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Leslie Phillips - RIP


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44 minutes ago, Steve How Hard? said:

Legend. Good age to get to but still incredibly sad to hear of his passing. 

It certainly is a good age to get to... but I can't help thinking it'd be damned frustrating, getting to within 17 months of the big 100, and a card from His Maj?  I wonder if folk give that a consideration, at such an age?  ?‍♂️


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3 hours ago, Mucker1884 said:

It certainly is a good age to get to... but I can't help thinking it'd be damned frustrating, getting to within 17 months of the big 100, and a card from His Maj?  I wonder if folk give that a consideration, at such an age?  ?‍♂️


My grandfather did. The older he got, he spoke a lot about wanting a telegram from the Queen. He was 100 on 7th March this year and died on 7th May. He was definitely holding out for it.

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Met Leslie once in a hotel on the iom. His son, Roger was a colleague at the time and we were both there on business whilst Leslie was filming something. Must have been about 2002.

Was a chance meeting, not planned. 

When we walked in he literally opened up with 

"Roger! I say!" 

"hi dad" 

(me) "go on Mr Phillips" 

"must I? Oh OK, ding doing!" 


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