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Animal is a Ram

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    Animal is a Ram reacted to MuespachRam in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Anyone who uses the word "literarily" incorrectly. 
    Anyone who uses the phrase 110% 
  2. Like
    Animal is a Ram reacted to Mostyn6 in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    I expect that a few might agree with me here.
    But what really really annoys me is those people that get all high-horse uppity about football, even having never watched, played or witnessed a game!
    You know the types, they prefer caravans to boobs, herbal tea to beer and don't like sunshine.
  3. Like
    Animal is a Ram reacted to Alph in From Wembley to Burton:How did it all go wrong. Volume 1   
    Much needed post @sage
    Too easily people are saying "433 didn't work" and "players are bottlers" but so much more went on this season. 
    Omar was alright but he was a total hot head. So eager to press and chase (which is what gets fans cheering because they're stupid) that he too often left us exposed. And like you say, Cyrus is crazy. He's either a really crap good player or a really good crap player. He's so up and down that I can't decide if I rate him or hate him.
    That goal v Forest was disgusting. More so than the first Brum goal.
    A Grant goal kick. Hoofed long to Bent. And as soon as the ball flies over the halfway line 6 players are gone. Can't remember who won the header for Forest but it put 6 players out the game. Then Omar committed suicide. 1 header from their own half put Forest on through on goal. 
    I loved how many players Mac used to get beyond the ball. But this was just poor decision making. But there's been little to no danger of it happening since... Or scoring much.
    Many asked for a Plan B. But the problem is one we're seeing now. We've got so many options but very little depth to cover any specific system. 
    McClaren was very unlucky to lose all 3 DM's. Eustace and Thorne just knew that role. They took so much ***** work off the other 2 midfielders. 
    The other mistake Mac made was the tinkering of the defence.
    We'd already lost Thorne, Eustace, Martin. So our spine had taken a blow. Then he seemed to set about systematically destroying confidence.
    By tinkering with the defence we started to see the worst of Forsyth. Cyrus had broken completely. Then Whitbread, Shotton and Buxton couldn't get settled. Kept getting traded all over the place. And Keogh never knew who his partners would be. He even appeared at RB himself 
    Then to kick a team that's down we had all the speculation and panic around Newcastle. 
    The lessons to learn from this season were blatant. And I wish Mac had been here longer to show if he can learn. I wish we'd spent £25m on just a Thorne and Martin with a good defender thrown in. Maybe loan a winger because Mac was really good with wingers. He didn't like them to play 90mins and if we had what he called "a full back game" then he gave himself all kinds of options. Dawkins was a great slowly slowly catchy monkey alternative for building play. Ward and Russell very much for exploding play. Ibe for ridiculous ability to go through defenders with the ball. Far more direct than anyone else. No going around them. Through them!! He was improving too. 
    So much to take from this season. So much to build on 
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    Animal is a Ram got a reaction from mattylad in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    If we didn't have censoring, there wouldn't be the great line from The Who's My Generation 
    Why don't you all f-f-fade away
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    Animal is a Ram got a reaction from WhiteHorseRam in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Instantly reminded me of:
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    Animal is a Ram got a reaction from Wolfie in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Instantly reminded me of:
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    Animal is a Ram reacted to Alph in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    don't know what to say Animal but keep grinding on, mate. 
    Easier said than done but you have to keep plugging away. 
    I thought we had a great health service. But there's no room for "poor customer service" in that game. It's not on mate. Hope you guys get a break from somewhere. There's still some saints working there I'm sure. You need some good luck ffs
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    Animal is a Ram reacted to GboroRam in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Much as I love our health service and the obvious commitment many of the staff show, I believethat the cuts have ripped the heart and soul out of it. It's no longer a world class service.
  9. Like
    Animal is a Ram got a reaction from Alph in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Sorry if this upsets anyone, but I just felt I had to get it down somewhere and this felt the best place for it. I was also wondering if there was anyone else who had been through similar, who could share their experience of the big C.
    It's been a tough month.
    My girlfriend's dad was diagnosed with lung cancer about a month ago. Since then its been setbacks and balls ups all over.
    Monday, he was due to have his lung removed, after a bronchoscopy, at Nottingham City Hospital. They then had to refill a lengthy consent form out because the original one was for a child, anaesthetist needed him to have an echocardiogram at short notice, thus turning a 8.00am procedure start into a 12.30pm start.
    At about 6, we then had the news that they couldn't remove the lung, as the size and location made it more risky than they first thought. Quite why this didn't show on the bronchoscopy, or any of the numerous CT/PET is beyond my knowledge. He will now be referred back to the Derby oncologist for a chemo/radiotherapy to shrink the tumour, to then have a second attempt at removing the lung.
    To make matters worse, having already incised from shoulder to hip on his back, they then got his pain relieving epidural wrong.
    We are gutted, confused, angry, and losing heart. Fortunately, he isn't, bless him.
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    Animal is a Ram reacted to GboroRam in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Are we still talking Piers Morgan? 
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    Animal is a Ram reacted to Wolfie20 in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    Are we still talking Piers Morgan?
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    Animal is a Ram reacted to Tony Le Mesmer in Derby County Flags   
    To be honest Duracell i'm more of a slow drinking obscure craft ale man served alongside some decent food in comforting surroudings rather than a chuck as much pisswater lager down your neck plus pre-frozen burger before kick off in a spit and sawdust establishment too sort of a man.
    Failing that i'd be happy with a TOBY. Especially ones with a 24 hour carvery.
  13. Like
    Animal is a Ram reacted to Duracell in Derby County Flags   
    In which case, the Brunswick near the station is probably right up your street.
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    Animal is a Ram reacted to BondJovi in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    I only got a pair of 3/4s last summer. I have long legs, shorts on me tend to end up looking like I played in the 80s. I find them comfy and practical and they certainly don't make me feel, or look like, a chav.
  15. Like
    Animal is a Ram reacted to Alph in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    What about on holiday?
    I've got rubbish chicken legs but I don't want to wear trousers 
    I ain't no chav, blud
  16. Like
    Animal is a Ram reacted to JoetheRam in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    People who e-mail you something at work, then immediately phone you up to make sure you've seen said e-mail. If it was urgent, why didn't you just phone me? If it's not urgent, then why are you phoning me?
    Also, unnecessary "thanks"/"you're (usually spelt "your") welcome e-mails.
    Office bitching.
    Yes, it's been one of those days.
  17. Like
    Animal is a Ram got a reaction from Mostyn6 in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   

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    Animal is a Ram got a reaction from Tombo in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   

  19. Like
    Animal is a Ram got a reaction from jono in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   

  20. Like
    Animal is a Ram got a reaction from Dimmu in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   

  21. Like
    Animal is a Ram got a reaction from bigbadbob in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   

  22. Like
    Animal is a Ram got a reaction from Rev in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   

  23. Like
    Animal is a Ram reacted to therams69 in Derby County Flags   
    Ahhh Graz square ... It lashed it down about 10 minutes later ... As you can see from the clouds. In the ground the rain was hard and it took 2 of us to carry the big flag across the pitch, weighed about 30 odd kgs as opposed to its normal 15kg.
    This led us to a problem as were flying home the next day and no where to dry out in our hotel room. We were flying back from Bratislava so went to the airport early and thankfully it was hot and sunny there so we laid the flag out at the airport to dry for an hour or so. Airport officials ended up coming to speak to us to see what we were protesting about. Thankfully she spoke good English.
    Ended well and the flag dried really well saving us a massive excess baggage charge!
  24. Like
    Animal is a Ram reacted to May Contain Nuts in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    This is the exit of the petrol station in Mickleover.

    How many times must I queue up behind someone (at times it can be hard to get a gap in traffic here) who's gone down the middle, with no indication of which way they are going to leave? Or even more stupidly...
    Just the other day I was leaving the station, headed right. There was a car fully on the left hand side (albeit with no indicator on), so I pulled up alongside him, a few seconds later... beep, beep, honk, the sound of muffled shouting and window-tapping tapping as the irate man in the car to my left was effing and blinding to his heart's content about me supposedly blocking him from exiting the petrol station. Dumb ****!
    It didn't annoy me, but I did nearly piss myself laughing at him. I don't need any damp patches in my pants when I'm off to work, thankyouverymuch!
  25. Like
    Animal is a Ram got a reaction from rynny in Random stuff that people do that annoy me   
    The worst for that is a bag of peanuts.
    "Allergen advice: nuts."
    You think?!
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