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A message for anyone saying Cocu out.


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7 minutes ago, Tyler Durden said:

Why does everything need to be polarised in life. You can express your dissatisfaction with what's been served up over the past number of games without advocating for Cocu's employ to be terminated.

That's what frustrating. 

This was the same under Pearson. If anyone is arsed to go back there was the same kind of pretending critics said stuff they didn't.

I remember moaning that to defend my criticism I responded to counter arguments that I didn't agree with (such as Pearson's work at Leicester being relevant). You argue against something a few times and then people start saying you're hammering the manager. When in truth it was their praise you were critical of

Soon there were massive exaggerations about what you actually said and people were then arguing against made up opinions. 

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16 minutes ago, Rampage said:

Been watching the highlights of other championship games on Sky today. Most teams look fitter than us. Most teams are enjoying playing games. Most teams are attacking with confidence and easily getting space in the opponent's half. Compare and contrast.

You maybe right but, how can you judge how fit they are based a few minutes from each game? Also by definition, it is the “highlights” so you won’t have seen any of their boring, sideways/backwards passing, unadventurous football etc.

I don’t think you hope to do any sort of compare and contrast without watching the full games or, the least, very extended highlights.

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3 hours ago, Uptherams said:

We are talking about a completely different set of dynamics now. They need a good reason to return. I worry what the club's strategy is. They can't be complacent. 

It won't just be us. All clubs below top 6 will suffer financially from lack of crowds. The economics will change dramatically, viewing of TV games will peak for now but die back when you don't have a personal team to follow.

Sky/BT/Amazon etc will also cut funding due to lack of interest. I foresee the league dropping to maybe 30, mainly city clubs, the small fry will go. It will end up like sport in the states, very restricted numbers in NFL Baseball Hockey.

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3 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

You maybe right but, how can you judge how fit they are based a few minutes from each game? Also by definition, it is the “highlights” so you won’t have seen any of their boring, sideways/backwards passing, unadventurous football etc.

I don’t think you hope to do any sort of compare and contrast without watching the full games or, the least, very extended highlights.

I definitely don't think we're a bad side. In fact considering how we play we are probably one of the leagues better technical sides able to control tempo. 

There are plenty of boring games in this division like that Wycombe opening day shocker. 

I did call Derby boring yesterday but that was frustration. It's more that I find us predictable than boring. With a touch more unpredictability combined with our normal game I think we'd be horrible to play. Just frustrating as anything watching us only break out of our shell in brief spells 

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58 minutes ago, Alpha said:

You know its possible not to be happy with the football on the pitch and yet not him sacked. To think he's done well with academy players and the way he conducts himself. To accept he hasn't had it easy. To think he's close to pulling it all in but frustrated with not doing it.

Like when people just wanted Nigel to be more positive. On the verge of a really good thing but always restricted by his negative tactics especially when winning. 

Whats getting tiresome is people saying somebody has said something (even using quotes) when they haven't. And then arguing with it. 

Who are these 15 to 20 people that make snide remarks across the forum? That want him sacked but for some reason haven't called for it (why wouldn't they?). That make snide remarks across multiple threads? 

I'm not overly impressed with Cocu. 

You call it a rough patch. Thats your opinion. What defines a "patch". You can't assume everyone sees it as a rough patch. Just like you think he's going to put together a good team and we'll turn a corner. Maybe some people don't. Like you think he's been dealt a rough hand. Maybe some people think he's not made the most of what he has?

I'm happy to debate with anyone about certain aspects. But this nonsense of people pretending the majority of critics have said something they haven't is ********. 

I'm interested to know who the 15 - 20 people are. I can think of 3 who don't debate and just make remarks. But to counter balance are those that don't debate and just make remarks about how all Derby fans are big babies making demands. 


I'm not talking about the posters who can acknowledge all that, I'm talking about ones who haven't got a single positive or constructive thing to post at all and never bloody have. Ever. Never have, never will.

Couldn't give a poo if it's 5, 10, 15 people tbh. Even if it's 5 people being excessively negative, cynical, undermining and repetetive they post enough and so relentlessly to  give the impression of a larger number.

I'm not pretending anything, exaggerating maybe, but not pretending. 

You seem hell bent on defending anyone who's critical, whether they're constructive and willing to have proper discussion or not. 

(Joke) Bloody FJWs! (Forum Justice Warriors). Sick of em!

If there wasn't a mass of unjust and extreme criticism I wouldn't need to keep replying to it.

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3 hours ago, BramcoteRam84 said:

We’ve got to beat Blackburn or what? 
Seem to recall we were 19th at Christmas and yet Mel didn’t pull the trigger and we ended up 10th.

Mel is committed to the long term plan under Cocu, that will only change if relegation becomes a distinct possibility or a new owner comes in with different ideas.

Yes there will be more disgruntled fans but there was last season and Mel still held firm. I wasn’t sure he would but he ended up being proven right and i remain confident Cocu will silence any doubters in the long term.

As I said on another thread, what is the point bringing in a new manager working with the same resources and players at his disposal, unless there is doubt as to whether Cocu can do more with this squad, not the time to judge when some of this squad have literally been at Derby for days.

Totally agree, but just just to add >And 4/5 players who would be 1st choices for the team are out...

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39 minutes ago, Alpha said:

That's what frustrating. 

This was the same under Pearson. If anyone is arsed to go back there was the same kind of pretending critics said stuff they didn't.

I remember moaning that to defend my criticism I responded to counter arguments that I didn't agree with (such as Pearson's work at Leicester being relevant). You argue against something a few times and then people start saying you're hammering the manager. When in truth it was their praise you were critical of

Soon there were massive exaggerations about what you actually said and people were then arguing against made up opinions. 

That's precisely the reason why I posted my original response. Very quickly you quite inappropriately get stereotyped with being a Cocu out advocate after you've posted some views which do not fit in with some other posters narrative then you feel obliged to defend perfectly valid comments as some form of justification.

Apart from a couple of isolated posts I've not read any comments calling for Cocu to get sacked. I have however read many comments though with people expressing their dismay at our playing style, current league position and inability to create chances. Big difference.

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9 minutes ago, Coconut said:


I'm not talking about the posters who can acknowledge all that, I'm talking about ones who haven't got a single positive or constructive thing to post at all and never bloody have. Ever. Never have, never will.

Couldn't give a poo if it's 5, 10, 15 people tbh. Even if it's 5 people being excessively negative, cynical, undermining and repetetive they post enough and so relentlessly to  give the impression of a larger number.

I'm not pretending anything, exaggerating maybe, bit not pretending. 

Haven't you heard of Yin and Yang or balance? For every poster who writes something "excessively negative" there will be a poster who writes something with toxic positivity. 

Have you ever considered that there are people who equally might get fed up of reading continuous ridiculously optimistic posts on here, it seems very narrow minded just to single out one end of the spectrum. 

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I can’t see anything but a Jim Smith 1995/96 season . We have excellent technical players and it’s just a matter of time before we chance on the right combination for it all to fall into place.

A gradual improvement, game by game, a bit of confidence, bit of luck and we’ll be flying.

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45 minutes ago, Coconut said:


I'm not talking about the posters who can acknowledge all that, I'm talking about ones who haven't got a single positive or constructive thing to post at all and never bloody have. Ever. Never have, never will.

Couldn't give a poo if it's 5, 10, 15 people tbh. Even if it's 5 people being excessively negative, cynical, undermining and repetetive they post enough and so relentlessly to  give the impression of a larger number.

I'm not pretending anything, exaggerating maybe, but not pretending. 

You seem hell bent on defending anyone who's critical, whether they're constructive and willing to have proper discussion or not. 

(Joke) Bloody FJWs! (Forum Justice Warriors). Sick of em!

If there wasn't a mass of unjust and extreme criticism I wouldn't need to keep replying to it.

I'm not sure what to say to that.

I'm not sure what group I belong to. I don't defend other people its just when a post is aimed in the general direction of anyone who is critical of Cocu I'm never sure if that includes me or not. 

It's quite heated on here lately and it's hard to tell who's getting lumped in with what group or how a post may be taken. 

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12 minutes ago, Alpha said:

I'm not sure what to say to that.

I'm not sure what group I belong to. I don't defend other people its just when a post is aimed in the general direction of anyone who is critical of Cocu I'm never sure if that includes me or not. 

It's quite heated on here lately and it's hard to tell who's getting lumped in with what group or how a post may be taken. 

Nah, you're not part of any group I'd be ranting at, believe me.

Maybe individually if I get frustrated when one of your trademark ten minute tirades seems to only be focussed on the negatives, but that's not a grudge or feeling that lasts for longer than 5 minutes after I've hit reply.

You're part of th  non-reactionary, raises perfectly valid and balanced points and argues them well  brigade ? 

It's easy to get tetchy now and again, but it's soon forgotten about and I'd be back liking your posts in no time. Same goes for the majority of posters.


...except those who constantly post negative opinions with no balance, critical though process and just repeat the same 2 lines about how being poo, and he manager negative even after we've put in a good, positive performance full of attacking intent!

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2 hours ago, Rampage said:

Been watching the highlights of other championship games on Sky today. Most teams look fitter than us. Most teams are enjoying playing games. Most teams are attacking with confidence and easily getting space in the opponent's half. Compare and contrast.

Said when Lowe left and made his comments that this season is such an unknown regarding how to approach it fitness wise. Many of these teams who are very energetic might begin to lag sooner than they would in a typical season. 

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1 hour ago, Coconut said:

Nah, you're not part of any group I'd be ranting at, believe me.

Maybe individually if I get frustrated when one of your trademark ten minute tirades seems to only be focussed on the negatives, but that's not a grudge or feeling that lasts for longer than 5 minutes after I've hit reply.

You're part of th  non-reactionary, raises perfectly valid and balanced points and argues them well  brigade ? 

It's easy to get tetchy now and again, but it's soon forgotten about and I'd be back liking your posts in no time. Same goes for the majority of posters.


...except those who constantly post negative opinions with no balance, critical though process and just repeat the same 2 lines about how being poo, and he manager negative even after we've put in a good, positive performance full of attacking intent!

Ah, sound! 

I think I have been a bit ott lately in making my point tbh. I did think, am I going on too much in too many threads. I tried to delete one but it was too late ?

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3 hours ago, Tamworthram said:

You maybe right but, how can you judge how fit they are based a few minutes from each game? Also by definition, it is the “highlights” so you won’t have seen any of their boring, sideways/backwards passing, unadventurous football etc.

I don’t think you hope to do any sort of compare and contrast without watching the full games or, the least, very extended highlights.

The pre season has been too short for all the teams in this league. Some are carrying knocks, some are not playing regularly. Kenny Dagliesh once said that he played about four games a season when he felt he was 100 percent fit. Exactly as you say, just an impression from a few minutes watching. We were much more fluid in this game and With a couple of good signings we will probably look like the side we were before the enforced break. We will finish in the top six this season in my opinion. Teams that finished well last season have generally got more momentum. We had the hardest run in with injuries and suspensions. There appears to be a carry over but nobody really knows. We have lost two games. The teams that beat us are in the top two. They got off to a flier but ten games in we will have a better idea. COYR.

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1 hour ago, Uptherams said:

Said when Lowe left and made his comments that this season is such an unknown regarding how to approach it fitness wise. Many of these teams who are very energetic might begin to lag sooner than they would in a typical season. 

No team has had a proper preseason so bound to be affecting some players more than others.

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3 hours ago, Tamworthram said:

You maybe right but, how can you judge how fit they are based a few minutes from each game? Also by definition, it is the “highlights” so you won’t have seen any of their boring, sideways/backwards passing, unadventurous football etc.

I don’t think you hope to do any sort of compare and contrast without watching the full games or, the least, very extended highlights.

Was comparing highlights with highlights as nothing better to do. Coventry seemed to be giving it everything then a bit as they are enjoying their promotion. Could carry them through or fizzle out. Nobody really knows how it will work out. We have talented players and a good squad who have not been playing together for two to three seasons like some teams. Understanding comes from playing lots of games together in a settled side. Cocu knows what he is doing and is about three good signings from a well balanced, talented side.

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6 hours ago, BramcoteRam84 said:

Forest dont have a plan either. Lots of short term signings and wages chasing the dream. It’s got to work otherwise they’ll be in the poo like we have been, only they don’t have a ground to sell to get out of it. Fact Sabri said himself they really need a good start to the season because of how last year ended tells you all you need to know. Wouldn’t be surprised if Maranakis pulls the trigger - would be a daft move imo.

Cocu is nowhere near under the same sort of pressure

Forest have a carry on from a disappointing end to last season.

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4 hours ago, Alpha said:

That's what frustrating. 

This was the same under Pearson. If anyone is arsed to go back there was the same kind of pretending critics said stuff they didn't.

I remember moaning that to defend my criticism I responded to counter arguments that I didn't agree with (such as Pearson's work at Leicester being relevant). You argue against something a few times and then people start saying you're hammering the manager. When in truth it was their praise you were critical of

Soon there were massive exaggerations about what you actually said and people were then arguing against made up opinions. 

Those were the days.

I’d have genuinely sacked him after Benfica in pre-season hahahahaha 

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It’s amazing how forums  like this reflect society in its current state and I agree with the comments about polarised views etc.. Reading, digesting, supporting and opposing views are all part of the enjoyment of being on here but I really struggle when the discussions go down the route of people saying what you shouldn’t be thinking, saying or posting the things you think or want to say.
I’m Cocu in but have mix of things I like, don't like and would like to see more of. I want to be able to question, debate and support that whilst not making other fans feel like I’m with a group of people with an agenda against the club, managers or players. I hope Uber Cocu in fans and Cocu out fans want the same thing and accept that of each other.

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