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A good Championship budget?

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1 hour ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

Clowes just said he disagrees with parachute payments, said the club is debt free, and cited Luton as an example of what can be done if it’s done right.

When asked if additional investment is part of the 5 year business plan he said that he wouldn’t turn it down if it was offered. Sounds like it’s not an intended part of the plan unless someone volunteers it.


It's funny he should mention Luton really - he's talking about off the pitch but what struck me about watching a couple of Luton games late in their promotion season is that the football they played could be seen as the ultimate version of the football Warne wants to play.

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11 hours ago, alram said:

Which is why I asked the question because the public accounts suggest otherwise

I suppose what he meant is the club is free of external debts even though there is a substantial inter company debt. Meaning, there is no pressure (or constraints), repayment obligations or interest owing relating to a third party.

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