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Vs Middlesbrough (H) Match Thread


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7 hours ago, VulcanRam said:

Just catching up after yesterday. 

Outstanding performance, spot on tactics by Warne and co, 100% effort by every player and an excellent, unexpected 3 points. Great job all. 

would you still say that if their shot had gone in off the post rather than back out?

or if their pass had made it to the gk ?

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On 17/08/2024 at 17:50, Millenniumram said:

All due respect, comparing Matt Clarke and Sonny Bradley is laughable. The latter couldn’t even get into a League One side last season, whereas the former is probably one of the best CBs to play for Derby in my lifetime. The difference in quality both off the ball and in particular on it is an absolute chasm. 

Fair enough you are entitled tovypur opinion.

FWIW He was ok/decent for us (Clarke) but there have been far more cultured CH play for Derby in recent times. I always had him as awkwardy effective. 

Bradley is no genius but there isnt that much difference in style in my opnion 

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On 17/08/2024 at 18:01, Millenniumram said:

Where am I pitting a negative spin on things? I was just responding to a comment saying we don’t need to upgrade Bradley, which I wholeheartedly disagree with. It’s not related to his performance today, which was decent.

I didnt say anything about upgrading 🤷‍♂️. Just pointing out fine margins between two types of similar CH's. Bradley took Luton up. Clarke will likely get close to that. 

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7 hours ago, De22Ram said:

What a win! Glad to get some points on the board! Brum went down with 50 points last season! 50!! Thats terrifying! Dont mind how we get them this season, just need to keep racking them up by any means! Good start!! 

and then it will just be same again next season...

we need to think more long term.


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6 minutes ago, IronRam 140.6 said:

I didnt say anything about upgrading 🤷‍♂️. Just pointing out fine margins between two types of similar CH's. Bradley took Luton up. Clarke will likely get close to that. 

so your saying bradley is slightly better than clarke?


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18 minutes ago, Chris_Martin said:

would you still say that if their shot had gone in off the post rather than back out?

or if their pass had made it to the gk ?

Why do people say if this happened or that happened, at the end of the day it didnt happen. We cant foresee whats going to happen in life, so why do people say if only, it dosnt change things.

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17 minutes ago, Chris_Martin said:

would you still say that if their shot had gone in off the post rather than back out?

or if their pass had made it to the gk ?

If we had scored a second goal at Blackburn when we were on top we could be top of the league.

If we had a different referee against Juventus we could have won the European Cup.

OK now it’s your turn 🙂

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5 minutes ago, Kathcairns said:

Why do people say if this happened or that happened, at the end of the day it didnt happen. We cant foresee whats going to happen in life, so why do people say if only, it dosnt change things.

because it shows that we were very fortunate to win the game and that it really had very little to do with warnes 'tactics' (like the previous poster said) and more to do with luck. Therefore its not a sustainable approach short,medium, or long term.

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17 hours ago, Leeds Ram said:

Agree with this. Usually when such chants are rarely brought out I grimace but today I just had a wry smile... Those days and the potentual undoing of our club do run deep it must be said. 

As said previously I don't try to involve myself in politics, chairmen and all that gubbins that comes hand in hand with football. Obviously I encounter plenty of fans of other sides so am aware of issues that affect them, but focus on the football being played, it's after all why I love the game. As far as I'm aware Gibson rightly or wrongly felt cheated so took his grievance further. He's someone who is anal about following financial rules so feels aggrieved if he misses out to those that bend them?

I don't know if he wanted to bury your club per se, but was most likely seeking some kind of recompense for possiby missing out on the playoffs. Do I think it was taken too far? Quite possibly, though in a strange twist of fate you may actually be better off moving forward with Mel gone as a result.

I wasn't at the match today as had to work down in Devonport (such is life) so wasn't aware of any chants that had been made tbh. I don't think I'd celebrate any club going under, even Newcastle or Sunderland, despite our feelings towards them. There will always be elements of a club's support that embrace gallows humour, the chants about Jimmy Saville towards Leeds fans being a case in point, but they're seldom indicative of a club's entire fan base.

Do I think the recent hoo-hah was used as an extra-motivation towards your side in the game's build up? Again, it's possible, coaches will often try and seek an angle for such things, but that's not why I feared facing your lot today. Its more the case that we were always more likely to lose such a game, it's what we do. While nothing is set in stone, I was as confident of that happening and the result being in your favour no matter how much we dominated the game, as confident as I am of us turning the likes of Burnley and Luton over, or as confident as I am of your getting a result at the Riverside against us too for that matter.

It's just the way things go.

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15 minutes ago, Foreveram said:

If we had scored a second goal at Blackburn when we were on top we could be top of the league.

but its not like middlesbrough didnt get the chances to do so, they did. Against blackburn we created very little outside of some corners/free kicks. 

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6 minutes ago, Chris_Martin said:

because it shows that we were very fortunate to win the game and that it really had very little to do with warnes 'tactics' (like the previous poster said) and more to do with luck. Therefore its not a sustainable approach short,medium, or long term.

My turn, if it wasn’t for Bobby Zamora we’d be in the Premier League.


7 minutes ago, Chris_Martin said:

because it shows that we were very fortunate to win the game and that it really had very little to do with warnes 'tactics' (like the previous poster said) and more to do with luck. Therefore its not a sustainable approach short,medium, or long term.


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8 minutes ago, Chris_Martin said:

because it shows that we were very fortunate to win the game and that it really had very little to do with warnes 'tactics' (like the previous poster said) and more to do with luck. Therefore its not a sustainable approach short,medium, or long term.

Why not enjoy the win like most fans did, take each game as it comes. I know the forum is to discuss different opinions but im just glad my first game back was a win and 3 points.

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In 1972 many pundits said the Rams won the League Championship "by default" as Leeds (!) had only to draw at Molyneux and Liverpool had only to win their last match (having recently lost to a McGovern goal at the BBG.

All teams played 42 league games in the 71-72 season and the Rams finished with the most points. 

There were many 'if only' and "What if?" merchants about then and ever since.

"twas ever thus!"

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