wieliczka, Krakow 

  15. Like
    GboroRam reacted to Steve How Hard? in Picture where you, and your knee are now.   
    Is fallus the Spanish spelling of phallus? 
  16. Like
    GboroRam reacted to richinspain in Picture where you, and your knee are now.   
    That's the BBG, on a good day!
  17. Like
    GboroRam got a reaction from StringerBell in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Tattoos are at their greatest when they're badly drawn and/or spelled.
  18. Like
    GboroRam reacted to Chester40 in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Unfeasibly old sounding schoolboyTom with the incredibly nasal voice..enjoy the debating team you absolute tool. And Mr Cor-bett you smug **** I am going to use my mobile and drive at 80 miles outside your school in the hope I 'bump into you'...
    I need to listen to another radio station maybe..
  19. Like
    GboroRam reacted to mrdave85 in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    I don't really have much to add to this topic, I'm 31 with a few financial worries and anxious about moving to a new job and city this Summer. 
    But, what I really wanted to post was that there are a lot of brave, incredible, posters to this thread. I've read so many amazing stories. Each one of you is a hero in my eyes. 
  20. Like
    GboroRam reacted to Coneheadjohn in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    You are!
  21. Like
    GboroRam got a reaction from jono in watches....to dream on for   
    Mickey's big hand is on the 12 and his little hand is on the 1 so it's bedtime. 
  22. Like
    GboroRam reacted to Day in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Room for another?
    Was diagnosed with IBS today, one of those not really real new conditions they diagnose yet don't really know anything about it other than anxiety/stress is apparently why a lot of people have it.
    Doesn't really surprise me, been a rough couple months. Quick back story, suffered from severe anxiety, was pre scribed anti depressants, told the doctor where to stick em, did it myself. Was fine for a couple years until August I go and swallow my partial denture.
    Not going to lie, thought I was going to die at the time, couldn't breathe, full on choking. Had vivid dying nightmares, flashbacks the lot for a few weeks. Friends, family kind of laugh it off but honestly, really knocked me sideways.
    Spent 2 weeks solid barely getting out of bed, stomach cramps, everything, I was a complete mess. Pulled myself around, got back out there and whilst my stomach was still causing issues it wasn't stopping me getting to games and the pub.
    October went to see the doctor, still wasn't out, needed sorting, put a urgent colonoscopy referral in to the hospital that day, didn't get the appointment until the end of January.
    Backtracking quickly, start of November ish I was getting pretty down with it, toilet visits all over the place, each time nothing there was another kick in the balls. By December pretty much distanced myself from the missus, mates and that, felt so low just wanted to curl up all day and sleep.
    Mid December, asked the missus to pick up some sweets, sucking helps with anxiety, pro tip right there. Asked for sugar free, look after the old teeth and that. Didn't put 2+2 together but the toilet visits had become a bit violent which anxiety attacks followed, by now I was sofa ridden, hot water bottle on the stomach trying to ease the pain. 
    Anyone with anxiety will tell you it's the not knowing that does you, with these toilet visits came blood, not every visit but one there was fair bit, with what I had swallowed major panic set in. Was pretty close to calling 999 first time ever
    Late on Xmas day which was a complete write off on reaching for another box of these sweets I just out of boredom flipped the box around and saw the warning, too many of this will have a laxative effect. I laughed, almost cried, Googled them and loads of people were writing horror stories online about avoiding these things like the plague. Horror stories after one box, I was having a box or two a day for a week.
    Stopped sucking them, straight in the bin.
    Was slowly improving until the hospital letter arrived early January, date for my hospital visit, knocked me sideways again. Grimsby hospital is horrendous, getting a English speaking doctor that knows what he's doing is a needle in the haystack.
    Whole of January I was nervous but excited, hate hospitals. Missed this out but since August the pain was that bad went to A&E a couple times and shown the door with a pat on the back, come back when you can't walk you're in that much pain and we'll know you've perforated your bowel, until then happy shitting. Cheers doc!
    Couple days before the appointment, told myself not to do this but I googled the process, found you have laxatives before which having just experienced the laxative effect was not looking forward to. Also there was a list of what to eat before, clean food basically. My hospital letter mentioned none of this.
    Appointment day came round, last Friday it was, by now this was maybe the second time being out the house since November, nervous as my anxiety before kept me in the house for a long time, wasn't sure what to expect.
    Made it fine, waiting area was empty even better, just me and the missus there. 45 minutes later after my appointment was due we get called into a room right down the corridor, pretty far from the exit.
    Pause my story here, I always like to suss out the nearest exit, the escape route. You know what I'm talking about fellow anxietyers, what makes us so "special".
    Was a standard doctors room, no camera up bum equipment to be seen, explained my situation to him and requested we move to a room a little further up the corridor so I felt comfortable. Looked at me gone out, then asked me to leave if I'm here to waste his time.
    Tried to explain further but it appeared to have never heard of anxiety before in his life. Told him where it stick his medical certificate and walked out, the nurse collared me before I could leave, pushed me into a side room and asked what had happened.
    Fast forward, he moved down to a room closer, I resisted the urge to lamp him one and allowed him to examine me. There was never going to be a colonoscopy that day, just the initial examination, wants to do a MRI scan, now bare in mind my fears of being able to escape I told him there's no chance in getting me in that tube.
    Nodded and said he wouldn't anyway until I go back to the doctors and sort my anxiety out. Until he's seen that I have on my records he won't put me through one.
    Frustrating day pretty much, got home, had the big talk to the missus how if I have to go on tablets it won't feel like I've beat it, I was beating it, all because of this denture I'm 5 steps back. Took its toll on her these past few months, seen it destroy one relationship, didn't want it to destroy another so agreed to take anything the doctor prescribes.
    Doctors appointment was today, best doctor I've ever seen, must have had 30/40 minutes with him, even understood my anxiety, let us go outside for fresh air when I felt a little trapped. Whole life story downloaded on to him, first anxiety attack the lot. 
    Always had a fear of tablets made worse by swallowing the denture whilst having a multi vitamin, stopped me there and said I'm not prescribing you any tablets, instead referring me for CBT. 
    Now I'm a bit of a dick when it comes to these things, my first bout of severe anxiety I read a lot, like 15 books on it. I know a lot. The first time they tried to put me through this I was educating the "therapist", I had 2 or 3 appointments and stopped as I felt like I should be charging her tuition fees.
    Fresh out of Uni with her flashy degree having never experienced any anxiety or even panic attack in her life.
    Problem I have is thinking clear, understanding this is nothing but anxiety. Putting into action what I know, not cures but methods that help you relax. I'm **** at it. Was kind of hoping for the magic pill but I know there isn't one that will fix it.
    What the doctor did was kick a load of confidence back in me, could have been flirting but he could see I knew what was what, could see how much it means if you can beat this without medication. 
    Bowel problems, all classic symptoms of IBS, no tests needed as the starting point came after swallowing the denture. Could prescribe something for the stomach spasms but until you sort the anxiety they will keep coming back. No magic cure for IBS it's treat the anxiety and stress. Peppermint oil apparently will help.
    Walked out the doctors, felt good. Managed to stay out, haircut, shopping, round a mates. Normal day. Unthinkable just a few weeks ago where the only distance I moved was sofa to toilet. Was fearful the anxiety took hold, made me fearful of being out but nothing at all, was back to pre August David.
    Task now which is hard whilst working from home but to keep getting out, even in pain getting out there if only to the corner shop. Feel like I've had a lucky escape, if it wasn't for the initial hospital appointment I may be still on the sofa having not moved.
    Bowels still not great, constipated one day followed by a full empty the next, feeling bloated constantly and farting like a trooper, don't imagine that will change overnight, been rough for 6 months now. 
    CBT appointment next week, don't want to do it, don't feel like it will help at all but I'm off, will stay open minded and be grateful the doctor didn't try and turn me into a zombie.
    Skipping the MRI, probably not wise, that not knowing might keep eating away. Just feel like it's time to really try and forget it, stop worrying, worse happens call 999, they'll have it out that day and released the next.
    Funny thing is it may already be out. 
    Oh, it's not all bad, lost 2 stone in weight during all this, was becoming a bit of a fat **** so the timing was perfect, dodgy bowel made me cut the alcohol, slightly smaller portions, the extra bag of crisps cut out, looking a lot better. 12lb off target weight now. 
    Anxiety is seriously no fun, don't think of us as weirdos, nutcases, we just like to worry and plan ahead. Daily tasks come laced with a what if, we cover all bases and make sure nothing can go wrong. Other than that we're normal folk, just trying to get by in our own little unique way
  23. Like
    GboroRam reacted to BondJovi in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    As we are a similar age this really resonated with me, the me of about 4 years ago. Some of the advice and understanding on here is remarkable.
    The key thing I take is that knowledge and understanding that your feelings, your wellbeing is incredibly important. You have the right to feel the way you do. Your opinion, your view is as valid as anyone else's.
    In some ways I love the routine, prevents me getting anxious about the what ifs but then I get easily bored if my mind isn't challenged. After first reading your post it made me think about my job and know that I pretty much sleepwalk through it, ticking down the hours. But eventually i will find that happy balance where work challenges but not enough to charge up the anxiety.
    I also find i have stopped being so self critical about my day to day choices, that feel of failure has lessened. You can make your life whatever you want to be(within reason) but i feel society, people, the media, all expect us to be that same idealised character. We aren't all the same and who wants to be anyway.
    Enjoy your quiet time, enjoy the time to be you how you want to be.
  24. Like
    GboroRam reacted to Coneheadjohn in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    There's some big hearts and good souls hidden in these pages mate.
    Keep us posted on how you're going.
  25. Like
    GboroRam reacted to Norman in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    I am so astounded by the time taken by complete strangers to read my post, and write such eloquent, helpful replies. 
    I would just like to say thanks for the brilliant responses. Genuine thanks.
    I'm sure some of these responses will be of huge help, not just to myself, but those lurking or who already post. 
    I don't know what else to say. I'm stunned. Thank you.
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