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Finance thread 2022.


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4 hours ago, TexasRam said:

I see the jealous crybabies got their way. Oh well doesn’t effect me, but sad to see so many people with the green eyed monster. Hopefully now though we can give more free cash to the scroungers and free loaders to buy fags and Tins with. 

Think the crying you claim to hear, was more a cry of anger. Anger at a chancellor who gave the richest amongst us a nice tax cut, while most of the country were having to deal with the cost of living going through the roof. 

This anger was probably compounded further on hearing the government couldn't give an explanation on how these tax cuts would be paid for.

As for the scroungers and freeloaders. I'm sure once Kwartang reneged on his tax cut, many tory MPs would have been celebrating with a glass of wine and a cigar more than they would with a fag and a tin.

If photos of Therese Coffey are anything to go by.


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13 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

Nope not them, pointless carrying on the debate you are obviously oblivious  to benefit fraud and down right scrounging.

I'm not oblivious - I am well aware that it goes on. In the same way that I am well aware that tax avoidance goes on

Which do you think loses HMG the most money?

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1 minute ago, Stive Pesley said:

I'm not oblivious - I am well aware that it goes on. In the same way that I am well aware that tax avoidance goes on

Which do you think loses HMG the most money?

Both of you include the liberty taking with the NHS. 

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10 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

Worth remembering that the majority of the DWP bill is not benefits for "scroungers" and the "workshy". It's state pensions, carers allowance, tax credits, child benefit, disability allowance, employment support allowance, sickness benefits, personal independence payments etc

Very few (Job Seeker's allowance?) are even claimable by people who don't work because they'd just rather not - and even that is far harder than people like to make out.  


I've not forgotten, Unemployed from March 1981 to October 1984 under Thatcher, Myself and the then wife both worked on the "black" claimed benefits and worked for £1 an hour where we could, 2 Children to support wasn't easy...then again it was tough for another 5million ☹️

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8 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

No not forgetting all that, but not forgetting benefit fraud and down right scrounging either which seems to be forgotten about. 

It happens, I was part of it in the dark days of Thatcherism, I pulled my boots on and found work in 1984, Eventually buying our 1st property, Years later I'm comfortable through good investments and looking after my loot.

It aint right, It aint fare that there's those who bleed the welfare state to suit their lives, But the money lost to them is a drop in the Ocean compared to what the rich and super rich hive off.

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11 minutes ago, Unlucky Alf said:

It happens, I was part of it in the dark days of Thatcherism, I pulled my boots on and found work in 1984, Eventually buying our 1st property, Years later I'm comfortable through good investments and looking after my loot.

It aint right, It aint fare that there's those who bleed the welfare state to suit their lives, But the money lost to them is a drop in the Ocean compared to what the rich and super rich hive off.

Good for you mate, same as myself (just later than 1984). 
its not a drop in the ocean though, it’s huge and I bet some is not even measured 

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1 hour ago, Crewton said:

I don't think 40% is high for people earning over £150,000. The rest of your post I don't understand. 

People earning over £150k have a much higher marginal rate than 40%.  It's now 45% still of course. Plus 3.25% NI. Plus personal allowances and pension allowances withdrawn for high earners. So the effective  marginal rate is well over 50%. At which point a lot of high earners just decide to quit, which doesn't help the economy at all. . 

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9 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

Amen - I condone both. Unfortunately not everyone is as balanced as us Alf ?

Not seeing you condoning both though ?

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35 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

By this do you mean the super rich who can afford to pay accountants to help them avoiding paying any income tax, but are quite happy to take the handouts when they've lobbied government to cut corporation tax, or shorted the pound due to Kwasi's Champagne Supernova Tip Line?

So hard to tell


Thought he was referring to the royal family. Apparently Charlie's new public sector job is exempt from tax.

I'm sure I just seen the news saying Charlie has returned to work. 

 Him and Cammy will probably need to shake more hands and wave faster to keep Tex happy, as he does like people who work hard.

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25 minutes ago, PistoldPete said:

People earning over £150k have a much higher marginal rate than 40%.  It's now 45% still of course. Plus 3.25% NI. Plus personal allowances and pension allowances withdrawn for high earners. So the effective  marginal rate is well over 50%. At which point a lot of high earners just decide to quit, which doesn't help the economy at all. . 

Yep, I did try explain this earlier in the thread that it’s not right that people lose  half the salary they have earned, but apparently you’re just a lying thieving scum bag if you earn over £150k. Whereas if your a little scamp who can’t be bothered to go to work you’re a crucial part of society. 

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56 minutes ago, Unlucky Alf said:

Not forgetting business fraud from Covid business relief of £4.9billion, Then rounded down to £3.5billion.


Slightly misleading. The figure wasn't "rounded down". The estimate was revised. None of us mere mortals know if the original estimate was an over estimate or the revised one is too optimistic. Either way, a massive level of fraud no doubt committed by a broad range of businesses from the one man band upwards. I worked on the Bounce Back Loan scheme for one of the major retail banks and just for anyone that doesn't know, such fraud could be something as simple as over stating turnover on their application.

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37 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

Good for you mate, same as myself (just later than 1984). 
its not a drop in the ocean though, it’s huge and I bet some is not even measured 

It is below for ya, 3 years behind tho ?


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11 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

it’s not right that people lose  half the salary they have earned

You've said that a few times recently, but remember that's half the salary on earnings over 150k! 

Also love your direct correlation between working hard and getting paid more. Next you'll be claiming those who do the most important jobs get paid the most too.

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10 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

You've said that a few times recently, but remember that's half the salary on earnings over 150k! 

Also love your direct correlation between working hard and getting paid more. Next you'll be claiming those who do the most important jobs get paid the most too.

So what if it’s £150k or over no one should have half of their hard earned salary taken of them, it’s grotesque. 
I would say 8/10 the harder you work the more you get yes. Id never claim those who do the most important jobs get paid most not at all, but you choose what you want to do in life, last time I saw no one (in the UK anyway) had a gun held to their head or was locked in when they clocked in at the start of a shift. You make your own path and choices in life, some choose to sacrifice a lot and get rewarded for it financially, some don’t want to do that and that’s up to them, not for me to judge. The only time I’d judge is when someone’s who can go and earn a living chooses not to and lives of the state. Unfortunately these days  people seem very judgmental to those who do well for themselves. 

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