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Ghost of Clough

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Posts posted by Ghost of Clough

  1. 26 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Shame we didn't give the keepers spot on the bench to the U21 keeper Thompson

    The coaches spent a while debating putting JThompson in the U21 squad. They won't rush him into the first team. He's 3rd GK for this game and warming up with Loach.


    12 minutes ago, Jubbs said:

    He's just played 90 minutes against Man Utd. 

    That was Price

  2. 2-2 FT. The first side to stop Man Utd from winning this season is still a good achievement.

    MUTV commentators kept referring to our 'experienced' side. They've started with 9 of their 11 most used players. Meanwhile, we were missing JThompson, KRobinson, Gill, Hawkins and Wheeldon as well as Eames only starting on the bench.

  3. 1 minute ago, Jubbs said:

    We need to do everything we can to keep hold of Allen. 

    We need to make sure the pathway into the U21 squad doesn't block him or other CMs stepping up. That means quite a few need to either move up to the first team or get loaned out. We'll see 1 or 2 released/sold in the summer too.

    Our other CM/AM options being: DRobinson, Radcliffe, Fapetu, Lindsay, Weston, Hawkins and Bates. McAndrew will also be looking at U21 football next season.

  4. 9 minutes ago, David said:

    Not sure which side requested this interview, Pearce or Radio Derby, or even the reasons behind it.

    It does not take an hour to say I'm legally bound to not discuss anything that the fans would like to know, and that could be with a number of parties be it Mel Morris, the EFL, David Clowes, Quantuma etc. This will be completely normal within businesses. Frustrating from our side, yet you have to understand that we will never be privy to the "real inside story".

    It will, I imagine, be a repeat from the fans forum which will only reignite the debate of whether or not he should be at the club, is that really necessary at this stage of the season?

    Forgive me if this discussion is still taking place on other platforms and Pearce/Radio Derby felt it was important to respond, attempt again to draw a line and move on. Which on this forum regardless of which side of the fence you sit on over his current employment status, would appear many have as I haven't seen his name popping up at all. 

    Even the transfer window the focus was more if anything on David Clowes, not the CEO that will have been doing the deals.

    With regards to the apology for that period which some are looking for, you could put a case forward that either he feels the club did nothing wrong, retrospective rule changes show this and does not want to reopen a war with the EFL when we now have a positive relationship. Or an apology would show weakness, and fuel the theory that he was nothing more than a yes man to Mel Morris.

    I guess it will be something we all pick which to believe and roll with it as it's unlikely any, anytime soon at least, we will have any definitive answers or apologies.

    Saying this, I will still watch as when the CEO of your club talks, I think we has fans should be respectful and listen to what he has to say even if he says nothing at all. 

    For the record, it's no secret I had semi regular conversations with Mel Morris, some may think I'm sat on some juicy inside information and knew this was all coming, which I can hand on heart say I'm not and that famous "NDA meeting" was not full of the details people think were shared. 

    Some of you will remember the shitshow I started on Twitter, that was a genuine belief that the NDA was there simply to cover any comments like Michael Jackson is a nonce for example which would obviously make the headlines once the press got hold of it.

    Concerns over signing one were raised prior to the meeting and was subsequently told, would never happen again. At the time little did I know where the club was heading! 

    To this day the meeting minutes which were to be signed off by the club have not been sent, if I'm honest I would have to go through old emails to try and locate them, which even if I could the NDA would still be in place between myself and the club and can't imagine a scenario where they will be signed off now, especially when it would appear Stephen Pearce is looking to draw that line in the sand.

    I personally think from my own conversations that there was a genuine honest belief that the club had done no wrong, we just found a different method of accounting which the EFL rules did not at the time forbid. We were being targeted by the EFL due the public criticism over TV deals and other outside interference which was a personal battle rather than the club itself. Which you could look at the way other clubs have been punished recently and possibly say, yeah, we were a little hard done by compared to others right.

    That was just the impression I got for what it's worth.

    Any conversations I had were nothing more than how are you and thoughts on the EFL, which you can probably guess.

    IF and I say IF as I have only spoken to Stephen Pearce once with regards to advertising on the forum and have no idea where he stands on this, IF he also shares that genuine belief with his financial background, I can understand why he would not want to publicly reopen the wounds and create a new war between Pearce and EFL. 

    I wasn't going to go down this path when creating a reply, I guess I was maybe predicting potential replies given my position and "relationship" at the time, probably should have just stayed out of it, came this far now to waste this post.

    Like Pearce truth be told, I feel that drawing the line is probably the right thing to do and focus on the here and now which when you look at the table is a fantastic position with the opportunity today to strengthen.

    I wonder if it stemmed from this...



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