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  1. Clap
    Woodypecker got a reaction from Phuket Ram in The Administration Thread   
    Fans, media, analysts have to assign some blame on the EFL - remember, they bounced CK (and possibly other bids?) 6 months ago - before Christmas - when they folded their arms, smiled and told Q they could not name a PB because of the parasite claims.
    Yes there was the stadium issue but bidders could not move to action if they could not quantify the parasite claims or learn a definite creditor status of those claims.
    That served to defer progress for Q & suitors on all other requirements, had they met Q's bid thresholds. It also served EFL's hidden agenda of appeasement to parasites and others to make Q & Rooney look foolish when declaring they hope for January squad reinforcements - because 'assured relegation' had to play out.
    So not only did Derby fail to sign or retain wanted players, they had to shed 14 more in order to cobble together the cashflow to get to May.
    Q & EFL also failed to know, learn or pursue the alleged CK money routes in train to ensure deal completion and financial salvation - for 2 months! Diabolical lack of duty, given the approval of CK in the fit & proper tests.
    S H A M B L E S
  2. Clap
    Woodypecker got a reaction from Eatonram in The Administration Thread   
    Fans, media, analysts have to assign some blame on the EFL - remember, they bounced CK (and possibly other bids?) 6 months ago - before Christmas - when they folded their arms, smiled and told Q they could not name a PB because of the parasite claims.
    Yes there was the stadium issue but bidders could not move to action if they could not quantify the parasite claims or learn a definite creditor status of those claims.
    That served to defer progress for Q & suitors on all other requirements, had they met Q's bid thresholds. It also served EFL's hidden agenda of appeasement to parasites and others to make Q & Rooney look foolish when declaring they hope for January squad reinforcements - because 'assured relegation' had to play out.
    So not only did Derby fail to sign or retain wanted players, they had to shed 14 more in order to cobble together the cashflow to get to May.
    Q & EFL also failed to know, learn or pursue the alleged CK money routes in train to ensure deal completion and financial salvation - for 2 months! Diabolical lack of duty, given the approval of CK in the fit & proper tests.
    S H A M B L E S
  3. Clap
    Woodypecker got a reaction from ramboy63 in The Administration Thread   
    Fans, media, analysts have to assign some blame on the EFL - remember, they bounced CK (and possibly other bids?) 6 months ago - before Christmas - when they folded their arms, smiled and told Q they could not name a PB because of the parasite claims.
    Yes there was the stadium issue but bidders could not move to action if they could not quantify the parasite claims or learn a definite creditor status of those claims.
    That served to defer progress for Q & suitors on all other requirements, had they met Q's bid thresholds. It also served EFL's hidden agenda of appeasement to parasites and others to make Q & Rooney look foolish when declaring they hope for January squad reinforcements - because 'assured relegation' had to play out.
    So not only did Derby fail to sign or retain wanted players, they had to shed 14 more in order to cobble together the cashflow to get to May.
    Q & EFL also failed to know, learn or pursue the alleged CK money routes in train to ensure deal completion and financial salvation - for 2 months! Diabolical lack of duty, given the approval of CK in the fit & proper tests.
    S H A M B L E S
  4. Clap
    Woodypecker got a reaction from David Graham Brown in The Administration Thread   
    Fans, media, analysts have to assign some blame on the EFL - remember, they bounced CK (and possibly other bids?) 6 months ago - before Christmas - when they folded their arms, smiled and told Q they could not name a PB because of the parasite claims.
    Yes there was the stadium issue but bidders could not move to action if they could not quantify the parasite claims or learn a definite creditor status of those claims.
    That served to defer progress for Q & suitors on all other requirements, had they met Q's bid thresholds. It also served EFL's hidden agenda of appeasement to parasites and others to make Q & Rooney look foolish when declaring they hope for January squad reinforcements - because 'assured relegation' had to play out.
    So not only did Derby fail to sign or retain wanted players, they had to shed 14 more in order to cobble together the cashflow to get to May.
    Q & EFL also failed to know, learn or pursue the alleged CK money routes in train to ensure deal completion and financial salvation - for 2 months! Diabolical lack of duty, given the approval of CK in the fit & proper tests.
    S H A M B L E S
  5. Like
    Woodypecker got a reaction from May Contain Nuts in The Administration Thread   
    Fans, media, analysts have to assign some blame on the EFL - remember, they bounced CK (and possibly other bids?) 6 months ago - before Christmas - when they folded their arms, smiled and told Q they could not name a PB because of the parasite claims.
    Yes there was the stadium issue but bidders could not move to action if they could not quantify the parasite claims or learn a definite creditor status of those claims.
    That served to defer progress for Q & suitors on all other requirements, had they met Q's bid thresholds. It also served EFL's hidden agenda of appeasement to parasites and others to make Q & Rooney look foolish when declaring they hope for January squad reinforcements - because 'assured relegation' had to play out.
    So not only did Derby fail to sign or retain wanted players, they had to shed 14 more in order to cobble together the cashflow to get to May.
    Q & EFL also failed to know, learn or pursue the alleged CK money routes in train to ensure deal completion and financial salvation - for 2 months! Diabolical lack of duty, given the approval of CK in the fit & proper tests.
    S H A M B L E S
  6. Haha
    Woodypecker reacted to Steve How Hard? in The Administration Thread   
    EFL: Hello is that Chris Kirchner? It's the EFL here or you can call me Ricky if you so desire.
    KC: I'm all ears, hit me with it soccerball man. 
    EFL: We have a proposition for you. Withdraw your interest in DCFC and we'll pay all your expenses thus far.
    KC: Awesome dude, it's kinda interfering with my golf.
    EFL: Excellent, send us your bank details and the amount required. It will appear on your statement as payment by Curly Ayresome Holdings Plc.
    KC: Laters soccerball man, I'm off to work on my handicap. 
  7. Haha
    Woodypecker reacted to Tyler Durden in The Administration Thread   
    Spot the obvious typo...they misspelt parasites as parties ?‍♂️
  8. Clap
    Woodypecker reacted to TomTom92 in The Administration Thread   
    Welcome to the Derby administration,
    Such a lovely place (such a lovely place)
    Such a fall from grace,
    Plenty of room at the Derby administration,
    Any time of year (any time of year)
    All them oh so nears
    to Hotel California
  9. Clap
    Woodypecker got a reaction from jimtastic56 in The Administration Thread   
    I'm definitely not gonna party like it's 1999.....
  10. Clap
    Woodypecker reacted to Archied in The Administration Thread   
    It’s common knowledge that there’s a hell of a lot of people taking a high chunk of money/ salaries  from charities leaving the percentage of donations given to the actual causes rather small ,, there are also plenty who give they’re time and effort for no financial reward but not having been in school for 45 years I will leave you to sort the wheat from the chaff
  11. Clap
    Woodypecker reacted to Loughborough Ram in The Administration Thread   
    I was extremely disappointed that he held up the EFL as the potential heroes riding in to save the day.
    No Derby fan should ever see the EFL as anything other than a group of charlatans who would gladly sacrifice the Rams to save their own skins, regardless of how the future plays out.
    If, and it's a big if, they end up doing something that benefits us then you can be certain that it will be an accidental by product of something they have done to benefit themselves.
    f*** the EFL
  12. Haha
    Woodypecker reacted to ColonelBlimp in The Administration Thread   
    Well, there's the problem for CK.
    He needs to plop or get off the louvre.
  13. Clap
    Woodypecker reacted to sage in The Administration Thread   
    So acxept a bad deal for creditors, take 15 points and deal with someone who refuses to pay their fees. 
    I can't understand why they've not been tempted 
  14. Clap
    Woodypecker reacted to Comrade 86 in The Administration Thread   
    Can guarantee Cowpig's shambolic pile of poo are one of them ?
  15. Haha
    Woodypecker reacted to CornwallRam in The Administration Thread   
    About 1776, although it wouldn't be internationally recognised until 1782.
  16. Clap
    Woodypecker reacted to Ram-Alf in The Administration Thread   
    66, There's no pi$$ stains/smells yet, My 2 friends that hang around with me are like a pair of those clackers on a string we used to have many many years ago, I had my yearly health check last week and all's well, And as an added bonus I'm getting my free bus pass this week, The winter fuel allowance and my Government pension started last month.
    Yes this old boys doing very well...I thang you ?
  17. Clap
    Woodypecker got a reaction from David Graham Brown in The Administration Thread   
    If the club fails, Birch & Co should find EFL HQ log-jammed with DCFC fans calling for the EFL board to resign
  18. Clap
    Woodypecker got a reaction from The Scarlet Pimpernel in The Administration Thread   
    If the club fails, Birch & Co should find EFL HQ log-jammed with DCFC fans calling for the EFL board to resign
  19. Like
    Woodypecker got a reaction from RadioactiveWaste in The Administration Thread   
    If the club fails, Birch & Co should find EFL HQ log-jammed with DCFC fans calling for the EFL board to resign
  20. Clap
    Woodypecker reacted to Comrade 86 in The Administration Thread   
    'Propaganda' - you're welcome.
    More to the point, I think you'll also find that nigh on everyone accepts MM's role in bringing us to this juncture. I think you'll also find that most are capable of viewing what's happened in more than the purely binary terms you yourself apply. It's not simply Mel or the EFL. Morris, the EFL, Gibson and Couhig have all played a part in this imperfect storm, whether you're able to see it or not. 
  21. Clap
    Woodypecker reacted to RoyMac5 in The Administration Thread   
    Saying things like how disappointed they were!
    Anyway we have to get in bed with the devil now. Hopefully they will get things moving at pace and make sure we get a buyer who can afford us!
  22. Clap
    Woodypecker reacted to Hanny in The Administration Thread   
    I understand folks are stressed, and as such grasping at whatever straws are available. However, it has been (and continues to be) fairly straight forward. Some key points below. It has to do with money. None of the other fluff matters. Everyone has had a fair chance to buy the club. And if they want to buy the club can do so now with little issue. Any team or group who are kicking up dust on socials, are only doing so for style points. Because the only thing that will close this deal now are dollars handed over. 
    1. Up until the moment of this post (that we are publicly aware of), the only bidder who has made an acceptable offer has been CK. That is why Q gave him exclusivity. 
    2. Any other party was more then able to put forth an acceptable offer...but no one else did. 
    3. Now with the exclusivity over, anyone can again make an offer. But, if it is not an acceptable offer- they can do one. There are no deals to be had here. 
    4. CK has passed all the tests (proof of funds/fit and proper/etc.), and the moment his money clears- CK owns the club. 
    5. If any other bidder would like to beat CK to owning the club, they WILL have to put forth a better offer than CK's. As it is still CK's deal until he is out-bid. Which again is why all the bluster and fluff of anyone (MA) being such a shrewd business man means nothing. Either he pays for the club (an acceptable amount, which has a number attached to it- per the admins) or he stops whinging and walk away. 
    I've said it before, I don't really care who ends up owning the club. But The only person who has attempted to (and still likely could) close the deal has been CK. 
  23. Clap
    Woodypecker reacted to RoyMac5 in The Administration Thread   
    Q statement for those not doing Twitter

  24. Clap
    Woodypecker got a reaction from Ramarena in The Administration Thread   
    I don't need to 'ask myself' anything - if you read what was written, I already placed MM firmly at the core of the fiasco, he of course deposited the club in the shat. Some of the other 71 clubs appear closer to the brink than is acknowledged, as well!
    Check the DCFC timelines; you will also discover how the EFL blocked PB's being named December through April (until the parasite claim 'agreement' between MM and Gibson) - because the creditor status of parasites remained ambiguous as the EFL procrastinated and so bidders backed out, or were frustrated...the EFL would not allow Q to name a PB.
    This ambiguity was maintained until relegation was assured - remember how many of us thought a PB would be named and could proceed to approval before the January window closed? It's the hope that kills you and whilst MM is 'the devil incarnate' or however folks label him, there were extra demons at work to scupper any resolution to the admin status we still endure.
    All history within the sorry saga, anyroadup, so it's a couple of weeks until either oblivion or salvation, depending upon whoever in any authority or influence gets their heads out of their arses and takes meaningful action.
  25. Clap
    Woodypecker got a reaction from LeedsCityRam in The Administration Thread   
    I don't need to 'ask myself' anything - if you read what was written, I already placed MM firmly at the core of the fiasco, he of course deposited the club in the shat. Some of the other 71 clubs appear closer to the brink than is acknowledged, as well!
    Check the DCFC timelines; you will also discover how the EFL blocked PB's being named December through April (until the parasite claim 'agreement' between MM and Gibson) - because the creditor status of parasites remained ambiguous as the EFL procrastinated and so bidders backed out, or were frustrated...the EFL would not allow Q to name a PB.
    This ambiguity was maintained until relegation was assured - remember how many of us thought a PB would be named and could proceed to approval before the January window closed? It's the hope that kills you and whilst MM is 'the devil incarnate' or however folks label him, there were extra demons at work to scupper any resolution to the admin status we still endure.
    All history within the sorry saga, anyroadup, so it's a couple of weeks until either oblivion or salvation, depending upon whoever in any authority or influence gets their heads out of their arses and takes meaningful action.
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