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Posts posted by AndyinLiverpool

  1. 10 minutes ago, BaaLocks said:

    I'm not sure too many buy this "it's not gone very well in the first 96 hours" story. This is a country the size of France, if Russia wanted to take it lock, stock and barrel in that time it would have need a blitzkrieg style attack - which it clearly has not taken. The 40 mile convoy on it's way to Kyiv at the moment - however - looks like the start of that. It feels like an attempt to do this with minimal casualties has not resulted in Ukraine surrendering weakly so a much more fierce conflict is now being readied.

    On this point I will offer a view. Zelensky should surrender now, move for a semi-autonomous republic style of rule, resign and save thousands of lives. There is simply no way they can win this war and all it will do is line the streets with the blood of Ukranians and Russians. It's horrible for them, but the only way for him to save the lives of his people now is to end this quickly. Then, in the years to come, push for more independent powers but play the long game and don't play the hero of my people role. Not easy, but the path of least bloodshed and escalation.

    Would you have offered the same view to Churchill in 1940?

  2. 2 minutes ago, Alpha said:

    Brilliant post. 

    Spent days trying to convince people in real life that Putin is not evil. That it's possible to disagree with his actions but understand his thought process. 

    Personally I have a strong dislike of the way USA conducts itself. More so than Russia. But anyway, whatever. 


    Where does the stuff about drug addicts and neo-nazis come from?

  3. 34 minutes ago, PistoldPete said:

    That's a bit over cynical. Principle is that if Russia can just waltz into Ukraine , it could start taking over other European countries. So it could be us next.  Ok, unlikely but thats the principle. Ukraine is the thin end of the wedge.

    What bit of that isn't self-interest?

  4. 6 minutes ago, I am Ram said:

    Where's the EU in all this, the response from them is all self interest. Germany - gas, Italy- fashion etc, EU do nothing on the world stage, it's just a vip club.   

    Any response by any country is self-interest. That's essentially what foreign policy is.

  5. 14 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

    I can't find it now,but I was reading an article that seemed reputable which said that the Russian gas pipeline to Europe goes through Ukraine and Russia has to pay Ukraine a huge some (multi millions) per year for the privilege. It might go some way to explain what's in it for Russia to annex Ukraine

    Very little else makes sense


    A new pipeline was being built that would have bypassed Ukraine. That's been put on hold (at best) by the war.


  6. 3 minutes ago, TigerTedd said:

    How did we manage that? I mean, I’m as excited as the next man about climbing up the league, and I know we played well*, but in truth we only beat a crap team 1-0 at home with a last minute screamer. I’m not sure how that qualifies us as being the best team. 

    * this always has the caveat of ‘considering the circumstances’ it’s not like we’d be first by 10 points without the points deduction. We’re still a fairly average at best team, which is amazing ‘considering the circumstances’, but still doesn’t make us team of the week does it?

    Thanks, Mr Downer ?

  7. 1 hour ago, Alpha said:

    He should just let her hit him cus she's a woman 

    I know a lad that gets battered by his Mrs regularly so I'm not down with that "man should never hit a woman" poo. 

    She hit him, she got hit back. Exactly what you and I or anyone else should expect. 

    Or, you know, just walk away like a civilised person.

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