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Fans Meeting regards to Atmosphere??


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Defintely mate, but thats the way it goes! Nothing we can do about it so got to work with what we got! South West Corner tried and failed!

Some might say that you aren't doing that great in the North Stand, but you are prepared to stay there and make it work.

Respect for that.

But, why didn't you give it a go in the south west corner, opposite the se lads and then singers either side of the away fans?

That's what I don't understand about the movement in the North stand.Why would you want to be so far away from the away fans? These are the target of your songs are they not? Out sing the away fans?

I understand that there are a lot of freebies given out for the SW corner, we could hear you up in the corner more than in the NS.

Anyway, that's my two'penneth again, but fair play to you all.

Frankie and Bennys pre match? Have a word with yersen? LOL! Plastic pubs are for food and plastic fans, get down to the station area.:thumbsup::p

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Yeah, many people don't know the songs.

Even the most simple ones i assume everyone knows, someone will sign up on the forum and ask the words.

I wouldn't expect people to sing the song off a sheet like a choir. More likely to take a sheet home and remember the words for the next game.

Nick, is there nothing more the club can do to help?

I mean, these are the Derby people that made the BBG one of the loudest grounds. Sure, some will have been and gone, but there's still something to be said of Derby fans. Certainly not seen as rubbish supporters. If the people of Stoke can do it.....

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I think the clubs done a lot already to be fair.

Yeah, they have been very helpful towards the North Stand fellas.

I suppose it is down to the fans now. If only we weren't all huddled in a corner!

A few seasons away from relegation would help! :mad:

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The only way Pride Park will only ever get a rocking atmosphere in one way, and in one way only.

We need to shove the away fans in to a corner and stick our noisy fans behind a goal. There is only so much the NSBA can do, in my opinion, with Pride Park's current layout. The NSBA will be effective, but there's literally nothing that could be better than having the SE lot behind the goal and the away fans in the corner.

If the fans in the SE corner really want to improve the atmosphere then they shouldn't stop pestering Tom Glick until he has the away fans and the SE corner swapped. Nick, why not put some weight behind that?

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It would be difficult to put the away fans in SE corner because of segregation in the concours below etc. and the way the barriers are set outside they would have to be moved.. Also have the away fans got a cell underneath as well, just in case any bad uns get nicked?

The away fans will never be moved from where they are now, its just far to risky. I bet the Police would never let it happen anyway.

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Like it bunny .

I'm up for a meeting - just for a 'kick about' with stuff. We've been blaming the 'acoustics' for a while - 'a souless ground' etc but it's us that are in there - we've had years of **** football, but it's us fans that are here year in year out - stand up and be proud. make a difference.

Nothing better than some big chap starting a 'Ddddeeerrbby' clap clap clap.......

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It would be difficult to put the away fans in SE corner because of segregation in the concours below etc. and the way the barriers are set outside they would have to be moved.. Also have the away fans got a cell underneath as well, just in case any bad uns get nicked?

The away fans will never be moved from where they are now, its just far to risky. I bet the Police would never let it happen anyway.

It would cost a bit, not saying it would come for free, but it would be a worthy investment. Arguably as important as signing a player; we only really have a 12th man for the big games. The dull atmospheres against the Ssausagehorpes and Doncasters are one of the reasons we struggle against those sort of clubs.

The main thing would be moving about the mesh in the concourse, which can be done, it's within the realms of possibility.

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110% agree Bunny!

But the Healthy and Safety amigos wont have none of it.

Which is silly considering the only way for away fans to get to cars/buses/spacecraft/boats is to walk through home fans.

At the back of that South Stand even in the most heavily policed games, away fans and home fans are side by side after the game. No matter what the situation (blockades, police lines or just walk as you like) home fans at some point are within spitting distance of away support. Even when they keep the travelling support in the ground for a few mins..... some fans will wait outside for them.

Stick em up in the SW corner, then they can come out into the car park and have buses lined up there. Close the gates at the "high risk" games and us guys in the South/South East/East South will just have to walk around. No problem if it means we can get in the South Stand and help the atmosphere!!

Or put them in the SE Corner. Sure, Derby fans either side of them might make it a bit tricky and not as ideal as the vacant and easy to control SW Corner, but two police lines to their buses in the DW car park....... it would be just about the same as it is now. But again, it would help the fans give better support i think.

As for the cells etc being in to South Stand..... well i'm a plasterer. Boycie i heard is an electrician...... anyone a builder, welder and joiner? Between us we'll be able to knock up a cell and probably even an Electric Chair for the WUMs that Boycie so enjoys the company of. I'd do it for free if Barker gets rid of his annoying hairstyle.

But Nick says they wont budge on it. Sounds stupid to me. Like some Health and Safety jobsworth is working 24 hour shifts. If Old Trafford can expand and expand to the number of fans it can hold now, i'm sure someone with a safety certificate can shift a few thousand numpties 15 yards to left or right so Home fans can create a better Home atmosphere.

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Leicestah have the away fans in the corners...it's possible. And surely the SE corner would be safer? The South Stand is the furthest part of the ground to walk to from the main road. Plus where they are now, surely only a few thugs in the SW corner could cause havoc by dropping stuff on the away fans?

There's plenty you can argue for it.

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Like it bunny .

I'm up for a meeting - just for a 'kick about' with stuff. We've been blaming the 'acoustics' for a while - 'a souless ground' etc but it's us that are in there - we've had years of **** football, but it's us fans that are here year in year out - stand up and be proud. make a difference.

Nothing better than some big chap starting a 'Ddddeeerrbby' clap clap clap.......

I agree. Last september against Palace I lost my voice while cheering the goals and shouting general cheers for lads. My friend was irritated as hell because I couldn`t talk for two days there and he doesn`t speak english. Basically we were mute for two days there. For match against Boro I got my voice back somewhat and hollored it away again. Took another couple of days to speak normally after that one too. We all can be a part of creating the athmosphere better regrdless where we sit. Makes me happy to see that there is constant effort to get things better at Pride Park.

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110% agree Bunny!

But the Healthy and Safety amigos wont have none of it.

Which is silly considering the only way for away fans to get to cars/buses/spacecraft/boats is to walk through home fans.

At the back of that South Stand even in the most heavily policed games, away fans and home fans are side by side after the game. No matter what the situation (blockades, police lines or just walk as you like) home fans at some point are within spitting distance of away support. Even when they keep the travelling support in the ground for a few mins..... some fans will wait outside for them.

Stick em up in the SW corner, then they can come out into the car park and have buses lined up there. Close the gates at the "high risk" games and us guys in the South/South East/East South will just have to walk around. No problem if it means we can get in the South Stand and help the atmosphere!!

Or put them in the SE Corner. Sure, Derby fans either side of them might make it a bit tricky and not as ideal as the vacant and easy to control SW Corner, but two police lines to their buses in the DW car park....... it would be just about the same as it is now. But again, it would help the fans give better support i think.

As for the cells etc being in to South Stand..... well i'm a plasterer. Boycie i heard is an electrician...... anyone a builder, welder and joiner? Between us we'll be able to knock up a cell and probably even an Electric Chair for the WUMs that Boycie so enjoys the company of. I'd do it for free if Barker gets rid of his annoying hairstyle.

But Nick says they wont budge on it. Sounds stupid to me. Like some Health and Safety jobsworth is working 24 hour shifts. If Old Trafford can expand and expand to the number of fans it can hold now, i'm sure someone with a safety certificate can shift a few thousand numpties 15 yards to left or right so Home fans can create a better Home atmosphere.

Great idea Alpha - but like you say the H&S won't give an inch. Not a chance.

Here's a thought though - Nick - how about the NSBA members spread out around the top of NS going towards the NE corner? The singing will be heard loads more and more people will join in? Where we sit in the NE corner the sound carries more and it doesn't take much for everyone to start up.

I know this might mean the NSBA won't be together as a group as it were, and that might be opposed, and fair enough. Also the club might say no as an area has already been designated.

Can I add I fully agree with the song sheet idea. We'll help print some if ya like.:)

PS, we'd be up for the meeting if the date fits in with our house move.

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WOW!! Lots of ideas and suggestions guys and that was what this thread was all about, well really tbh to see if any wanted to meet up face to face to discuss rather than on forums but I will take note of ALL the suggestions and pass the general opinion on...

If only things were as simple as black and white hey!

Keep the great ideas going guys, after all we are all trying to achieve the same goal.


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I sit in the north stand block A with Nick and all the lads.... I also take my 9 year old lad... I did every season in the s/e corner until I started to take him,!!! Even in his first season we were in the corner... I agree that the atmosphere at pp is poor but realized what Nick said about improving the atmosphere and decided to give it a go.....

I agree at times it does feel like forced singing and that sometimes the chants do not follow the football....

People have said that we sing to many new songs... We have 3 maybe 4 new derby songs in for the season.... The hoist up the sail song/ the I am a derby fan song/ don't worry/ and every where we go/ s/e have also started singing the hoist the sail and every where we go songs...... A lot of the other songs we sing are about players which will come and go...

I also feel the club Needed new songs as the high majority of Derbys songs are aimed towards forest so a few new ones wererequirred

Back to the NSBA I personally would also rather be nearer the away fans... South stand for me would be the ideal location as I also think with our mentality of constant noise and visuals would spread more into the main corner creating a better atmosphere but if the gods of derby county will not allow us in there then there is nothing we can do about it!!!!

So u say try S/W I moved over to this corner for a game when the lads were in there ( birmingham in the cup) and yes it was a great place to be.... BUT the prices in there are a lot higher so for a lot of people to join us they would have to pay more so I doubt we would grow, if the club would possibly allow us a block at the same rates we pay now,I'd seriously push the other lads for a move!

But that is not gonna happen either so it was north stand, I'm sure lots in ther do not really want us with them but it's happened and IMO unless the club allow us in the south then I'm sure we will remain,

Northstand has the potential to be huge (noise wise) but like we say we need numbers..we are 1 season into this project and realize it won't happen overnight look at holmesdale fanatics ( palace) they been at it 7 years and are not miles ahead of us away from home maybe but not at home... Prob 70/80 people ...it can work we just need numbers!

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I'll write ANOTHER e-mail to Glick RE: swapping the away fans with the corner if anyone's up for pushing this through, but i've done this about 5 times now and it's always the same H&S certificate officer, police advice (which if it's advice can surely just be ignored?), increased stewarding to man two sides of segregation, police cells etc. I don't think people should just say "no chance" to it however - maybe if they actually tried to do something rather than being so defeatist about it all then stuff would get done. I'm sure it can't cost that much to alter and in any case i'd happily pay an extra £20 on a season ticket to cover the cost to be part of an all singing, all dancing South Stand Super Ultra Kop Curva thingy.

What I don't understand is why Spurs can have literally a step of segregation between away fans and the rest of the Shelf/Park Lane, Chelsea, Liverpool, Man Utd can all have just a few stewards, Fulham have even still got no segregation, yet we "need" 30 yards of netting and a mass of empty seats, between us and 250 Scunny fans.

One thing that annoys me is the East Stand. You've got 2000 people to your left who stand and sing as much as anyone in this league, yet you don't join in when they're literally right next to you. You can't use the "can't hear them" excuse either. Even if we could get to about the half way line all stood and singing, that would be immense, yet they just sit there doing nowt.

Regarding the Block A mob as I said to Nick, i'd have chosen the lower tier block nearest the scoreboard if I was going for the North Stand. It's most common for the lower to be the singing area in a ground as in grounds converted to seating this was previously terraced. It's smaller so everyone's more compact and not as spread out which makes singing easier, you could then have waving flags on the perimeter track, plus you're more visable to everyone - a couple of cheap seats as well. Although of course you'd be starting almost from the beginning again, and the stewards might be a bit more likely to pester you to sit, which with the group currently there might not be a problem as most are militant standers, but in the future might hinder your progress.

I'm glad folks are discussing the matter atmosphere, but it's time to actually make one!

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