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Derby really need dig in


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Well lads you really need to find black and white fighting spirt and earn right to wear mighty black and white shirt. I do know how clearly I can to say this we need to win on tuesday night prestion will not make easy for us right now just about still in our own hands. 

I am right behind you and always will be you got to win  for the ones no longer with us.

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4 hours ago, B4ev6is said:

To be fair to roony these are not his players and not had a penny to spend if he had I think things would be different.

No no no. Test of a good manager: make a good team out of a group of decent, motley players. Make the team exceed the sum of its parts. Some days it’s happened since WR took over, but not enough. 
TBH it is a big ask of a manager who has no experience (as a manager). And please don’t say his experience as a footballer is enough because it ain’t.  There’s plenty of great footballers who fail in management 

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11 minutes ago, kevinhectoring said:

And please don’t say his experience as a footballer is enough because it ain’t.

"His experience as a footballer is enough because it ain't …" ?

12 minutes ago, kevinhectoring said:

Make the team exceed the sum of its parts. Some days it’s happened since WR took over, but not enough. 

I think that's a good point for this "time to dig in" thread. He has had some success at getting good team performances at times when some teams would capitulate. 

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14 hours ago, B4ev6is said:

I just wish I could be on the team bus for tomorrow night I get them ready for battle.

I wish you could be too mate. I don't think there's ever been such a lack of connection between players and fans (mainly down to us not being able to attend games)... and a battle cry from a passionate fan might just give them a kick up the a**e!

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