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The Ukraine War


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5 hours ago, Alpha said:



Could we see peace talks at the end of Biden's time?

Unlikely, Ukraine has been there and done that with Minsk agreements.

It slowed Russia down for a few years, but didn’t stop them.

Ukraine know they are in an existential fight for their existence. You can’t negotiate peace with people who refuse to accept your country’s existence.

Thats not to say the path isn’t going to be easy. The supply of arms and funding that Ukraine depends on, looks to be hitting a sticky patch. F16’s should be coming online soon, but continued US support beyond that is looking iffy now with the GOP putting as many roadblocks in as possible.  

On the ground we seem to be hitting a stalemate/war of attrition. Ukraines counter offensive pretty much ground to a halt, as Russia launched their own counter offensives across the front line. The hottest part of the front is still Avdiivka with Russia launching waves of meat assaults like they did in Bakhmut. They are losing a staggering amount of men and equipment, yet they seem to keep finding more to throw at Ukraine’s defensive lines. 

One bright spot for Ukraine is on the banks of the Dnipro, Ukraine has been expanding a bridgehead there against all odds, which will attract Russia away from Avdiivka should they choose to stop Ukraines advances, if they don’t Ukraine could progress toward the coast, which would be very problematic for Russian supply lines.

On Colonel MacGregor @Highgate has covered a lot of it.

From what I do know, I’ve always found him a bizarre character, he was a big advocate of the war in Iraq and was given a big role in the planning by Rumsfeld. When it all fell apart he threw his colleagues under the bus, claimed it had little to do with him and tried to reinvent himself as an anti imperialism advocate, which is where his dalliance with Russia started. 

It amazes me that someone with such links to Russia was allowed to be appointed by Trump in a national security role.

Trump had previously tried to appointment him as ambassador to Germany, but his derogatory outbursts about Muslims, the Holocaust and his desire to see Mexicans gunned down if they tried to cross the border to claim asylum in the US, put an end to that potential position. Yet he was somehow fine to be appointed as a senior Pentagon advisor.

His final act was to have a big part in the planning of the c*** up that was the withdrawal from Afghanistan. Biden was the one that had to wear it, but the Trump administration had made a big mess of the decision.

Other than all that, Im sure he’s a lovely chap 😳

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18 hours ago, Alpha said:

I wonder if these are some of those who bribed their way out. Didn't Zelensky sack every recruitment officer or something? One had managed to get himself a nice villa in Portugal I think. 5m in his bank account. Tens of thousands fled illegally through the corrupt system. "Treason" was the word Zelensky used.

Not that I blame them, like. I just wonder what the future holds for them. Might be best off catching the night bus into Hanley to gain some essential survival skills. 

I'm not sure there's really much need to bribe anyone to get out. It's an open border between Ukraine and Poland. I know if the military or the police catch serving age men leaving you'll be in trouble, but I think plenty of people just walked out. Not saying it's not true, as I guarantee there's people profiteering from the situation. 

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Apologies if this has already been posted, but I watched this a couple of weeks back and whilst it's a harrowing watch, it's also a quite incredible piece of documentary filmmaking.

The story focusses on team of Ukrainian journos stuck in a besieged Mariupol try to continue getting their reports and videos out of the city to the outside world, moving from building to building to evade the oncoming Russian forces as they do so. Not an easy watch, something I seem to say a lot these days, but it feels like a very important film and it certainly left its mark on me.


Charlie George / 10

@Amazon Prime Video

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  • 2 weeks later...

While I do not support the current Ukraine government, I am also a bit of a nationalist at heart, a contradiction it would seem, but I prefer to believe that nationalism can be a positive movement when avoiding extremes and trampling the natural rights of some of it's citizens. 

I found this video informative and thought provoking.


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On 14/12/2023 at 13:31, ramit said:

While I do not support the current Ukraine government, I am also a bit of a nationalist at heart, a contradiction it would seem, but I prefer to believe that nationalism can be a positive movement when avoiding extremes and trampling the natural rights of some of it's citizens. 

I found this video informative and thought provoking.


No half measures, in my opinion. You either support Ukraine or Putin.

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8 hours ago, Eddie said:

No half measures, in my opinion. You either support Ukraine or Putin.

You either or me?  Two can play that game.  You either comment on the video I posted, or you don't. 😉

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Interesting slip by Putin this week.

A lot of ridicule has been placed upon Ukraines estimates of Russian losses being way too high, as of today they have it at 346,070. Russia had only ever admitted 6,000 loses.

However, this weeks leaked US intel estimated that russian losses are at least 315,000.

Two days later Putin attends a press conference where he delivers a variety of different troop numbers to state why Russia won’t need another mobilisation, however I doing this he seemingly gave away the number of losses Russia has suffered. 

Ian Matveev who is a Russian military analyst and can be found on Telegram by those that can speak/read Russian, calculated the losses at 363,000 which is above even Ukraine’s claims.


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37 minutes ago, Ramarena said:

Interesting slip by Putin this week.

A lot of ridicule has been placed upon Ukraines estimates of Russian losses being way too high, as of today they have it at 346,070. Russia had only ever admitted 6,000 loses.

However, this weeks leaked US intel estimated that russian losses are at least 315,000.

Two days later Putin attends a press conference where he delivers a variety of different troop numbers to state why Russia won’t need another mobilisation, however I doing this he seemingly gave away the number of losses Russia has suffered. 

Ian Matveev who is a Russian military analyst and can be found on Telegram by those that can speak/read Russian, calculated the losses at 363,000 which is above even Ukraine’s claims.


That's one hell of a lot of personnel to lose, The Russian mentality especially in WW2 was/is soldiers are expendable, Life doesn't mean a great deal over there.

From the snippets i've read this last week or 2 the Russian army are ready to revolt in some quarters, Surely there has to be a time where Russia/Putin says our objective is done, Ukraine is broken  🤷‍♂️ and are no longer a threat.

Ukraine claiming a few assassinations of Ukraine sympathisers/agents and more to come...you can run...but not hide we will find you...is the message. 

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2 hours ago, The Last Post said:

That's one hell of a lot of personnel to lose, The Russian mentality especially in WW2 was/is soldiers are expendable, Life doesn't mean a great deal over there.

From the snippets i've read this last week or 2 the Russian army are ready to revolt in some quarters, Surely there has to be a time where Russia/Putin says our objective is done, Ukraine is broken  🤷‍♂️ and are no longer a threat.

Ukraine claiming a few assassinations of Ukraine sympathisers/agents and more to come...you can run...but not hide we will find you...is the message. 


I was always thought that Ukraines estimates would be over cooked a bit for propaganda.

But we’ve got these claims by Matveev, Ukraines numbers, US numbers and the UK’s estimates for Nov were at 305,000. They’re all in a very similar ball park.

If correct, we’re looking at the equivalent of the entire population of Nottingham being completely wiped out………..everybody!

The last few weeks have seen Russia’s daily losses accelerate to anywhere from 850 to 1200 per day. Today alone Ukraine are claiming 1250 Russian losses.

The stories and video coming out of Avdiivka are horrific. Russia is sending human meat waves that are being cut down and left where they fell. Day by day the Russian bodies accumulate in certain areas of heavy fighting. 

With this in mind, I’m not sure if there is any Russian revolt on the horizon. They’ve endured this for so long and not snapped, why would they suddenly change? There’s also the problem of Russian soldiers being gunned down by their own commanders if they try to desert/don’t follow orders.

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On 06/12/2023 at 03:15, Comrade 86 said:

Apologies if this has already been posted, but I watched this a couple of weeks back and whilst it's a harrowing watch, it's also a quite incredible piece of documentary filmmaking.

The story focusses on team of Ukrainian journos stuck in a besieged Mariupol try to continue getting their reports and videos out of the city to the outside world, moving from building to building to evade the oncoming Russian forces as they do so. Not an easy watch, something I seem to say a lot these days, but it feels like a very important film and it certainly left its mark on me.


Charlie George / 10

@Amazon Prime Video

Meant to comment on this and got sidetracked.

I didn’t think to post this here and glad you did. It’s a magnificent documentary, as terrible as the subject matter is!

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12 hours ago, Ramarena said:

 With this in mind, I’m not sure if there is any Russian revolt on the horizon. They’ve endured this for so long and not snapped, why would they suddenly change? There’s also the problem of Russian soldiers being gunned down by their own commanders if they try to desert/don’t follow orders.

It was something I read on tinternet last week...we have to take with a tablespoon full of salt I know...but 🤷‍♂️


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Paramilitary group claims platoon of Russian troops destroyed in cross-border attack

An Ukraine-based paramilitary group of Russians who oppose Vladimir Putin has claimed to have destroyed a platoon stronghold of Russian troops in Belgorod. 

The Freedom of Russia Legion claimed responsibility for the cross-border attack near Terebreno village. 

It did not specify whether it had destroyed infrastructure or killed soldiers, but it did say it had left mines behind. 

The group, which has been designated as a terrorist group by Moscow, was formed back in 2022 to fight Mr Putin's forces from within the ranks of the Ukrainian army. 

On Sunday, the governor of Belgorod Vyacheslav Gladkov said Terebreno was under fire from Ukraine's Armed Forces and that a "shooting battle" was under way. 

He said no civilians had been injured, but three houses and power lines were damaged. 

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On 18/12/2023 at 09:39, The Last Post said:

Paramilitary group claims platoon of Russian troops destroyed in cross-border attack

An Ukraine-based paramilitary group of Russians who oppose Vladimir Putin has claimed to have destroyed a platoon stronghold of Russian troops in Belgorod. 

The Freedom of Russia Legion claimed responsibility for the cross-border attack near Terebreno village. 

It did not specify whether it had destroyed infrastructure or killed soldiers, but it did say it had left mines behind. 

The group, which has been designated as a terrorist group by Moscow, was formed back in 2022 to fight Mr Putin's forces from within the ranks of the Ukrainian army. 

On Sunday, the governor of Belgorod Vyacheslav Gladkov said Terebreno was under fire from Ukraine's Armed Forces and that a "shooting battle" was under way. 

He said no civilians had been injured, but three houses and power lines were damaged. 

They’ve been very quiet since around the time of the Wagner mutiny.

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What I find harrowing is thinking how precious life is. We only get one.

And then you have this nutjob just sending people to their deaths for his own personal gain. People are needlessly dying for one man’s self ambition.

These people dying have wives, kids, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, close friends. Thousands dying, millions affected.

While Putin just sits there in an comfy, warm office playing online chess or Risk without a care in the world. 

Edited by Bris Vegas
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8 hours ago, Bris Vegas said:

What I find harrowing is thinking how precious life is. We only get one.

And then you have this nutjob just sending people to their deaths for his own personal gain. People are needlessly dying for one man’s self ambition.

These people dying have wives, kids, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, close friends. Thousands dying, millions affected.

While Putin just sits there in an comfy, warm office playing online chess or Risk without a care in the world. 

War is a crime in itself.  Why do you only focus on Putin, is Zelenski and the western leaders who economically enable him, train his troops and supply them exempt from such commentary?  If you do using the logic of defending against invaders, that will not fly, the eastern Russian speaking areas were also defending themselves against Kiev aggression where Russia came to their defensive aid.  This is a bloody mess, both sides sacrifice their manpower for strategic gain.  Everyone is defending against something and for it men get used, abused and sacrificed.

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6 minutes ago, ramit said:

War is a crime in itself.  Why do you only focus on Putin, is Zelenski and the western powers who economically enable him, train his troops and supply them exempt from such commentary?

Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t this Putin’s war? 

You can question whether Zelenski is sacrificing Ukrainian lives to defend his government’s beliefs. It’s valid.

But there is a big difference between being backed into a corner and making that decision and just outright instigating a war.

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